wednesday,july 3, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

wednesday,july 3, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

wednesday,july 3, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

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7 Wednesday, July 3, <strong>2013</strong>The <strong>County</strong> <strong>Times</strong>By Alex PanosStaff WriterNew Area ExtensionDirector HiredThe University of <strong>Maryland</strong>Extension has announced ChrisSeubert as the new Area ExtensionDirector of <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong>,replacing Ben Beale as St. Mary’s<strong>County</strong>’s extension director.A resident of <strong>Maryland</strong> thelast 25 years, Seubert grew up on arural farm in Ohio and possesses aDoctorate in Agronomy from PurdueUniversity.Seubert worked in internationalagriculture and natural resourcemanagement, and worked in morethan twenty countries in Africa,Asia and Latin America – focusingon food security and increasing agriculturalproduction.He served as Director of CommunityBuilding for the UnitedWay of Central <strong>Maryland</strong> for sevenyears, and spent many years innon-profit employment, focusingon human services areas such ashomelessness, food security, youthdevelopment, health and nutrition.“I really like that kind of publicservice work,” Seubert said,adding he has a number of diverseexperiences that will help him inhis new role.Seubert was in St. Mary’s<strong>County</strong> offices for the first time onTuesday, though he has visited thecounty a number of times, gettingacquainted with local officials.The next step, he says, is to introducehimself to the public – he’sexcited the most about serving asmany people as possible in the tricountyarea.He expects much onthe-jobtraining in the comingdays.“[Seubert] will beworking to bring additionalresources and programmingto the tri-countyarea, while collaboratingwithother agenciesto insure bestChris Seubertuse of available resources,” DanKugler, University of <strong>Maryland</strong> AssociateDean, stated in a letter to theSt. Mary’s <strong>County</strong> commissioners.Beale will now dedicate histime to University of <strong>Maryland</strong>Extension agriculture and naturalresources programming.According to Kugler, the moveto replace each county’s extensiondirector with one Area ExtensionDirector was made to make betteruse of financial resources.alexpanos@countytimes.netCOUNTYNEWSState Finds MoreOrdnance atNewtowne NeckBy Guy LeonardStaff WriterAfter more than a year of being closed down the state parkat Newtowne Neck may be one step closer to reopening afterthe fire marshal’s underwater bomb disposal teams swept thearea last week and found 24 World War II era projectiles anddisarmed them.“Discussions continue regarding additional periodicsweeps operations, particularly after future storm eventswhich may unearth additional projectiles,” a fire marshal’spress release stated.The park will remain closed, fire marshals stated, until thestate can analyze in greater detail the findings of a U.S. ArmyCorp of Engineers report about the area and the ordnance haulof this latest sweep.“Public safety will be paramount in any decision to reopenNewtowne Neck State Park to the public,” said Nita Settina,<strong>Maryland</strong> Park Service superintendent. “We will continueto work with the corps and the state fire marshal’s bomb squadto develop educational materials and response protocols to addressthe very real possibility that these materials will continueto be discovered at Newtown Neck.”The <strong>County</strong> <strong>Times</strong> reported last month that the sweepwould take place after the corps found that the site was usedto test electrical components for anti-aircraft proximity fusesused against Axis planes in World War II.But since the site was not used for actual explosives testing,corps officials stated, the site was not eligible for federalfunding as a former munitions storage site.guyleonard@countytimes.netThree generaTions of collecTiveknowledge and experience converge righT here.Taylor Gas Company offers full service installationand repair for a breadth of propane related systems.We provide 24 hour emergency service anddeliveries to the <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong> area.Combining extensive training with 63 years ofon-the-job experience to give you the best serviceavailable. We also carry an extensive partsinventory for all of your propane needs.Feel free to contact us, to answer any questionsregarding our services and keep us in mind for yournext project, repair work, or seasonal check-up.Taylor Gas Company, Inc. iscommited to proudly serving<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong>’s propane needs.Taylor Gas Company, Inc21541 Great Mills RoadLexington Park, MD 20653(301) 862-1000 or 1-855-764-(4GAS) 4427

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