wednesday,july 3, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

wednesday,july 3, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

wednesday,july 3, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

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The <strong>County</strong> <strong>Times</strong>Wednesday, July 3, <strong>2013</strong> 32Wednesday, July 3• YogaJay Lane Healing Center, Hollywood 1p.m.This unique class combines yogaand playful movements while strengtheningthe bond between you and yourbaby. Experience yoga postures, flowingyoga postures and relaxation time in aplayful and safe environment for babies.• Independence Day CelebrationConcertSotterley Plantation, 1 to 4 p.m.Independence Day CelebrationConcert Waterfront at Sotterley. Bringyour lawn chair or blanket and enjoy anafternoon of music, children’s activities,silent auctions and a brown bag raffle atour beautiful Riverside Pavilion! FeaturingThe Chesapeake Orchestra BrassQuintet led by Maestro Jeffrey Silberschlagof St. Mary’s College of <strong>Maryland</strong>.Bring your picnic lunch or purchasefrom great local vendors that willbe onsite. Beer and wine will also beavailable for purchase. Admission: $10per car. FREE for Members of Sotterleyand active, reserve, and retired militarymembers.Thursday, July 4• American Legion Auxiliary Unit 221Meeting21690 Colton Point Rd., Avenue, 6 p.m.American Legion Auxiliary Unit221 invites all spouses of veterans whoserved in the United States Armed Forcesduring the listed war eras to join usfor our monthly meeting. The July meetingwill be joined with the Post meetingfor installation of officers (not the firstTuesday this month). Visit the Post websiteat www.alpost221.webs.com. CallChristina Barbour at 301-904-5876 formore information.• Fourth of July Watermelon BashLa Plata Town Hall, 11 a.m.Celebrate the 4th of July at TownHall. Join us for hot dogs, games, wetfun, and plenty of watermelon. For moreinformation visit www.townoflaplata.org.Friday, July 5• Free Breakfast of CommunityChildrenLexington Park United MethodistChurch, 9 a.m.Free breakfast of cereal, milk andfruit cups for community children willbe served from 9:00 to 10:30 everyFriday through August 9. Guardiansare welcomed to eat also for a $1.00donation.• Book SigningFenwick Street Used Books & Music,41655A Fenwick St., Leonardtown. 5p.m. to 7 p.m.First Friday, Alex Aanderud willbe signing copies of the book Masteringthe Art of Success, as he is one of theauthors.• Summer ConcertLa Plata Town Hall, 7 p.m.Join us for the Friday night SummerConcert Series. The weekly concertstake place from 7 pm to 9 pm onthe lawn at La Plata Town Hall at 305Queen Anne Street. Concert goers areencouraged to bring blankets and lawnchairs for sitting. Coolers are allowed,but no alcohol, please. Concessions areavailable from the Town’s food trailerlocated near the back of the parking lot,an ice cream truck is also stationed therefor your enjoyment. A play area for children,the Kids’ Zone, allows parents toenjoy the concert while keeping an eyeon the little ones.Friday July 5th: 7 p.m.Sara GrayBandTop 40 Country/Classic RockSaturday, July 6• Household hazardous wastecollectionCharles <strong>County</strong> Department of PublicWorks building, 10430 Audie Lane, offof Radio Station Road, La Plata. 9 a.m.to 3 p.m.Items accepted free of charge includepesticides, herbicides, fertilizer,gasoline, oil-based paint, cleaning supplies,pool chemicals, batteries, expiredprescription drugs, fluorescent lightbulbs, mercury thermometers, and otherpoisons found in the home. Mark anycontainer that does not have a readable,original label. Call 301-932-3599.• TEST YOUR IQ* (imagination quotient)at Leonardtown Arts CenterLeonardtown Arts Center, 22660Washington Street, 2nd floor, Leonardtown.301-475-5775. 10 a.m.to 3 p.m. (one hour lunch break)This workshop (taught by artist IngridUnset) is a 4 hour class of fun tests, andhands-on writing, drawing, sculpting,printing, etc. which challenges one’spowers of observation.• River Concert Series on Location inthe Leonardtown Square41660 Courthouse Drive, P.O. Box 1,LeonardtownJoin the members of the ChesapeakeOrchestra for a relaxing and invigoratingmix of instrumental numbers.Bring a blanket or chair to sit on,or reserve an outdoor table at one of thelocal restaurants. Concert is FREE andstarts at 7 p.m. Call 301-475-9791 formore information.• St. Peter’s Car Show and Blessing ofthe Cars3310 St. Peter’s Drive, Waldorf, 8 a.m.3rd Annual Car Show and Blessingof the Cars at St. Peter’s Church inWaldorf.Blessing of the cars by MonsignorParent and carnival games for the kids.Something for everyone set in the beautifulSt. Peter’s setting. Parking will be onasphalt and the games will be on the soccerfields. Dash plaques for the first 100cars entered and numerous trophies. Allcars, all years are welcome. All proceedsto directly to support the school. Clickhere for registration forms www.stpetersschoolwaldorf.org/car_show0.aspx.Sunday, July 7• Mighty Dragonfly10201 Bee Oak Road, Brandywine, 11a.m.-noonCedarville State Forest will holda Mighty Dragonfly program July 7at the park. Cost is $3 per car. Call301-888-1377.• Cat Adoption Center OpenCallaway Village Shopping Center, Callaway,11 a.m.The Cat Castle is located at 208452B Callaway Village Drive at the CallawayVillage Shopping Center behind theA&W, it is close to All Kinds VeterinaryHospital. Our cats are in enclosures soyou can actually interact with them.Children are welcome with parents. TheCat Castle is open every Saturday andSunday 11am-3pm. Please stop by andsay hello and hopefully pick out a familymember. Spring is bringing us a lotof new cats and kittens. Check us out onwww.smawl.org.• Wildcats Free Football Clinic andRegistrationLeonardtown Hall Recreation Center,Leonardtown, 3 p.m.Come out and join us for our freefootball clinic.This is our 2nd year offering ourFREE football clinics. These are noncontactfootball drills that allow participantsto learn basic football fundamentals.Clinics will be held on Sundays beginningMay 5th and continuing on May19, June 9, June 23, July 7, and July 21.Clinics last two hours (3-5pm) and willbe held on the field next to the LeonardHall Recreation Center in Leonardtown,<strong>Maryland</strong>.Registration will also be available.The Wildcats are not your normalyouth sports club. We believe that thereis more to life than sports. We believethat strong community involvementwill better both the Wildcat Family, andall the wonderful people of <strong>Southern</strong><strong>Maryland</strong>.Any Questions feel free to ContactRebecca @ 240-216-2195or byemail abbyjp08@yahoo.comMonday, July 8• Summer Training Camp109 A Post Office Road, Waldorf, 9 a.m.to 3 p.mChin Hamaya Culture Center willhold summer training camp for kids,5-17 July 8-Aug. 23 at the center. Cost is$95 for the week. Before and after campcare available 6-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. for$1 an hour. For more information, call301-653-4758.• Rabies ClinicSt. Mary’s <strong>County</strong> Fairgrounds, 6 p.m.St. Mary’s Animal WelfareLeague’s Rabies Clinic will be held the2nd Monday of each month (March -November) at the St. Mary’s <strong>County</strong>Fairgrounds from 6-8PM.The July clinic will be held onMonday, July 8, <strong>2013</strong> from 6-8PM.All leashed pets, or pets in carriers,are welcomed.Vaccinations are $10 each. Withproof of current vaccination, shots willbe good for 3 years. Without proof ofcurrent vaccination, shots will be goodfor 1 year.For anxious pets, please have oneperson hold the pet outside, and one personcome in to register and wait in line.When it’s your turn, the vet will comeoutside to vaccinate your pet.Most pet owners arrive from 5:30 to7 p.m., so if possible, to decrease normalwait times, please visit the clinicbetween 7 to 7:30 p.m.For more information, visit www.smawl.org.• Children’s ProfessionalPerformancesSt. Mary’s <strong>County</strong> Libraries, 10 a.m.Mr. Jon and Friends will perform afun, silly and a dancing good time showwith music and puppets. All ages. Free.Please bring a non-perishable food itemfor the local food pantry. Made possibleby grant from St. Mary’s <strong>County</strong> ArtsCouncil and matching funds from Boardof Library Trustees.Tuesday, July 9• ChautauquaCollege of <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong>, La Platacampus, 8730 Mitchell Road 6:46 p.m.July 9-11College of <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong> willhold Chautauqua. Rachel Carson, motherof the environmental movement willbe featured July 9; aviator Amelia Earhartwill be featured July 10; and baseballplayer Jackie Robinson will be featuredJuly 11. Bring a picnic with a lawnchair or blanket. Call 301-934-7703.• No Limit Cash Game Bad BeatJackpot24930 Old Three Notch Rd. Hollywood,7:30 p.m.No limit cash game. The Bad BeatJackpot has over $600 right now. $1- $2 BlindsDealer provided. Nightlyhigh hand every two hours All food anddrink are freeBenefits Special Olympics and theCenter for Life. All proceeds stay in thiscounty and help the physically and mentallychallenged. Ask about volunteeringbecause we have year round sports.For information, call Jim Bucci Sr. at240-298-9616 or 301-373-6104.To submit your eventlisting to go in ourCommunity Calendar,please email news@countytimes.net with thelisting details by 12 p.m.on the Tuesday prior toour Thursday publication.

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