wednesday,july 3, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

wednesday,july 3, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

wednesday,july 3, 2013 - County Times - Southern Maryland Online

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Crime &PunishmentBy Guy LeonardStaff Writer<strong>County</strong> prosecutors have indicted a Lexington Parkman on charges of first-degree burglary and first-andsecond-degreeassault charges after he allegedly pointeda gun at his girlfriend’s family back in February.According to charging documents filed againstJames Brian Sheehan, 26, he came to the home of hisgirlfriend and told her mother, Michelle Otelia Savoythat he was angry her daughter was not spending Valentine’sDay with him.He demanded the daughter, Shanita Vinetta Marshall,come speak with him, charging documents stated.Marshall refused and asked her mother to tell Sheehanto leave; he complied but returned shortly thereafterThe <strong>County</strong> <strong>Times</strong>Man Charged inValentine’s Day Gun Assaultand began violently banging on the door.When Savoy opened the door to tell Sheehan toleave he forced his way in, court papers alleged, pushingSavoy aside.Sheehan then ran at Marshall and started pushingher, demanding she come back to Sheehan’s residencewith him, court papers stated.Sheehan continued his alleged assault, police stated,by pushing Marshall to the floor and getting on topof her and began choking her.Savoy then grabbed a large ceramic vase andsmashed it over Sheehan’s head.Sheehan then staggered to his feet and pulled alarge handgun from his waistband, charging documentsalleged, then spun around the room pointing it at nineothers in the room.Wednesday, July 3, <strong>2013</strong> 16Sheehan then ran out of the house but before he leftthe scene he is alleged to have fired a single shot intothe air.Sheehan also faces charges for being a convictedfelon in possession of a handgun; previously he hadpleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact in the2011 Antonio Nathanial Pollard murder case.In that case Andrew Carter was convicted and sentencedto 30 years in prison for Pollard’s shooting murder;Sheehan pleaded guilty to disposing of the gun forPollard.guyleonard@countytimes.netSuitland Man Indicted in Carjacking CaseBy Guy LeonardStaff WriterProsecutors here have charged a manin county Circuit Court with robbing hisown mother of her car back in April.Kevin Terrell Gray, 31, of Suitland,now faces a single count of robbery in thelatest indictment but was originally chargedwith second-degree assault, robbery, unlawfultaking of a vehicle and carjacking.Court papers show that on April 23Gray was with his mother Janet Briscoeat an Orchid Lane residence in LexingtonPhilip H. Dorsey IIIAttorney at LawPark; Gray wanted to leave but his motherwas not ready and he allegedly grabbed thekeys from his mother and took the vehiclewithout her permission.“Gray, having no driver’s license leftin the vehicle abandoning Briscoe,” sheriff’sCpl. Deborah Milam wrote in chargingdocuments.Briscoe then got a ride to a conveniencestore in Charlotte Hall and told Milamthere about the alleged incident.The actual owner of the vehicle, DonaldMelvin Davis, Jr, Briscoe’s boyfriend,told police he had never given permissionto Gray to take his vehicle, Milam wrote incourt papers.The vehicle Gray was alleged to havetaken was a Corvette valued at $30,000.Gray later arrived at a family home inCharles <strong>County</strong> where family members approachedhim but witnesses say he pickedup a bat and held it in a threatening manner,telling them to let him go, court papersstated.A lookout for the vehicle resulted inPrince George’s <strong>County</strong> police finding theCorvette abandoned several blocks awayfrom the defendant’s home in Suitland onFrank Street, police said.A Town of Morningside police officerfound Gray walking along the roadside inSuitland and drove Gray to the county line.Milam wrote she recovered the keysto the stolen Corvette in Gray’s left frontjacket pocket; Gray denied taking or drivingthe vehicle.guyleonard@countytimes.net- SERIOUS ACCIDENT, INJURY -• Personal Injury• Wrongful Death• Auto/Truck Crashes• Pharmacy & Drug Injuries• Workers’ Compensation• Medical MalpracticeLEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493EMAIL: phild@dorseylaw.netwww.dorseylaw.netDefendant FacingDrug Trial This MonthBy Guy LeonardStaff WriterA man indicted back in Februaryfaces trial this month for allegedly tryingto sell crack cocaine while the deal wasclose to Leonardtown High School.Vincent Cornelius Gordon facescharges of possessing and distributingcrack cocaine late last year after he wasidentified during a narcotics sting.A confidential informant workedwith narcotics detectives to make the buyin the parking lot of the Fast Stop conveniencestore on Point Lookout Roadin Leonardtown Dec. 5, where police reportsshow that $50 worth of crack cocainewas purchased by the informantfrom a dealer narcotics officers identifiedas Gordon through video and audiosurveillance.The person selling the narcoticsidentified themselves as “Kat,” whichnarcotics officers said was an alias forGordon.Officers took the narcotics awayfrom the deal site and tested it, police reportsstated, finding that it was authentic.The video surveillance “clearlyshows the suspect’s face,” according topolice reports of the transaction and thetelephone conversation used to set upthe buy showed that Gordon told the informantto meet him at the conveniencestore to sell the drugs in a school zone,police wrote in their reports.guyleonard@countytimes.net

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