Ohio EPA Update - Ohiowater.org

Ohio EPA Update - Ohiowater.org Ohio EPA Update - Ohiowater.org

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July 31, 2013Susan SchellManager, ELO

Technical, Financial,Managerial Capability• Knowledgeable Operators• Informed Decision Makers• Capacity Development• Technical• Financial• Managerial

Financial and Managerial TrainingClassroom and Free On-line Training• Utility Management for Local Officials• Financial Management for Local Officialshttp://oepa.360water.comClassroom• Asset Management Budgetingand Rate Setting• Applied Asset Managementusing CUPSS

2014 Project Management Plan• New Loan Year July 1, 2013• Training requirement – continued from 2013• CAP screening tool• Incentivizing Regionalization• General Plans required with 2015 nominations

Needs Survey Results• Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey andAssessment (Fifth Report to Congress)• National 20 year need $384.2 billion• $247.5 billion for distribution (64.4%)• <strong>Ohio</strong> had full participation• Overall State need determined $12.2 billion• $8.1 billion for distribution• <strong>Ohio</strong> demonstrated decrease in need• Large systems showed an increase of need• Medium systems showed a decrease of need

Technical Capability• Addressing pws without operators• NOVs and settlement agreements with a penalty• Addressing Monitoring and Reporting violations• Consequences in addition to the reminders

Revised Total Coliform Rule• Effective April 1, 2016• <strong>Ohio</strong> beginning to draft rule• Removes monthly MCL• Adds a find and fix approach• Level 1 and 2 triggers• Triggers and violations can increaseNCWS monitoring

Other Distribution Issues• Stage 2 Disinfection By-Products – 3 rd qtr OELs• Lead-free: FAQs posted• http://water.epa.gov/drink/info/lead/index.cfm• Backflow Rule and Manual Revisions• Filed soon• Revisions based on stakeholder input• Reminder: Report disruptions in service• Follow rule, standards and guidelines for putting tanksand lines in service

Surface Water Systems• Three training workshops through Texas A&MEngineering Extension Office• Free• 5 – 6 Contact Hours• Topics: SDWA, surface water production, disinfection,CT calculation• http://teex.<strong>org</strong>/safewaterCOURSE NO. DATE LOCATION REGISTERWWW600-58 July 30, 2013 Kent RegisterWWW605-3 July 31, 2013 Cambridge RegisterWWW600-42 August 1, 2013 Hillsboro Register

Lima (Williams Reservoir) Nov. 2012Red BloomsPlanktothrix rubescens• For the first time, we saw a late season, redcoloredPlanktothrix bloom on a public watersystem reservoir• Planktothrix rubescens can produce taste andodor compounds. But, unlike other cyanobacteriablooms, these blooms can exist at significantdepth (15m) during the primary growing season.• This bloom was not visually apparent at thesurface until November and had microcystinconcentrations up to 1400 µg/L! (The drinkingwater threshold is 1 µg/L). Thankfully, thereservoir was offline, so the bloom did not pose ahuman health risk.

Dillon Lake - July 2012Red BloomsEuglena sanguinea• We also saw Euglena sanguinea for the first time in <strong>Ohio</strong>• While these algae are not cyanobacteria, they can produce atoxin called euglenophycin which has a chemical structuresimilar to fire ant venom and may pose human health concerns.• <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>EPA</strong> will begin testing for this toxin in 2013 if new Euglenablooms are observed

Contact Us• If you see red (or blue, or green) on your water source orhave a summer taste and odor event please notify <strong>Ohio</strong><strong>EPA</strong> at (614) 644-2752.• If the bloom has the potential to impact drinking waterquality, <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>EPA</strong> will sample for toxins at no cost to thewater supply.

Well Standards Revisions• Chapter 3745-9• Rule consolidation and streamlining• Clarifying variances• Evaluating definitions• Coordinating with private well rules• Clarifying non-potable well requirements• Well Testing• Plan approval process• Considering requirement for registered well drillers

Other Rule Revisions• PWS Definition/Source Designation – original file soon• Surface Water Treatment Rules – minor revisionsoriginalfile this month• Backflow/Self-certification/CCR definition – file afterresolve backflow comments• LTO revisions – Interested Party Review Fall 2013• Plan approval exemption for some treatments/10 Statesand Small System rule by reference update – InterestedParty Review – late 2013• See DDAGW’s rule plan for more information

Federal Rules• Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)• U.S. <strong>EPA</strong>’s Periodic Retrospective Reviewcompleted in December 2012.Memo:• Electronic Delivery of the CCRhttp://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/ccr/regulations.cfm

Laboratory Compliance• Assessing reporting compliance for laboratories• May 28, 2013 informational letter to laboratories• Will begin issuing routine Notices of Violation tolaboratories for reporting violations• May result in further enforcement

Electronic ReportingRequirement to submit monthly operationalreport (MOR) to <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>EPA</strong> using eDWR by thefollowing dates:Population ServedLatest Date to Begin3,301 or more July 1, 2012501 - 3,300 July 1, 2013500 or fewer July 1, 2014Contact Brian Tarver with questions (614) 644-2752http://www.epa.ohio.gov/ddagw

Operator Certification• Renewals coming out soon• 2013 Exam dates/deadlinesWaterWastewaterApplication 8/9/13 8/8/13Exam 11/7/13 11/6/13• Awaiting application of a testing provider

Sites with ground water and drinkingwater impacted by salt, 2009-2011Convey-It(Clark Co.)Camden(Preble Co.)Miller-Valentine/Brickman Group(Montgomery Co.)Franklin Yards(Warren Co.)Ross CountyEngineerChardon Township(Geauga Co.)Buckeye Landscape(Franklin Co.)City of Athens(Athens Co.)Wellfield Lost – CamdenPublic Wells ContaminatedAthens, Ross Co. EngineerContamination In SWAP AreaBuckeye LandscapeContamination OutsideSWAP Area –Convey It, Franklin YardsPrivate Wells ContaminatedMiller Valentine,Chardon Twp.,Buckeye Landscape

Contamination from Salt Storage

<strong>Ohio</strong> Guidance for Salt StorageFacilitiesCommissioned by <strong>Ohio</strong>Water Resources Councilin 2012, to help prevent thecontamination of groundwater and surface waters.http://www.epa.ohio.gov/ddagw

Technology OpensNew Oil & Gas Reserves23

Information on Shale Developmenthttp://epa.ohio.gov/MarcellusandUticaShale.aspx• Guidance on sources of water for fracking• Guidance on establishing “labor camps”• Pre-Drilling Well Samplinghttp://ohiodnr.com/tabid/23415/default.aspx

Selling Water?• Considerations for Public Water SystemsPrior to Providing Raw or Treated Water to Oiland Natural Gas Companies• Fact sheet summarizes some of the issues toconsider prior to providing raw or finished water toO&G companies, including capacity, registrationand permit requirements, engineering, emergencypreparedness and securityhttp://epa.ohio.gov/MarcellusandUticaShale.aspx

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