Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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91child I saw on this evening. So natural and human is this picture that I must confess I thought,when first it was lent to me in England, it was a fraud. Having seen the materialised form, I nolonger have any doubt as to its genuineness. Kitty must now be, speaking in earthly terms, twentyor twenty-one years of age ; but she appears as a little girl of, say, thirteen, with short frock,stockings down at heel, and no shoes. Is it possible that she is allowed to manifest constantly at theage at which she died to prove the fidelity of these mediums ?.Grayfeather took the medium into the cabinet after Cleopatra had shown herself. While Iwas talking to Iola, Jonson stood up. I touched him with my left arm while I was facing the spirit.<strong>The</strong> light was sufficient to read a white-faced watch, except during the appearance ofAbdulle. <strong>The</strong> weather conditions were bad. Snow was falling, and melted as it fell ; it was dampand miserable. I was much impressed with the evidence of spirit power shown on this afternoon.<strong>The</strong> atmospheric conditions were detestable ; there was only one sitter ; only three human beings inthe room ; and yet evidence was produced of such a kind that its genuineness was indisputable. Itcorroborated the evidence of the first materialisation séance, when there were five sitters, and itwas not far inferior to that sitting in richness of phenomena.(62) On January 30, 1909, 2 to 3 p.m., I sat with Mrs. Jonson in the cabinet. Jonson askedme if he might also sit. He has never seen one of his wife’s séances, and would like to do so ; but ifI had the slightest objection to investigating under such conditions he would rather not be there. Iassented willingly. Directly we sat down he was entranced by Grayfeather, and remained intrance all the sitting, so the object of his coming was frustrated ; but his presence probably gaveadditional strength to the manifestations.Viola came first, and talked without the aid of the trumpet. After this a brilliantlyilluminated robe or shawl rose slowly from the floor. Grayfeather made Jonson put both hishands into mine while this manifestation was in progress ; Mrs. Jonson also joined her hands withours. It was evident that neither Jonson nor his wife had anything to do with it. <strong>The</strong> robe, orshawl, was covered with flowers worked into it—roses, lilies, and I think lotuses and narcissi. Itwas over two feet from me, and I was unable to make out the design accurately. After remainingsuspended in the air a minute or two it descended into the floor. I do not know what was thesignificance of this phenomenon. Tim, one of the habitués of the cabinet, who came to speak later,said he thought it was an effort on the part of Cleopatra to show part of a dress she had worn inearth-life.Iola came strong, using the trumpet. We had a chat about the pictures precipitated at theBangs Sisters, Chicago (see Chapter VII.). She said the head is represented in the pictures as it isnow, but the dress is only to assist in identification. Before leaving she told me “we shall get onmuch better now your doubt is gone.”Both Iola and Cleopatra assured me two or three times that the pictures would be all right.It seemed to me extremely improbable that they would arrive at their destination in Englandunhurt. As a matter of fact, however, they did ; the frames of two were damaged and three glasseswere broken, but not one of the six pictures sustained the smallest injury. During this sitting Iolaassured me that she had put an inscription on one of the pictures then on its way to England. Thisalso was true, as I found when I arrived at Southsea two months later. <strong>The</strong>re was not a sign ofwriting on this portrait when I left it at Chicago.Cleopatra spoke with the assistance of the trumpet, and Hypatia without it. <strong>The</strong> latterasked me to tell Mr. Hodges that I had seen her materialise. Viola came a second time, and said :“<strong>The</strong>re were two people here trying to speak at the same time. I told them it was rude.”Kitty spoke strongly and plainly. I said : “How do you like it over there Kitty ?”A.: “I am as happy as the day is long.”Q.: “Do you go to school ?”A.: “Yes.”Q.: “Who is your teacher ?”A.: “Her name is Angelina. She is very, very pretty. We learn all that is learnt here and alot besides.”Q.: “Have you your father and mother with you ?”

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