Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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85of which showed beyond the right side of the cabinet, played several times ; the starting-levercould not have been reached by the disengaged hand of the medium.I threw my handkerchief into the cabinet, between Mr. Z. and Mrs. M. In a few seconds itwas thrown out to me, with hard knots in three of the corners. This also happened to Mrs. Z.Mrs. Jonson was sitting by my side all the time, and had no part in the performance ; Jonson was inpartial trance.About an hour after we had sat down, this part of the séance came to an end ; the lights werelit, and the windows opened for ten minutes to let in some air to revive Jonson, who was somewhatdistressed. We then formed a circle in the middle of the room, with a trumpet in the centre.Jonson became fully controlled by “Greyfeather,” an Indian, who spoke in a different voice fromthat of the medium. Vibrations were maintained by a small musical-box under the control of Mrs.Jonson. During the sitting this box was carried round over the heads of all the sitters, playingmeanwhile a definite tune. We sat now in darkness ; we did not touch hands.Whispers were heard talking through the trumpet to the different sitters. One spirit cameto me, but I was not sure of the identity. After a conversation had been going on for a minute or aminute and a-half with a sitter, the trumpet would be dropped on the floor ; by the sound, I shouldjudge it fell several times four or five feet. One spirit known as “Kitty” spoke in the direct voice,without the assistance of the trumpet.<strong>The</strong> last manifestation was that of a spirit who had been in life a locomotive engineer, andwho was drowned in Lake Superior. He spoke clearly through the trumpet, and announced hisarrival and departure by making noises through it indicative of the first starting of an engine : Puff,puff—puff, puff, puff—and so on. When he left, the spirit imitated, not only the starting, but thesounds of an engine gathering speed and eventually disappearing in the distance. It was veryeffective.Considering the atmospheric conditions, and that there was one perfect stranger in the circle(myself), I thought the display of spirit power on this evening was very successful.I will now proceed to describe other séances at which I attended when the Jonsons were themediums. <strong>The</strong>y were all held in the room described above.January 6, 1909. Atmospheric conditions very good. <strong>The</strong> temperature of the air wasabout 10°, and it was dry and clear ; time, 2 to 4 p.m. <strong>The</strong> sitters were the same as on the previousoccasion, with another relative of Mr. Z. added (whom I will here call Mrs. J.), making a circle ofthree ladies and two men, all experienced investigators.Mr. Z. and I examined the cabinet ; then we took our seats about four feet in front of it.<strong>The</strong> room was darkened for four or five minutes, during which time a spirit form within the cabinetcalled out : “How are you, Uncle Z., Ande Z., Ande M., Ande J., and uncle William Usborne Moore?” (<strong>The</strong> mediums knew my name was Moore, and may possibly have known it was William ; butthey certainly had no means of finding out my second Christian name. In the hotel book I hadsigned W. Moore. I may here remark that W. Moore is a very common name in the United <strong>State</strong>s,something like John Smith in this country.)Jonson sat in a chair, one foot outside and in front of the left end of the cabinet. He wasimmediately controlled by “Greyfeather,” the Indian. <strong>The</strong>re was a shade over the small oil-lampbehind us ; this was drawn up a little, and the séance commenced, the light in the room beingsufficient for anyone with good sight to read the time by a white faced watch.(57) Within two minutes the figure of a woman, below medium height, dressed in a whiterobe with girdle round the waist, sprang up from the floor very close to the medium, holding outher hands in my direction. I got up and went up close to the medium. From the building andproportions I was able to guess who this was. She tried to speak, but all I could catch was “Al” or“All”; but, unfortunately (owing to our mutual anxiety, I presume), she dematerialised into thecarpet before I could clearly distinguish the features. This same materialisation anddematerialization occurred a second time with no more success. After a third abortive attemptshe did not dematerialise into the floor, but simply faded away.Not long after this two strong forms emerged from the opening of the cabinet on my right.I was almost touching the entranced medium with my left arm ; within two feet of me, on my right,,

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