Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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76of your test If you mix up the picture test ; it will hurt your book’s influence, for people willbelieve the letter test when they won’t the picture……I will rest ten minutes.”(After an interval of about ten minutes.)“I will tell you that I want you to prove to the English-speaking people that your test of theseletters is thoroughly mental, not chicanery. I know the picture (Iola’s picture) is all right. Hedon’t ; that’s why you must have no more. You will and have done enough for the Bangs sisters.Wire them by all means…. Hudson spoke for me, that’s why you did not recognise my ‘style,’literary ‘style.’“You must have the N. Y. man (Dr. James Hyslop) to find out about Mrs. Georgia, as hisexcerpts from your book will create a great sale in this country. I am Iola, I want your book toreach the world.”Hudson then dictated to Mrs. Georgia a letter for me to carry to the Bangs Sisters. I didnot read the contents until after the reply had been given at Chicago on March 4.In the course of conversation I had told Mrs. Georgia that the principle reason for myreturn to Chicago was to obtain an additional test of the Bangs Sisters’ letters for Sir WilliamCrookes (see Chapter VII.). We had talked over my previous visit to Chicago, and she had seenmy picture of Iola to which allusions are made above. We both believed in the genuineness of theBangs Sisters’ manifestations. The foregoing script was written very clearly and with greatrapidity, in her usual mirror-writing. To me the warning was incomprehensible. The Vehementdenunciation of the proposed picture of Hypatia was unlike the usual gentle tone of Iola’scommunications. I knew that Hudson wished his message to be given prominence in the accountof my investigations, and I had a strong feeling that it was not contrary to the wishes of Iola for meto obtain the picture of Hypatia, who, I felt sure, had assisted her in the higher life. I did not sendthe telegram, but left matters to settle themselves when I arrived the next day at Chicago.On Saturday February 27, I went to the Bangs Sisters. I told them I intended to have apicture, but it would probably not be that of Hypatia. The elder woman said : “Do as you like ;but how about the gold frame you ordered to be made ?” I replied : “That is of no consequence ;you can make use of it for some other picture. You are constantly in need of frames for pictures ofthis size precipitated through your mediumship.” To this there was no demur ; no attempt wasmade to insist upon the execution of that particular picture. In the evening I put a closed letter tomy guide between the slates, after May Bangs had seen the exterior of the envelope, and received areply (for the methods I must refer the reader to Chapter VII.) The principle question I hadasked was, “Would she (Iola) give me a full length portrait of herself on the following Monday,March 1 ?” I give extracts from her reply :—I know just what you want……I can come in likeness on the smaller canvas, but I think youhad better select a larger and more panel shape, considerably longer one way than the other ; it willbe more artistic and shapely……It may seem strange to you that I should make such a request ofyou, but I do so because I can see that opportunities will not be favourable again, but I want you tosit for Hypatia’s portrait while here. Hypatia has been such a help to me in making all thedifferent grades of progress in Spirit Life, and is deeply interested in your medial progress……Youmay think it strange that I have changed the programme, but there is a reason for this that I willexplain to you fully. Of the two……I would prefer to give Hypatia’s picture, but I know you willlet us both come, and you will have no regrets. Ask the mediums about the panel canvas for mypicture. I will impress them with what I mean …… (Signed) Iola.On the outside of the envelope was the instruction ; “Read your message before leaving, soas to arrange with the medium.” It was settled that we should sit for Iola’s portrait on Mondaymorning.On Monday, March 2, 1909. I told the Bangs I would have a precipitated picture ofHypatia, as well as that of Iola. They proposed, as a test of their mediumship, that we should tryfor both on that day. While we were waiting for the panel canvases to come up from the town,May Bangs brought me the two large canvases that were to be used for the picture of Hypatia, to

77inspect. They were warped, and I objected to using them ; but, as May Bangs said they hadused up all the others, I agreed to try and get these straight ; so we nailed them up to a wall and leftthem there for four hours.At 11.20 the two panel canvases arrived from William Horsley and Co., 17-19 Clinton Street,wet. We put them in the window, under full light of the sun, and sat over them till they becamedry. This occupied twenty-five to thirty minutes. They were then put up in the window ; and at11.50 we sat for the picture. It was precipitated in ten minutes. and about 12.20 I left the house toget my lunch at the Annex Hotel, two miles distant. For a full description of the execution of thispicture and of that of Hypatia I must refer the reader to Chapter VII. It is sufficient to say herethat Hypatia was successfully precipitated at 4 p.m. About 3.30 May Bangs came to me with twostraight canvases saying “I have found two canvases not warped. Would you sooner use thesethan the ones we nailed up ?” I said : “No ; we will stick to the warped canvases” ; and we gotthem down from the wall and used them.That evening I wrote a letter to Iola ; and, among other things, I asked what was themeaning of this volte face i.e., asking me to sit for a picture of Hypatia after doing all she could atRochester to prevent me from getting it. Four sheets of blank paper, marked with a private mark,were put in the letter for reply, and the envelope closed with gum. The next morning, TuesdayMarch 2, I took this letter to May Bangs, and sat with her for reply. Here are extracts from theanswering letter :—Regarding the messages at Rochester in regard to Hypatia’s portrait, I will simply say I wasinfluenced in my communications by Prof. H——. You understand……and when I was free andindependent I communicated direct. I am delighted that you followed my wish. I should indeedhave been disappointed had you returned to England without it. It was simply a case of one spirittrying to dominate over another. These experiences you must not give to the world now ; the timewill come when all those undeveloped communications will occur……Thos, J. Hudson is entirelyresponsible for the message given——but let it pass……I have stated that Hudson wrote a letter through Mrs. Georgia a few hours before I leftRochester, the contents of which I did not know. This letter I took to the Bangs Sisters’ house onMarch 4, and May Bangs and I sat for an answer ; the medium saw, but did not touch the letter.When I got back to my hotel, I slit it open at the top and read the contents, which were as follows:—LETTER FROM HUDSON IN MIRROR-WRITING.To Hester and Thomson Jay Hudson.Where was I born ?How old was I when I died ?What was my financial condition ?Where is my son ?What was his first name ?All these things I will try and answer through the Bangs Sisters ; if not, let their guidetell these questions in right style, and sign the name of G. S. H. S. in full.Thomson Jay Hudson(G. C. H. S. are the complete initials of Mrs. Georgia.)The Answer.My good Friend, Brother, and Co.-worker,

76of your test If you mix up the picture test ; it will hurt your book’s influence, for people willbelieve the letter test when they won’t the picture……I will rest ten minutes.”(After an interval of about ten minutes.)“I will tell you that I want you to prove to the English-speaking people that your test of theseletters is thoroughly mental, not chicanery. I know the picture (Iola’s picture) is all right. Hedon’t ; that’s why you must have no more. You will and have done enough for the Bangs sisters.Wire them by all means…. Hudson spoke for me, that’s why you did not recognise my ‘style,’literary ‘style.’“You must have the N. Y. man (Dr. James Hyslop) to find out about Mrs. Georgia, as hisexcerpts from your book will create a great sale in this country. I am Iola, I want your book toreach the world.”Hudson then dictated to Mrs. Georgia a letter for me to carry to the Bangs Sisters. I didnot read the contents until after the reply had been given at Chicago on March 4.In the course of conversation I had told Mrs. Georgia that the principle reason for myreturn to Chicago was to obtain an additional test of the Bangs Sisters’ letters for Sir WilliamCrookes (see Chapter VII.). We had talked over my previous visit to Chicago, and she had seenmy picture of Iola to which allusions are made above. We both believed in the genuineness of theBangs Sisters’ manifestations. <strong>The</strong> foregoing script was written very clearly and with greatrapidity, in her usual mirror-writing. To me the warning was incomprehensible. <strong>The</strong> Vehementdenunciation of the proposed picture of Hypatia was unlike the usual gentle tone of Iola’scommunications. I knew that Hudson wished his message to be given prominence in the accountof my investigations, and I had a strong feeling that it was not contrary to the wishes of Iola for meto obtain the picture of Hypatia, who, I felt sure, had assisted her in the higher life. I did not sendthe telegram, but left matters to settle themselves when I arrived the next day at Chicago.On Saturday February 27, I went to the Bangs Sisters. I told them I intended to have apicture, but it would probably not be that of Hypatia. <strong>The</strong> elder woman said : “Do as you like ;but how about the gold frame you ordered to be made ?” I replied : “That is of no consequence ;you can make use of it for some other picture. You are constantly in need of frames for pictures ofthis size precipitated through your mediumship.” To this there was no demur ; no attempt wasmade to insist upon the execution of that particular picture. In the evening I put a closed letter tomy guide between the slates, after May Bangs had seen the exterior of the envelope, and received areply (for the methods I must refer the reader to Chapter VII.) <strong>The</strong> principle question I hadasked was, “Would she (Iola) give me a full length portrait of herself on the following Monday,March 1 ?” I give extracts from her reply :—I know just what you want……I can come in likeness on the smaller canvas, but I think youhad better select a larger and more panel shape, considerably longer one way than the other ; it willbe more artistic and shapely……It may seem strange to you that I should make such a request ofyou, but I do so because I can see that opportunities will not be favourable again, but I want you tosit for Hypatia’s portrait while here. Hypatia has been such a help to me in making all thedifferent grades of progress in Spirit Life, and is deeply interested in your medial progress……Youmay think it strange that I have changed the programme, but there is a reason for this that I willexplain to you fully. <strong>Of</strong> the two……I would prefer to give Hypatia’s picture, but I know you willlet us both come, and you will have no regrets. Ask the mediums about the panel canvas for mypicture. I will impress them with what I mean …… (Signed) Iola.On the outside of the envelope was the instruction ; “Read your message before leaving, soas to arrange with the medium.” It was settled that we should sit for Iola’s portrait on Mondaymorning.On Monday, March 2, 1909. I told the Bangs I would have a precipitated picture ofHypatia, as well as that of Iola. <strong>The</strong>y proposed, as a test of their mediumship, that we should tryfor both on that day. While we were waiting for the panel canvases to come up from the town,May Bangs brought me the two large canvases that were to be used for the picture of Hypatia, to

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