Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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73A.: “I mean my girl. I want her to wake up ! I want her to realise her spiritualpossibilities ; she does this to please you, not to please me or educate the public, nor even herself. Iam old enough to be (her ?) father, so I have a right to arouse her to the frightful waste of talent !”“Iola wants to come in if you would rather she came in ?”Q.: “You have been very good. I should like Iola to come in.”A.: “I would be glad to come all the time you are here. I shall carry the message T. J. H.”Take another Paper.”(I am sorry that I have had no opportunity of following the advice of Hudson to “Expose amedium.” As will be seen later, my correspondent from the third sphere was anxious that hismessage should form the principle feature in the account of my experiences in America ; and didnot hesitate to imply fraud in other mediums with the hope of carrying out his object. It was,however, no good. I was unable to oblige him.)<strong>The</strong> rest of this sitting was occupied by a conversation with Iola which is of interest only tomyself.A curious incident happened when I returned to my hotel. I was particularly careful to putall my papers reporting this sitting into one drawer in my room. In the evening I found themseparated into two lots, one (the latter half) being in the drawer into which I had put the whole ; theformer part was discovered in another drawer that I had never used for records of sittings, nor,indeed, for any other letters or papers. <strong>The</strong> division was accounted for the next day, as will beseen below.time.”February 23, 1909. With Mrs Georgia.This sitting was entirely taken up with communications from Iola.Q.: “Can you tell me about my papers last night ?”A.: “Yes I was there. I read them over to see how nicely I could write.”Q.: “Why did you put half of the papers in the wrong drawer ?”A.: “I want you to know it was I ; I was a bit careless on earth.”(I said : “I don’t remember clearly, but I think she was.”)A.: “Near relatives should know !”February 24, 1909. With Mrs. Georgia.This sitting was taken up by communications from Iola. <strong>The</strong> following are extracts :—Q.: “Have you seen Hypatia ?”A.: “I have not.”Q.: “She was at Jonson’s cabinet.”A.: “I did not recognise her ; she was of no interest to me then. I was so exhausted thatQ.: “You know I have a picture of Cleopatra ?”A.: “Yes I know all about Cleopatra.”. . . . . .(55) “He has the offshoot of the oak in his pocket, a gold acorn. Have him take a chain from hisoutside pocket.” (This is a remarkable incident. I took out of the outside pocket of my coat thekey of my room in the hotel. Attached to it by a steel chain was a gold-plated acorn. It is hardlynecessary to say that Mrs. Georgia knew nothing of what was in my pocket.)February 25, 1909. With Mrs. Georgia.“I asked Mrs. Georgia to try what she could do in automatic mirror-writing while readingaloud. I brought her one of the books from her library, a play by Victor Hugo, and while readingit to me she wrote. <strong>The</strong> script was rather wild ; I first asked a question of Dr. Hudson.)

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