Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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70A.: “I am alive in spirit, but my girl is so rapid with her force I can’t stop to think of thespellin’ “ (Is this a joking allusion to “the nu spellin’ ” we heard of from the United States two yearsbefore ?)Q.: “Would not true love produce a better child spiritually than conventional marriage ?”A.: “By all means. A better birth start is made than in an involuntary submission of aloveless union. You know, scientific men have found illegitimate children are better started thanlegitimate offspring, for two reasons ; they are born in love, bred in love, and the pre-natal influenceis all shrewdness to avoid detection. That sharpens the wit of the child, the brain ; and the lovemakes a perfect physical consummation.”Q.: “I do not see why true love should necessarily be illegitimate.”A.: “I thought the man of the sea was referring to the ‘Love’ which is greater than law ororder.”Q.: “It is true ; I was thinking of the great talents of Alexander Hamilton.”A.: “You were thinking of the illegitimate. He is often near you—a bold intrepid spirit.“Hamilton’s mother was a victim of the time. Had she not married the Scot, she mighthave married Hamilton’s father. Divorce in her day in those British possessions was death ;socially she could do no worse.”Q.: “Has the spirit of man ever lived before ? “A.: “That is a phase I can’t see, as each sphere is a college ; I have only taken the thirddegree.”Q.: “When you entered spirit life, what sphere did you go to ?”A.: “I stepped right into this one. I can only look down on the few less fortunate. Theearth development is a ticket to your sphere.“I have seen Myers, and he wants you to come Monday, instead of Tuesday.”“I will do as Mr. Myers wishes ; but Tuesday will suit me better.”A.: “He says he thinks the weather will be better, Monday, for him. He is an old, tiredsoul.” (Mrs. Georgia said : “I think Mr. Hudson must have passed over with some stomachtrouble. I feel the conditions.”)Q.: “What disease did you die of ?”A.: “Gastritis is my trouble ; for my girl to take it is bad.” (I have not been able to confirmthis.)Q.: “I have written to your son through Stanford University, California. Will you see that he getsthe letter ?”A.: “I will see that you hear from it.” (So far, 1911, I have received no answer.)Q.: “What relation to you is Hester Hudson ?”A.: “sister in spirit.”Q.: “And William Hudson ?”A.: “My father’s brother.” (As yet unconfirmed.)Q.: “Is Hester Hudson your sister-in-law ?”A.: “Yes.” (Correct.)Q.: “Shall we copy now, Dr. Hudson ?”A.: “By all means.”February 15, 1909. Very bad atmospheric conditions. With Mrs. Georgia, who wrote, ina different handwriting to the former records :—“I am very weak to-day. Myers drags on. This is Richard Hodgson. I want you to talkto my girl. We can hear your voice no more.”Q.: “Who is writing now ?”A.: “I saw him at Piper’s sittings. Myers.”Q.: “Will you give us something as a test ? As I did not know you when you were in earthlife, it would be the more valuable “A.: “I will tell you when I am stronger. If you will put your hand upon the pencil, I mightgather strength.” (Put my hand upon the pencil.) “You are a very strong force. You can write.You will write.”

71Q.: “Do you mean ‘mirror-writing’ ?”A.: “Yes, it will come to you. You must let me rest.”(I explained to Mrs. Georgia how I came to believe in the existence of the spirits of departedfriends.)A.: “An agnostic before.”Q.: “Mrs. Georgia said, ‘Tell us something about Admiral Moore.’”(53) A.: “That he has four children, 3 girls and 1 son.” (Correct.) He is a magistrate insome small court in the same town (Gosport, Fareham Division of Hampshire). He has lived in thesame house a great many years, near 35 years(should be 28 years in the same town and 20 years inthe same house). You married 30 years or 31 years ago (31 years correct) in some distant place,not in England but under your flag. (Correct ; Sydney, New South Wales). He knew her 35years. You will live on that house 35 years (probably).”Q.: “How do you find out these things ?”A. (Handwriting changed to that usually adopted by Hudson): “By the guide that standsnear you. She tells me. I am waiting for strength. I must come again.”Q.: “Is my guide you spoke of, here now ?”A.: “Yes, but she can never come through the hand.” (Here I asked a question on a privatematter about an event at home. The prognostication given turned out to be correct. It wasunexpected.)Q.: “Can you give us any more information Dr. Hudson ?”A.: “You don’t hear the rain and the hail and the snow ? (The atmospheric conditionswere of the very worst.) Hodgson and Myers want to try again—Wednesday and Thursday.Yes, if the weather is good. Myers was a very poor prophet !” (Alluding to Mr. Myers forecastof the weather given in the script of the 13 th .)Wednesday, February 17, 1909. With Mrs. Georgia, who wrote :—“Dr. Hodgson and Professor Myers can’t gather strength enough to come. I am the manwho came in with you. You left the Dr. you expected down town.”Q.: “I hope if Mr. Myers cannot come Mr. Hudson will give me a message.”(Mr. Hudson did not manifest directly, but helped Iola, my guide, to come in. This was thefirst time she had made herself known through Mrs. Georgia. She identified herself completely,referred to a séance with another private medium at Toledo that had taken place a fortnight before,and in such a way as to put thought-reading out of the question. I think Hudson was doing thewriting for her. It was an interesting conversation, about matters that are of no concern to thereader. Mrs. Georgia, with great kindness and patience, continued writing for an hour and a halfabout things that could not possibly have been of any interest to her when they were translated.)February 19, 1909. Atmospheric conditions most unfavourable. There was a thaw, and itwas raining.With Mrs Georgia who wrote :—Q.: “Is Iola here ?”A.: “Yes I am here, but you must talk a bit. I like her, and I like to come by her hand.”Q.: “Shall we talk, or have the graphophone ?”A.: “Talk. Weather so bad.”(I said, “We know the conditions are very bad.”)“I am the founder of the Psychical Society. I was the first president of that society.”Q.: “Are you Professor Sidgwick ?”A.: “I died in Rome. No I am Frederick William Henry Myers. I was at Trinity andCambridge.”Q.: “Delighted to hear of you, Mr. Myers. Please give me some test.”A.: “I promised that I would come back if it were possible, and left a jingle, but I can’tremember it. I wrote a great many verses in my time, as well as my prose work. I wrote theScientific future life, prose ; and St. Paul, poetry.”(I said : “What he means is Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death.”)

70A.: “I am alive in spirit, but my girl is so rapid with her force I can’t stop to think of thespellin’ “ (Is this a joking allusion to “the nu spellin’ ” we heard of from the United <strong>State</strong>s two yearsbefore ?)Q.: “Would not true love produce a better child spiritually than conventional marriage ?”A.: “By all means. A better birth start is made than in an involuntary submission of aloveless union. You know, scientific men have found illegitimate children are better started thanlegitimate offspring, for two reasons ; they are born in love, bred in love, and the pre-natal influenceis all shrewdness to avoid detection. That sharpens the wit of the child, the brain ; and the lovemakes a perfect physical consummation.”Q.: “I do not see why true love should necessarily be illegitimate.”A.: “I thought the man of the sea was referring to the ‘Love’ which is greater than law ororder.”Q.: “It is true ; I was thinking of the great talents of Alexander Hamilton.”A.: “You were thinking of the illegitimate. He is often near you—a bold intrepid spirit.“Hamilton’s mother was a victim of the time. Had she not married the Scot, she mighthave married Hamilton’s father. Divorce in her day in those British possessions was death ;socially she could do no worse.”Q.: “Has the spirit of man ever lived before ? “A.: “That is a phase I can’t see, as each sphere is a college ; I have only taken the thirddegree.”Q.: “When you entered spirit life, what sphere did you go to ?”A.: “I stepped right into this one. I can only look down on the few less fortunate. <strong>The</strong>earth development is a ticket to your sphere.“I have seen Myers, and he wants you to come Monday, instead of Tuesday.”“I will do as Mr. Myers wishes ; but Tuesday will suit me better.”A.: “He says he thinks the weather will be better, Monday, for him. He is an old, tiredsoul.” (Mrs. Georgia said : “I think Mr. Hudson must have passed over with some stomachtrouble. I feel the conditions.”)Q.: “What disease did you die of ?”A.: “Gastritis is my trouble ; for my girl to take it is bad.” (I have not been able to confirmthis.)Q.: “I have written to your son through Stanford University, California. Will you see that he getsthe letter ?”A.: “I will see that you hear from it.” (So far, 1911, I have received no answer.)Q.: “What relation to you is Hester Hudson ?”A.: “sister in spirit.”Q.: “And William Hudson ?”A.: “My father’s brother.” (As yet unconfirmed.)Q.: “Is Hester Hudson your sister-in-law ?”A.: “Yes.” (Correct.)Q.: “Shall we copy now, Dr. Hudson ?”A.: “By all means.”February 15, 1909. Very bad atmospheric conditions. With Mrs. Georgia, who wrote, ina different handwriting to the former records :—“I am very weak to-day. Myers drags on. This is Richard Hodgson. I want you to talkto my girl. We can hear your voice no more.”Q.: “Who is writing now ?”A.: “I saw him at Piper’s sittings. Myers.”Q.: “Will you give us something as a test ? As I did not know you when you were in earthlife, it would be the more valuable “A.: “I will tell you when I am stronger. If you will put your hand upon the pencil, I mightgather strength.” (Put my hand upon the pencil.) “You are a very strong force. You can write.You will write.”

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