Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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69(52) A.: “Because I did not go out of K’s house with you ; there was another spirit came toyou after I left. I saw you with my old friend, the man on the Free Press.”Q.: “I saw him at the office of the Detroit News.”A.: “He was on the Free Press when I knew him.”Q.: “Can you describe him ?”A.: <strong>The</strong>re followed a very unflattering description of the man, with his Christian name,surname, and weight. I believe this description was true ; the names certainly were, and theweight I should judge to be right.Q.: “What sphere are you in, Mr. Hudson?”A.: “<strong>The</strong> third.”(After this some confused messages came, which satisfied me that Hudson was in touch withIola, my guide. <strong>The</strong> sitting was very interesting to me, as the psychic, Mrs. Georgia, knowsnothing of Detroit, the hotels, or the man on the staff of the Detroit News. I did not know theChristian name of this man, and did not find it out for month’s afterwards.)“I will bring Dick Hodgson the next Tuesday, and Mr. Myers tells me he will try and tellwhat message he sealed to his friend in England that no medium has ever read. It is in a darkwalnut desk, and is in three envelopes. He tells me that he has quite forgotten what he wrote, butthat it was a silly jungle that no medium could ever guess, as it is a little jingle. It has beenforgotten, as Myers has been dead almost ten years. <strong>The</strong> Society has it ; I don’t know, but it is amember of the R. S. I can’t see who has it ; but you will find out it is a very trivial little jingle.You would expect some esoteric thought, would you not ?“Come Tuesday at 6.30. He is coming also. Myers says he is too old to get here beforeTuesday. He would be tired. Hodgson is younger. He wants me to say he has disappointed allhis old friends, and he is sorry. I will want you to copy now, then my girl can get a little strength.”February 13, 1909. With Mrs. Georgia, who wrote :—“I am here ; it is the 13 th ……“Marriage is built upon a totally false foundation. When the Lord of all said ‘In MyImage,’ he meant the soul, that he, the man child, could develop it to a great extent. <strong>The</strong> temple,at birth, is given ; you must invite the soul to inhabit.”Q.: What do you mean by saying ‘Invite’ ?”A.: “Just this: a child is born with mind and intelligence ; that is purely physical. <strong>The</strong> soulis a cultivation, a growth of the spirit. Do you understand your earth terms limit my expressions?”Q.: “<strong>The</strong>n there is no soul before physical birth ?”A.: “<strong>The</strong> soul is the expression of the highest sense that is bred in the fœtus.“That is why the pre-natal has such influence ; the male responsibility ends when the seed isplanted, the female carries the responsibility during the entire period. No child attends [Attains ?]full understanding until they reach the physical period of the first function. Can you wadethrough what I mean ?”Q.: “I do not understand the word ‘attend.’”A.: “Because I wanted to tell the man of the sea that, when children attend [attain ?] the firstperiod, then soul growth begins ; they can expand or contract their spiritual development.”Q.: “What do you call the ‘first period’ ?”A.: “ ’Attained,’ that’s it ; the age of puberty.”Q.: “Does not the spirit in which marriage is entered into effect the spirit of the child ?”A.: “By all means. All children are an accident, more often than design ; the result is foundfrom careful observations. I spelt ‘vibrations’ wrong last night. [He had spelt it ‘vibrations.’] It was my girls fault.”Q.: “That does not matter, as the Doctor has asked me to edit his work.”A.: “Do that, or I shall die of shame.”Q.: “I thought he was dead already.”

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