Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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68A.: “I don’t think it. <strong>The</strong> play will be a success. All women think that they are lovedwhether they are or not. That’s why some women are so contented.”Q.: “Have not all women of ordinary intelligence a gift of intuition that is a weapon ofdefence, enabling them to know the character of a person at first sight ?”A.: “Just at first ! If they live as long in their atmosphere, they absorb their aura.”(Mrs. Georgia related some of her personal experiences to me.)Hudson : “I am glad you were frank with the man of the sea.”Q.: “What time of day is best for our meetings ?”A.: “I would rather you come between 5.30 and sit until 8 O’clock. I mean you come hereat six and stay until eight o’clock. I want you to know my girl is to be honoured, as the play willmake her famous, that I know. I want to tell you she is an old soul, and she will find her greatwork in this work. I shall write an entire book through her hand. This is T. J. H.”(51) On February 11, 1909. With Mrs. Georgia.(I suggested the use of the graphophone to assist Mr. Hudson to manifest.)“Yes it will help me. I will date the message ; it is the eleventh day of February, nineteenhundred and nine.” (Graphophone set going.)“You wait until the Admiral hears the others ; it helps me. I come on the vibrations. Setthe Irish ballad, then I will tell the man of the sea all he wants to know ; I am trying to get Fred. W.Myers to come with me.” (<strong>The</strong> Irish ballad was played.) “That was a favourite of mine. Writemy son.”Q.: “Is your son at Stanford University, California ?”A.: “You must write him, he was there. A letter will reach him there.”Q.: “Do you wish me to tell him the reason of my inquiry ?”A.: “To-night ? Yes. He does not believe much in this. I made a promise to come backto him, but he did not find me.”Q.: “Will he believe that I have communicated with you ?”A.: “Not at first. Yes, on the whole, he will believe a man of your probity.” (Mrs. Georgiahere inadvertently turned over the paper, and wrote on the wrong side.)Q.: “If you can bring Mr. Myers and Dr. Hodgson, it will be good. I did not know Mr.Myers.”A.: “Myers promised to return to his special friends, but he was unable to do so. <strong>The</strong>Admiral will give you the devil for writing on the wrong side of the sheet. You see, you reallyannoy ‘the man of the sea’ by your lack of system.”Q.: “Have you seen my picture ?” (one precipitated in the presence of the Bangs sisters).A.: “No, I was not there ; I met you in my home town. I was there in the room for the firsttime ; it was then I saw you.”(Mrs. Georgia and I discussed the handwriting, which was not straight across the page. Weasked Hudson if he would try and write parallel to the top and bottom of the sheet. <strong>The</strong> characterof the writing changed.)Hudson : “This cramps my hand to sit in my girl’s lap.”Q.: “Did you not talk with me in Detroit the last time I was there ?”A.: “I could not stay ; you called for me ; that’s why I came and stayed a short time.”Q.: “You came twice ? “A.: “Yes ; but neither was very satisfactory.”Q.: “Why did you describe to Mrs. Georgia the Pontchartrain Hotel ?”A.: “I did not follow you to the Cadillsc ; I think the hotel was built on the old hotel site ofthe ‘Plankington.’” (Mr. H. C. Hodges, one of the oldest residents of Detroit, tells me this is not so.He says the “Plankington” is a hotel in Milwaukee, and that the “Pontchartrain” is over the old siteof the “Russell” Hotel.)Q.: “You took a message last Thursday from Detroit ; why give the description of my hotelof a month before ?”

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