Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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66I sent this to Mr. A. W. Moore, who kept it in his possession. Mrs. Georgia did not see ituntil I wrote to her about a fortnight later.Mrs. Georgia did not take in the message on January 20, probably from over-anxiety, whichgenerally causes failure in all psychic experiments ; and on the 23 rd she wrote to me at Chicago tosay so, and to propose another test for the 27 th . I did not receive this letter till the 26 th , as I hadmoved from Chicago to Toledo, and there was some delay in forwarding it from the Toledo postoffice to the Secor Hotel. There was not time to get an answer to Mrs. Georgia before the hourappointed on the 27 th . She, however, did sit, and got the following :—I am satisfied that the Bangs Sisters are genuine. I am highly pleased with my pictures on[sic] my sister and the great Egyptian. I wish you had permitted me to give your father’s picture.The Admiral is seated in a hotel that is built like this [sketch], one of the largest modernhotels in the West. He is in a room eight stories up. The day in Chicago is murky, the air full ofsmoke and haze ; he cannot see the lake very clearly on account of the haze. He is seated on alarge chair near the window ; the chair is not a rocker, but built on the half-Turkish and WilliamMorris linesThe room is about thirteen and a half by fifteen feet. The colourings are light in tone ; thedresser is mahogany, with wide glass. This message is brought by three—Hester Hudson, WilliamHudson, and Thomson Jay Hudson—who says, “My girl is a great girl, and her play will be a greatsuccess. We all help her.“I want the Admiral to go to Denver. Some friend in Chicago will give him the address ofthe medium there. I must go as we are getting weak.”All this was correct except for the following : (a) My floor was the seventh in theAuditorium Annex, but underneath the first floor there was a subterranean passage to theAuditorium, in which was a barbers shop and other offices. By a stretch my room might be calledone on the eighth floor. (b) My room was about eleven feet broad, instead of thirteen and a half.(c) Cleopatra’s picture had not been precipitated when I concentrated on the message.The case is one of deferred percipience ; and it seems probable that Hudson knew on the27 th , when he delivered the message, that the picture had been done. It is somewhat curious that,on my way to Toledo, I met a Denver man who was interested in psychic research and could, nodoubt have told me the name of the medium Hudson wanted me to sit with. It is also somewhatsingular that Hudson answers a question of Mrs. Georgia, who had written requesting me, if I cameacross a good medium, to ask whether her play would be a success.Mrs. Georgia could not possibly have known what sort of message I was likely to send ; norcould she have known about it after it was sent, before she pencilled the mirror writing on the 27 th .(50) The next case is not quite so clearly cut. I asked Mrs. Georgia to sit 10 a.m.,February 4, and I would get Dr. Hudson to take a message for me. Purposely, I concealed fromher what city I should be in. This was the message :—Dr. Thomson Jay Hudson,Will you please tell “your girl,” Mrs. Georgia, at Rochester, that I will see her on Mondaynext ; that I have talked with you here ; and that you think her play will be a success, and beappreciated by the public. Tell her I now understand why you have been able to do so much forus both.W. Usborne Moore,Vice-Admiral, RNThis was sent from the home of the medium, Mrs. Wriedt, 414 Baldwin Ave., Michigan.Hudson wrote through the hand of Mrs. Georgia :—

67The Admiral is in a hotel opposite old City building on the fourth floor in a city on a lake.Day is cold and cloudy, he is rather tired and exhausted ; tell him rushing too much, he shouldrestrain well his forces ; they overwork him. I can’t just get the thought, so I will say there is anattractive dining-room which is a feature of the hotel ; he has had breakfast. His message is tellingme he expects to have splendid results from the Hudson sitting. He tells me he is convinced of theimmortality of the soul. He is satisfied with the trumpet medium.He has not found out about the Hudsons ; he must speak of “Hudson,” that’s me, in youraddress ; many people have accepted my hypothesis of the sub-conscious. I want him to say thathe has heard from me.He must be very quiet, and not over exert himself.My Girl will sit for him here and in N. Y. For James and Hyslop, in concert. I shall bringF. W. H. Myres and Dr. Hodgson if I can.T. J. H.Two hours after this Hudson came to me at the home of a trumpet medium called “Kaiser,”in Detroit, and spoke to me in the direct voice in the dark. He said he had done his best to impress“the light,” but thought he had only partially succeeded.Now what I wish to point out is that, although my message is not accurately carried, Hudsonhad transferred my thoughts. I was just then unwell from too frequent sittings. I was satisfiedwith the trumpet medium ; I was looking for the Hudsons in Detroit ; it was here Hudson had livedfor some years, and here he died. I had not found them. It is curious that this profound thinker,whose works are the only ones worth a rap in denial of spiritism, was not known in his own city.At last I found one man who had been a friend of his. While at Rochester, in February, Hudsontold me that he saw me with his friend, and, by way of test, gave me such a very unflatteringdescription of the gentleman, including his weight in pounds avoirdupois (every word of which Ibelieve is true), that I cannot repeat it, as I might lay myself open to an action for libel.There is one feature in the message worthy of strict attention. The Hotel Hudson describesis not the one I was in at the time—i.e., the “Cadillac”; but it is the one I put up at on my previousvisit three weeks before, the “Pontechartrain.” I asked Hudson at Rochester why he described thehotel and room I was not in at the time of taking the message. His reply was, in effect : “When Icame to you at K.’s (the trumpet medium) I did not wait to go home with you, as another spiritwanted to come in ; and therefore I did not see the ‘Cadillac.’”I suppose I must go through the formality of mentioning that Mrs. Georgia knew nothing ofmy movements, and nothing of Detroit.The lecture referred to by Hudson was one I was to give on February 26, 1909, at Rochester.In March Mrs. Georgia did sit in my room in New York for Dr. Hyslop and Dr. Funk, in concert.At the time this message was written such a séance seemed most improbable. Mrs. Georgia’s playwas a success.Monday February 8, 1909. With Mrs. Georgia, at Rochester, who wrote :—“I am here, but must hear your voice before I feel strength to come. Tell my girl what youhave done. I want once more to come on. [Does he want the graphophone ?] No, I want myman of the sea !“I helped with the play, and I hope it is a success. I have planned with her so her guideswould let me in her circle. Read the plan I sent to your brain to him ; then I will come.”(Mrs. Georgia here read to me a neat essay on the salient points to have in mind whenwriting a play. This, she said, had come into her head a few days before, and she was impressed towrite it down there and then. She also described to me the plat of the drama she had written. Iobjected to the extreme innocence of the heroine, and gave it as my opinion that the public mightthink such a character a fool.)Hudson : “If you read the Admiral some dialogue, he will not despair of your play.”Q.: “Do not all women know that they are loved, from the age of ten ?”

67<strong>The</strong> Admiral is in a hotel opposite old City building on the fourth floor in a city on a lake.Day is cold and cloudy, he is rather tired and exhausted ; tell him rushing too much, he shouldrestrain well his forces ; they overwork him. I can’t just get the thought, so I will say there is anattractive dining-room which is a feature of the hotel ; he has had breakfast. His message is tellingme he expects to have splendid results from the Hudson sitting. He tells me he is convinced of theimmortality of the soul. He is satisfied with the trumpet medium.He has not found out about the Hudsons ; he must speak of “Hudson,” that’s me, in youraddress ; many people have accepted my hypothesis of the sub-conscious. I want him to say thathe has heard from me.He must be very quiet, and not over exert himself.My Girl will sit for him here and in N. Y. For James and Hyslop, in concert. I shall bringF. W. H. Myres and Dr. Hodgson if I can.T. J. H.Two hours after this Hudson came to me at the home of a trumpet medium called “Kaiser,”in Detroit, and spoke to me in the direct voice in the dark. He said he had done his best to impress“the light,” but thought he had only partially succeeded.Now what I wish to point out is that, although my message is not accurately carried, Hudsonhad transferred my thoughts. I was just then unwell from too frequent sittings. I was satisfiedwith the trumpet medium ; I was looking for the Hudsons in Detroit ; it was here Hudson had livedfor some years, and here he died. I had not found them. It is curious that this profound thinker,whose works are the only ones worth a rap in denial of spiritism, was not known in his own city.At last I found one man who had been a friend of his. While at Rochester, in February, Hudsontold me that he saw me with his friend, and, by way of test, gave me such a very unflatteringdescription of the gentleman, including his weight in pounds avoirdupois (every word of which Ibelieve is true), that I cannot repeat it, as I might lay myself open to an action for libel.<strong>The</strong>re is one feature in the message worthy of strict attention. <strong>The</strong> Hotel Hudson describesis not the one I was in at the time—i.e., the “Cadillac”; but it is the one I put up at on my previousvisit three weeks before, the “Pontechartrain.” I asked Hudson at Rochester why he described thehotel and room I was not in at the time of taking the message. His reply was, in effect : “When Icame to you at K.’s (the trumpet medium) I did not wait to go home with you, as another spiritwanted to come in ; and therefore I did not see the ‘Cadillac.’”I suppose I must go through the formality of mentioning that Mrs. Georgia knew nothing ofmy movements, and nothing of Detroit.<strong>The</strong> lecture referred to by Hudson was one I was to give on February 26, 1909, at Rochester.In March Mrs. Georgia did sit in my room in New York for Dr. Hyslop and Dr. Funk, in concert.At the time this message was written such a séance seemed most improbable. Mrs. Georgia’s playwas a success.Monday February 8, 1909. With Mrs. Georgia, at Rochester, who wrote :—“I am here, but must hear your voice before I feel strength to come. Tell my girl what youhave done. I want once more to come on. [Does he want the graphophone ?] No, I want myman of the sea !“I helped with the play, and I hope it is a success. I have planned with her so her guideswould let me in her circle. Read the plan I sent to your brain to him ; then I will come.”(Mrs. Georgia here read to me a neat essay on the salient points to have in mind whenwriting a play. This, she said, had come into her head a few days before, and she was impressed towrite it down there and then. She also described to me the plat of the drama she had written. Iobjected to the extreme innocence of the heroine, and gave it as my opinion that the public mightthink such a character a fool.)Hudson : “If you read the Admiral some dialogue, he will not despair of your play.”Q.: “Do not all women know that they are loved, from the age of ten ?”

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