Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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63Q.: (from Mrs. Georgia) : “How is it that you, an author of several books, are weak in thisway ?”A.: “My dear child, it is this way ; my thoughts fly so rapidly that the setting matters little ;it is the jewel, not the setting, that is valuable. I expect the Admiral to edit it, that’s all. I want mythoughts clear and the diction finer—that I expect from him.”“Now C——wrote a book on this investigation.” (Correct.) “He has delved deeply. Doyou know that Hodgson can’t come back because he was such a sceptic ?”Q.: “This is the pot calling the kettle black, Mr. Hudson. In your books you distinctly statethat you do not believe in communication between this state and the next.”A.: “I was on earth then. Great Heaven’s can’t a man change his mind as well as a woman?”Q.: “I should have said that you were more of a sceptic than my friend Dr. Hodgson.”A.: “Progression occurs in change. I wrote a great many things to fill my books, the sameas all people do. Some I believed, some of it was a filler. I quote the Bible in my book.” (<strong>The</strong>spirit then referred to a previous conversation about Mrs. Georgia being able to write for him inEngland, when I had said : "“e is talking through his hat."” "“ am not talking. Through myknowledge of my girl, I know it is true that she can write in any country. L——is a Fellow of theRoyal Society also. I can’t tell you when he was knighted ; he was at the head of one of yourcolleges ; he held the chair of Physics in some college there—for the life of me I can’t recall thename.”Q.: “Birmingham ?”A.: “I don’t mean the one you said. He was not always there.”(I remarked that the script was getting rather disconnected and frivolous.)“If you call my endeavours to demonstrate my knowledge of the men you know ‘frivolous’ Idon’t know how to please you. I have let in a light on the future ; what more do you demand ? Ican write all night ; my girl is not going to wear out.”Q.: “Thanks for all you have done for us. What is the spiritual fate of the suicide ?”A.: “That is a fate no one would court—groping in the dark to pick up the dropped stitchesthat fell from the knitting needles.”Q.: “Supposing the life of a man became unbearable—say through incurable disease—andhe had nothing to live for, is it not his own to cast away or retain ?”A.: “<strong>The</strong>ir fate must be worked out in this phase or the next. Trouble can only beovercome by endurance. You can never escape the law of consequences.”Q.: “Do you mean the <strong>The</strong>osophic theory of Karma ?”A.: “I mean that one soul must work out the evil of each life in its successive phase. I don’tmean <strong>The</strong>osophy in its general sense.”Q.: “Is there such a thing as re-incarnation ?”A.: “Not in the <strong>The</strong>osophy sense ; yes in another.”Q.: “Is each phase of advance in spiritual life what you mean by a re-incarnation ?”A.: “Yes, in another world ; you may belong to the Latin race, to the Slav, to the variousoffshoots of Babel. Do you follow me ?”Q.: “I do not quite understand. Is the progression a series of births ?”A.: “That is a punishment. <strong>The</strong> Slav is the bottom of the ladder ; the Yellow or Oriental is thevery beginning ; the Anglo-Saxon is the better. I will go if you want me to depart.”Q.: “How do you mean , our punishment ?”A.: “Yes in that lower state to pay for any criminal offence.”Q.: “<strong>The</strong>n, am I to understand, a criminal comes back ?”A.: “But not necessarily on this planet ; there are other planets which are inhabited. I amgoing to leave you now. I will have my girl take the ring [I had been wearing Mrs. Georgia’s ringfor an hour], and so I will go ; but I will see you perhaps at eleven. You will understand.”(Neither Mrs. Georgia nor I understood what Hudson meant in his latter replies ; but I havethought it well to enter them throughout where there was nothing of a private character. It will beobserved that statements became less definite towards the end of the sitting, which seems natural.)

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