Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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60A.: “Jas, the same as Hyslop.”(I said ; “I think his name was Thomas Jay Hudson.”) “No, you are wrong ; my name wasnot Thomas. Go and look at your front door. Open it, and let the other fellow in. Open it wideand alone.”(Mrs. Georgia went to the front door, opened it wide, and remained a minute or two ; thenclosed it, and returned to the drawing-room.)“My name was Thomson Jay Hudson. Don’t copy yet. I went out of the back door, andmust come in at the front. I went out to get fresh strength.“James Hyslop is carrying on my work where I left off ; that is why I said Jas. Was myname, as it is in a sense. I am with him ; some day he will hear of me through this girl’s hand.”(Correct) “I will help him. You may copy now.”(I said : “He has been writing for one and a half hours.”)“That makes no difference ; I can’t come very often, so I want to stay.”(Mrs. Georgia said ; “I do think he might have said something more complimentary of methan that I had a ‘full countenance.’”)“You need not feel that ; you have charm, and that is enough.”(A discussion took place about knocks in the room, three having just occurred. I said Icould not get them to respond intelligently.)“You can if you wish. You can bend the intelligence that comes to you. You can bend apersonal intelligence to your will, by moulding it as you do here by dominating it.”(Mrs. Georgia’s mother here said : “I wish to know the condition of suicides in the nextlife.”)“Drop out all such suicide talk.”“I wrote a book on the force of mental healing ; that is my last book.” (Correct.)“Perhaps you had better tell me the name of the book you mean, as you confuse me.”(I said, “It was Proofs of immortality.”)“Go to the front door ; let me think there.”(Mrs. Georgia went to the front door for a few minutes, and then returned to her seat.)“You don’t mean my last work ; you mean a book called “The Scientific Demonstration of a FutureLife.”(This is correct, and I regretted having forgotten the proper name ; but as I have saidbefore, I knew scarcely anything of Hudson. I now mentioned that we had sat for nearly twohours.)“I can easily stay till then—I mean till 10.30.”Q.: But this is rather frivolous, making the medium run constantly to the front door.“I get strength of force out of doors ; I like to come. I must take the girl to the air, so Idon’t overtire her. She is very young to me, as I am an old man. I was born in 1834. (Correct.)Is not that a great difference in our ages ? I was fifty-nine years old when I died.”(I said : “That must be wrong ; he was sixty-nine.”)“The gentleman is right ; I was born in 1834. Let me say fifty-nine. Is a woman the onlyone to dodge their age ?”Q.: “Did you know I was coming to see Mrs. Georgia ?”A.: “I knew that someone would come that would have the interest and vitality to call me. Ihave hung around this girl’s front door for two years. None came strong enough to call out the‘Open Sesame.’”Q.: “Are people living in pairs of male and female in spirit life ?”A.: “Like a school of fish. The congenial flock together. Yes, they do.”Q.: “You misunderstand me. I mean, supposing two people are joined here, can they live inclose union there ?"A.: “By all means, if the soul is twin. Two people may be joined by a mummer in a church,and be as wide apart as the antipodes.”Q.: “But many worthy people here imagine that, in a future life, the high ideal should beuniversal, equal affection all round ?”

61A.: “As long as souls are individual they seek the affinity in a spiritual sense. If men andwomen loved collectively, not individually, they would make trouble enough on earth, as well as inheaven. I know what you mean ; you dislike the ideal of spiritual universal love—it would roblove of its value……”(Front door bell rang.) “Have Mrs.—— go to the door.” (Mrs. Georgia’s mother went tothe front door, and received a telegram.)(I said, “Perhaps he will tell us more about this state.”)“Yes, I have lots of information, but it must be tomorrow morning ; It is now 10.10, and toolate to enter into the exhaustive subject.” (The only correct timekeeper in the room was the watchin my pocket. I looked at it, and found that the spirit had stated the exact time to a minute.)“Stay a bit, so that my girl-medium will have your strength; then I will say ‘Good-night,’ and ‘sportmy oak,’ as you English say.” (In answer to a remark of the mother, I said the climate of Englandwas not suitable for this sort of phenomena, and Mrs. Georgia’s writing would not be so goodthere.)A.: “My girl can. I will come in the morning, but I will not be strong ; so I am away.Wait until he copies.”December 25, 1908. With Mrs. Georgia, who wrote :——“I am here, but not strong enough. Have my girl go to the front door and breathe fiveminutes ; then I can come.”(Mrs. Georgia went to the front door, and returned in about five minutes.)(46) “I was surprised, in seeing my articles re-read, how faulty the grammar and dictionwas. I ask as a favour, if you publish them in book form, that you have them edited. Diction andrhetorical display is not what I want—the sense of what I have said must be preserved. I don’tknow that I want my girl to sit with an American doubter except to show him the truth. If hesends for her, she may go ; but he is not to scoff at me, or the value of what I know and haveproven. You can see that I am serious and loyal to some of my former ideals.” (Mrs. Georgiaand I sometimes discussed the propriety of her sitting for Dr. Hyslop, who is kindness itself toyoung mediums, but whose natural tendency of mind does not encourage the controls to do theirbest.) “The reason you dislike Christmas is the fact that your former festal days were brighter bycloser contact with the Beloved. You are told this because I see it in your mind.” (This isevidently an allusion to the death of Mrs. Georgia’s father, four years before.) “What I meant bya ‘fine table’ was this : you have sifted the coarser things of food-stuffs down to a finer diet. Tellmy girl how to transmit messages and how to perfect herself in this. She is a bright ‘light,’ but amere tyro in the study of the soul ; that is where you must talk and educate her in the method toadvance. Be the Columbus of this unexplored sea that lies open before you.” (In a formercommunication that I have omitted, as it would not interest my readers, Hudson gave a friendly,but candid, account of myself. The only sentence that gave me an uneasiness was “You are fond ofa fine table.” This charge I resented, and Mrs. Georgia and I openly talked of the accusationacross the table. The reference to the transmission of messages was due to our having attempted,during the sitting, to telepath a definite message to a psychic lady in Italy by pre-arrangement. Itwas not taken in, as she forgot the appointment.)(47) December 25, 1908, p.m. With Mrs. Georgia.Q.: Supposing two souls on earth strongly united, but on widely different planes as regardsspiritual development. Do they not live together when both have passed over to the next state ?”A.: “It is now 7.35. “Wait a bit.” (I looked at the watch in my pocket and found it showedexactly 7.35.) “Talk a bit, and I will tell you.”Q.: “Does he want the graphophone ?”A.: “No, I want the human voice ; in talking I gather what you desire from me……Now,apropos of matrimony in the celestial sphere, I have this to say. Man who loves singly and with anisolated devotion will gravitate toward her, just the same as he would by a railroad ticket to thehouse of his affinity. Church nor Churchmen do not make marriage lawful only in the humansight. The marriage that is based upon baser instincts and for ulterior purposes are soiling their

60A.: “Jas, the same as Hyslop.”(I said ; “I think his name was Thomas Jay Hudson.”) “No, you are wrong ; my name wasnot Thomas. Go and look at your front door. Open it, and let the other fellow in. Open it wideand alone.”(Mrs. Georgia went to the front door, opened it wide, and remained a minute or two ; thenclosed it, and returned to the drawing-room.)“My name was Thomson Jay Hudson. Don’t copy yet. I went out of the back door, andmust come in at the front. I went out to get fresh strength.“James Hyslop is carrying on my work where I left off ; that is why I said Jas. Was myname, as it is in a sense. I am with him ; some day he will hear of me through this girl’s hand.”(Correct) “I will help him. You may copy now.”(I said : “He has been writing for one and a half hours.”)“That makes no difference ; I can’t come very often, so I want to stay.”(Mrs. Georgia said ; “I do think he might have said something more complimentary of methan that I had a ‘full countenance.’”)“You need not feel that ; you have charm, and that is enough.”(A discussion took place about knocks in the room, three having just occurred. I said Icould not get them to respond intelligently.)“You can if you wish. You can bend the intelligence that comes to you. You can bend apersonal intelligence to your will, by moulding it as you do here by dominating it.”(Mrs. Georgia’s mother here said : “I wish to know the condition of suicides in the nextlife.”)“Drop out all such suicide talk.”“I wrote a book on the force of mental healing ; that is my last book.” (Correct.)“Perhaps you had better tell me the name of the book you mean, as you confuse me.”(I said, “It was Proofs of immortality.”)“Go to the front door ; let me think there.”(Mrs. Georgia went to the front door for a few minutes, and then returned to her seat.)“You don’t mean my last work ; you mean a book called “<strong>The</strong> Scientific Demonstration of a FutureLife.”(This is correct, and I regretted having forgotten the proper name ; but as I have saidbefore, I knew scarcely anything of Hudson. I now mentioned that we had sat for nearly twohours.)“I can easily stay till then—I mean till 10.30.”Q.: But this is rather frivolous, making the medium run constantly to the front door.“I get strength of force out of doors ; I like to come. I must take the girl to the air, so Idon’t overtire her. She is very young to me, as I am an old man. I was born in 1834. (Correct.)Is not that a great difference in our ages ? I was fifty-nine years old when I died.”(I said : “That must be wrong ; he was sixty-nine.”)“<strong>The</strong> gentleman is right ; I was born in 1834. Let me say fifty-nine. Is a woman the onlyone to dodge their age ?”Q.: “Did you know I was coming to see Mrs. Georgia ?”A.: “I knew that someone would come that would have the interest and vitality to call me. Ihave hung around this girl’s front door for two years. None came strong enough to call out the‘Open Sesame.’”Q.: “Are people living in pairs of male and female in spirit life ?”A.: “Like a school of fish. <strong>The</strong> congenial flock together. Yes, they do.”Q.: “You misunderstand me. I mean, supposing two people are joined here, can they live inclose union there ?"A.: “By all means, if the soul is twin. Two people may be joined by a mummer in a church,and be as wide apart as the antipodes.”Q.: “But many worthy people here imagine that, in a future life, the high ideal should beuniversal, equal affection all round ?”

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