Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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58A.; “Law of Psychic Phenomena. I did say that inanimate things had souls.”Q.; I do not remember that.”A.; “No ; what I said was this : ‘Take the other hand ; I am not ambidextrous [Here thepsychic changed the pencil again to the right hand] ; that my sister-in-law was able to tell thehistory and life of stone.’ I want to talk to you of better things than titles that you already know ;I want to speak of the tests that I can show.”Q.; “Have you altered your opinion about the powers of the subjective mind ? How abouttelekinesis ?”A.: No, I have not. It is the centre of the soul-force , and can be used during life as afterdeath ; it can be cultivated, and the mind projected to far-away countries ; it is possible to educatethe soul within us— each person can attract. That is what I know. When the inner soul demandsan object to approach, it will attract all the soul-force about his aura. Yes ; that moves the object ;not the sub-conscious attracts, but the spirit-force that can move it ; it is the command that moves,the demand that created the forces to action.”Q.: “Can you tell us anything else ?”A.: “No ; ask me—it gives me strength.”Q.: “Tell us Mr. Hudson, about your feelings after death. Can your state be described as ahappier one than when you were in the body ?”a.: “I did not know I had died ; I seemed to be there just the same. Death is a progression ; likeprogressive whist-tables, you move up. I am working there, as I did here, only my sphere is morecongenial.”Q.: “What do you mean congenial ?”A.: “It is the souls who are in the same element of progression— ‘the same kidney,’ as theEnglish say.”Q.: “What do you think of my photograph test ?” (Here the test related in Chapter IV.Was described to the spirit.)A.: “That is a test only of the sensitive. All creatures are mediums of greater or lessdegree. <strong>The</strong>re is an impression of the plate on the medium’s mind, and she feels this as youfeel that to-morrow will be a fine day.”Q.: “Is the spirit whose photograph is required to be selected, there to Help ?”A.: “<strong>The</strong> spirit-force is always there. Some people……Read what I wrote—[here Mrs.Georgia got up from her chair to fetch more paper]—you annoy me, breaking up my thoughts. Iam an old soul, and tired……can see forces ; others can feel it.”Q.: “Is the form in the spirit world the same as it is in the material world?”A.: “It is luminous, not heavy with clothing of fleshly imperfection.”Q.: “Am I right in supposing that spirits are more attracted to us by love than intellectualsympathy ?”A.: “<strong>The</strong> spirits that come are often restless seeking the old life and habitations that they knew inlife, even as an old man seeks the scenes of his childhood.. . . . .Q.: “Is the phenomenon of materialisation true ?”A.: “Only the few who are clear enough in vision can see it. It is true, as this room and theworld is filled with luminous forms that have rarefied the earth. But it is the expectancy thatbrings the wonders to pass. Jesus expected to see the man arise. When we expect and desire, wehave.”<strong>The</strong>re was more of a private nature. This first sitting with Mrs. Georgia lasted for overthree hours. <strong>The</strong> conditions were excellent. Outside the house it was freezing hard, dry, and aclear sky.Mrs. Georgia was much interested. No such strange or powerful intelligence had everguided her hand before. She was not a spiritualist ; I think I may say that this was the firstoccasion on which she suspected that she was the instrument of an unseen force. She kindlyarranged that I should come again, and the Hudson script ran on for many days in December and

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