Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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53wife was frequently mentioned by her initials in such a way as I only in the family have writtenthem. <strong>The</strong> crystal-gazing of this medium was also sometimes very good. I have known her todescribe faithfully our séance-room in St. John’s Wood, London, though at that time she had neverbeen inside of it.A friend once came down to spend the week-end with me. On the Sunday morning he wentto Mrs. Arnold, to whom he was a perfect stranger. A spirit manifested through planchette, andgave his surname. When asked for his Christian name he gave, not his real name, but a nicknamethat had been bestowed upon him by his comrades in Canada, where he had died.<strong>The</strong> “fallacy of the “mind-reading theory was very apparent when sitting with this psychic.I often asked questions, the replies to which were, so to speak, on the tip of my tongue ; but I goteither no answer or the wrong one.(41) I sat with Miss Earle in our room in George Street, Portman Square, two or threetimes. <strong>The</strong>re were generally twelve to fifteen people in the circle, and she gave messages to all inturn. At 7 p.m. on December 7, 1905, before the circle was formed, she said ; “I see the form of agentleman behind you. He has been in spirit life some years. He is holding out his arms as if togreet a lady whom I can also see. I sense these two are closely related to you—that they arehusband and wife, and that you are their son.” After the circle was formed, and my time came fora message, she talked in my ear as if controlled by my father ; “I am in a ship with many on board,but we have not enough flags.” (Symbolical.) “I like your researches ; I and others are helpingyou. <strong>The</strong> golden thread is nearly broken.”Q.; “What do you mean ? “A.; “One who is dear to us both.”My mother passed away the following morning, having been unconscious for many hours.She had been bed-ridden for a short time, and was at a very advanced age ; but she was consciousat the time I met Miss Earle, and the end was not expected so suddenly. I have no reason tosuppose that the psychic knew, normally, either that my father was in spirit life or that my motherwas in earth life. I thought then—and I think now—that this was a true prophetic vision, and thatmy father was actually present.(42) On November 4, 1905, Mr. Von Bourg, the well known psychic, gave a séance atSouthsea in a private house. I had been invited, but was unable to attend. My relative A. wasstopping with me at the time, and I asked him to take my place, which he consented to do. Hereturned late, and told me that during the séance a spirit manifested to him ; from his description Igathered that it was Iola. While he was talking to me in my library, standing against the fireplace,he was partially controlled suddenly, rushed to a bureau where, at that time, I kept myrecords of psychical phenomena, and, muttering “third on the middle row,” dragged out a packetof papers, and, selecting one of the latter, which he handed to me, said, “What is this ? “ While Iread it he kept on muttering, “Was I not right, was I not right ? “—as if giving voice to aclairaudient message.<strong>The</strong> paper contained notes of a private séance of July, 1905, in my room. A premonitionwas then given respecting a family trouble. A. said ; “She wishes me to understand that she wasnot certain then, but she is now.” I let A. read the paper after this, and when he was going to putthe packet back in the bureau I said, “Let me have the papers.” He then handed them to me, andwas impressed to say, “Take the third.” I did so, and found it contained references to the samematter during a séance dated April, 1905In the previous April I had been in some trouble ; a misfortune threatened me that I did notknow how to avert. I consulted my friend Miss Bates, who wrote inspirationally that all wouldcome right, and, in July, I again asked Miss Bates to assist me. <strong>The</strong> answer this time was not socheerful as before, but the spirit still gave it as her opinion that the trouble would pass away. InAugust it completely disappeared, how I know not ; but I am convinced it was in some way throughthe influence of Iola ; also that she partially controlled A. in my room and prompted his giving thepapers to me. <strong>The</strong> two papers he placed in my hands were the notes of the séances with Miss

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