Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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46A.: “Yes; Iola.”Q.: Have you a communication to make?”A.: “Yes, W.; I am going to arrive on session night to greet you both.” (Correct. Thesession of sittings was to begin in a fortnight in our private room in London, after a pause of threemonths; a member of my family had decided to go with me.)Q.: “Will you give me a test? You know the trouble we have had with personatingspirits?”A.: “Yes.”Q.: “What is the name of your youngest sister in earth life?”A.: “Dear T. (Correct. The name given had not been applied to her sister for thirty-fiveyears, as I afterwards found out. It was a pet-name and only used by one member of thefamily.) Five minutes later Mrs. Endicott said: “Who is G.- a little lady?” (the name wasthe working name of the sister called T.).Q.: “Please give the name of the town where you passed over.”A.: “Kilmarnock.” (Correct).Q.: “What country?”A.: “England.” (Wrong)Q.: “Can you give the number of years since you passed over? Please tap the floor oncefor each year.”A.: Thirty-one taps. (The proper answer should have been thirty years, four months.)Q.: “What is the short name of your eldest brother?”A.: “T.” (Correct).Q.: “What is the number of the house in R. Square, where you lived?”A.: Thirty five taps. (Correct).Q.: “What is the number of the house in which you lived in E. Square?”A.: Twenty-one taps. (Wrong’ but on my saying so, two taps were added, which madethe number correct.)Some private conversation followed with a male relative, the table tilting at right angles toits former direction.We now had tea, and afterwards sat again. Mrs. Nowell Endicott (a psychic, daughter-inlawof the fisherman and his wife) came in, and made a fourth sitter at the table. In a minute ortwo Iola announced her presence.Q.: “Can you tell me what I have in my pocket?”A.: “Yes, photographs.” (Correct)Q.: “How many?”A.: Three taps. (Correct).Q.: “Which of the three do you like best?”A.: “The one you have enlarged. (I laid photographs on the table and pencilled thenumbers 1,2,3 on them respectively.)Q.: “Do you mean No.1?”A.: “Yes.” (Correct. The face is four times the size of the others).Q.: “Do you remember the one which Captain Alleyne picked out?” (This incident isdescribed later in this chapter.)A.: “Yes” One tap. (Correct.)Q.: “What is the name of the lady who is taken with you in No.2?”Mrs. E. sensed Agnes, which is correct for the Christian name. The spirit could not give thesurname.Q.: “What is your first name?”A;: (Given correctly.)After some private details:-Q.: “Do you know we have just moved a picture of yours?”A.: “Yes.” (Mrs. E. said “Not long ago.”)Q.: “In what room did I put it?”A.: “Dr. -----.” (Mrs. E. called out the correct answer.)

47Q.: “Do you know the name of my eldest daughter’s husband?”A;: “G ---. “ (Correct surname).Various other details were given. It was obvious throughout that Mrs. Endicott’s “sensing” was asreliable as the table, but the latter was required for connecting the members of the circle. She gavethe correct surname of Iola. During the second sitting (after tea) I let the table slip through myfingers as it tilted, and at all times only touched it lightly.I had met Mrs. Endicott before in London, and also her daughter-in-law; but neither ofthem knew, normally, anything whatever about my affairs, or relatives, alive or dead. It was thefirst time I had seen the fisherman. There are only two theories to account for the foregoingphenomena – (a) mind-reading; (b) the presence of invisible intelligence’s.Let us consider this much-talked-of and, in my opinion, overworked theory of mind-reading.First I would ask, Whose mind is being read ? Is it mine ? Well, if so, how is the pet name “T.”to be accounted for, and the wrong answer of “England” for “Scotland”? Certainly neither ofthese items came out of my mind. Then, how is it I have never since been able to obtain suchprecise information through the mediumship of the Endicotts, , though, of course, I have hadexcellent tests through Mrs. Endicott in other ways ? Again, who moved the table ? It generally,but not always, tilted towards Mrs. E. I watched her and her husband carefully. She did notconsciously move the table, I am sure. The impressions she often received had nothing to do withwhat was passing in my mind. Take the first message from Iola on this particular day. It did notoriginate with me, and was on a subject of which the Endicotts were entirely ignorant. I paidseveral visits to these psychics after the one I am describing, and came away with a number ofquestions unanswered or answered wrongly, though in every case I was acquainted with the correctanswer. If “mind-reading” is the correct solution of the difficulty, why is it all-powerful one dayand powerless the next ?I attribute the phenomenon to the presence of spirits, who impressed the psychics, chieflyMrs. Endicott. I do not deny that Iola may have assisted her own memory by tapping myconsciousness, especially in the case of the numbers given ; but it was she who gave the repliesthrough the organism of the psychic. As in the case of my relative A., it may be that Mrs.Endicotts hands automatically moved the table after the message was received in her brain. Thatis not proved ; it is possible ; but Iola was there in the room, and that is all I care to establish atpresent.At the end of August, 1906, I again visited the Endicotts. The table séances were verywearisome and unsuccessful. I asked many questions, but got only one reply worth recording.Iola manifested, and I inquired the name of her father. The reply was correct, and it is a verypeculiar name ; I doubt if there is another person in Great Britain with the same Christian name.A characteristic message, as from the father was added.(36) In another form of spirit manifestation we were more fortunate. I gave Mrs. Endicott apacket containing forty crates-de-visite, and asked her to pick out the portrait of Iola, whom she hadoften seen clairvoyantly. I retired to another part of the room, and turned my back to the psychic,who unfastened the packet herself. After feeling them for a moment or two, she said : “There ismore than one of the spirit here.” I said : “Yes ; two.” In two minutes both of the photos werehanded to me across my shoulder. This was done without any preliminary guesses ; they were thefirst two given back into my hand. Neither picture had ever been shown to the psychic before.Towards the end of August, 1907, I again visited the fisherman’s cottage. My first sittingwas on the 19 th . Within five minutes of my greeting Mrs. Endicott she said :— “A man has comewith you. He is a big man ; his name is Henry ; he has a broad, open forehead, square face, andbig jaw. One eye looks a little fuller than the other. I should say he opens one eye a little widerthan the other. His hair is brown, but there is grey in it. I get a B. What is that for?”This was about 3.43 Greenwich mean time. At 4.10 she said : “That man is still here. Heis not an old man ; looks about forty. I have noticed that the astral form always looks youngerthan the natural body. I have got the idea that he is sitting, resting,. Does he ever talk with youabout New York ? I have an impression that way.

46A.: “Yes; Iola.”Q.: Have you a communication to make?”A.: “Yes, W.; I am going to arrive on session night to greet you both.” (Correct. <strong>The</strong>session of sittings was to begin in a fortnight in our private room in London, after a pause of threemonths; a member of my family had decided to go with me.)Q.: “Will you give me a test? You know the trouble we have had with personatingspirits?”A.: “Yes.”Q.: “What is the name of your youngest sister in earth life?”A.: “Dear T. (Correct. <strong>The</strong> name given had not been applied to her sister for thirty-fiveyears, as I afterwards found out. It was a pet-name and only used by one member of thefamily.) Five minutes later Mrs. Endicott said: “Who is G.- a little lady?” (the name wasthe working name of the sister called T.).Q.: “Please give the name of the town where you passed over.”A.: “Kilmarnock.” (Correct).Q.: “What country?”A.: “England.” (Wrong)Q.: “Can you give the number of years since you passed over? Please tap the floor oncefor each year.”A.: Thirty-one taps. (<strong>The</strong> proper answer should have been thirty years, four months.)Q.: “What is the short name of your eldest brother?”A.: “T.” (Correct).Q.: “What is the number of the house in R. Square, where you lived?”A.: Thirty five taps. (Correct).Q.: “What is the number of the house in which you lived in E. Square?”A.: Twenty-one taps. (Wrong’ but on my saying so, two taps were added, which madethe number correct.)Some private conversation followed with a male relative, the table tilting at right angles toits former direction.We now had tea, and afterwards sat again. Mrs. Nowell Endicott (a psychic, daughter-inlawof the fisherman and his wife) came in, and made a fourth sitter at the table. In a minute ortwo Iola announced her presence.Q.: “Can you tell me what I have in my pocket?”A.: “Yes, photographs.” (Correct)Q.: “How many?”A.: Three taps. (Correct).Q.: “Which of the three do you like best?”A.: “<strong>The</strong> one you have enlarged. (I laid photographs on the table and pencilled thenumbers 1,2,3 on them respectively.)Q.: “Do you mean No.1?”A.: “Yes.” (Correct. <strong>The</strong> face is four times the size of the others).Q.: “Do you remember the one which Captain Alleyne picked out?” (This incident isdescribed later in this chapter.)A.: “Yes” One tap. (Correct.)Q.: “What is the name of the lady who is taken with you in No.2?”Mrs. E. sensed Agnes, which is correct for the Christian name. <strong>The</strong> spirit could not give thesurname.Q.: “What is your first name?”A;: (Given correctly.)After some private details:-Q.: “Do you know we have just moved a picture of yours?”A.: “Yes.” (Mrs. E. said “Not long ago.”)Q.: “In what room did I put it?”A.: “Dr. -----.” (Mrs. E. called out the correct answer.)

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