Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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Chapter IV44MENTAL PHENOMENA IN ENGLANDFurther manifestations – Table – tilting – Disadvantages of using material objects –Automatic writing ,ouija board, planchette and table-tilting only the physical means of expressing one spiritisticphenomenon – Admiral T. gives information in Southsea of an unexpected disaster in China –Hisforecast the same as that of Director of the Observatory at Hong Kong – Table –tilting with theEndicott’s - Theory of mind-reading considered - The Photograph test – Mrs. Endicott very successful– the astral form of Mr. Henry Crookes – the Photograph test again successful – Captain Alleyne inspirit life picks out a photo of Iola – Mr. Peters’ tests – Mrs. Arnold – Miss MacCreadie – Generalsuccess with the photograph test – Premonition of a relative’s death through Mrs. Davies – ‘Clairibelle– carte-de-visite of spirit present falls on the floor – Planchette writing of Mrs. Arnold – Fallacy of thetheory of mind-reading – Miss. Earle predicts the death of my mother, which occurred a few hourslater – Mr. Von Bourg – My relative controlled by Iola to take papers from a bureau – My ownattempts at spirit photography – Mr. Richard Boursell – Committed fraud occasionally, but hadgenuine power – Photograph of a gentleman in his library while his funeral was going on –Precipitation’s upon old photographs – I again visit America.When we seek to establish communication with the unseen without going to professionalmediums, it is usual to adopt an intermediary such as a small three-legged table, an ouija board, orplanchette. These are clumsy methods and slow, especially the first, and they are all subject to thesame disadvantage. The true psychic is aware that the letters or words are in his head before thetable or other object moves; consequently, he does not quite know, when the word is spelt out, howmuch is due to his own automatism. I have sat many times at a table in my library with myrelative A., and I understand from him that he is conscious of two letters ahead, of what, at themoment is being manifested by the leg of the table. He is not conscious of moving the table, butbelieves that the tilts are performed in some way through his organism. This does not invalidatethe message. Indeed, the answers to the questions I have often put through the table have beensuch as he would be unable to give from his personal knowledge.If I may risk a prophesy as to how messages from the unseen will be received in years tocome, I should say that what is now known as ‘inspirational writing’ will be found to be the mosteffective means of communication between the discarnate and the incarnate spirit. As far as I canjudge, automatic writing, table-tilting, ouija board, and planchette are only the physical means ofexpression of one phenomena, the message from the discarnate spirit impressed upon the brain ofthe psychic, probably through the spirit brain. The brain commands the nerves and muscles todeliver the message by means of pencil, table, or whatever the inorganic object may be in the room.I do not wish to dogmatise on this or any other subject, but I think this will be found to be so: if Iam right in my conjecture, it is futile to use the intermediary. Why not in the first instance sitdown and write what comes into your head?I have gradually come to the conclusion that the best plan is for the psychic and the positiveto sit opposite to one another at a small, unvarnished, deal, three-legged table, with their hands onit, but not touching. After a few words have come through by ordinary tilting, the psychic will befound to be receiving impressions. These should be recorded in the notes in brackets. The table isrequired as a connecting-link between psychic and the sitter. It will be found after a few minutes,that the impressions will come with fair rapidity, and the tilting, which causes great waste ofenergy, can be almost dispensed with.Through the clumsy process of table-tilting I have receive many messages from relatives andfriends. After a short time I got to know which of my relatives was present by the nature of the tilt.The gentle movement of the table was Iola, and the decisive, dignified taps of my father, were mostcharacteristic. A., the psychic could get very little alone. I got nothing whatever out of the tablemyself; but when we sat together, and conditions were favourable, we were able to receivetrustworthy messages. I will give an example:-

45(34) On Sunday, April 30, 1905, at ten p.m., my relative and I were having an interestingconversation with a friend who had lately passed over to the other side, when the direction of thetilting was suddenly changed. Instead of tipping towards the psychic, as it had been doing before,it moved across the line between us, showing that a new influence was present. I said: “Please giveyour name”; and the taps indicated “T…”. This was the name of a distinguished admiral underwhom I had served twenty years before.Q.: “Have you any messages to give?”A.: “Yes; I expect that Rojdestvensky will meet with a typhoon tomorrow.”Now ten p.m. April 30, in England would be six a.m., May 1 in China. If Admiral T. werephrasing his message in China time, he would be referring to Tuesday, May 2, as “tomorrow.”Admiral T. who passed over many years before, had manifested himself to me on at lasttwenty occasions, on both sides of the Atlantic, and through five or six mediums. Though atyphoon in May, in the China Sea, is of a very rare occurrence, I thought this message had somesignificance, and I took care the next day to give a copy of it to a friend in London.It subsequently transpired that Admiral Rojdestvensky, with the larger part of his fleet, wasat Van-Phong Bay, on the south coast of Hainan, on May 1. It is a very exposed anchorage.On Thursday, May 4, the following notice was in the London daily papers: “A typhoon visited theSouth China coast this week, and it is reported that the Russian Baltic squadron was caught in it,the smaller craft being scattered.”I now wrote for information to my friend Dr. Doberck, the Director of the Observatory atHong Kong, and received his reply in August, together with a copy of his monthly report, fromwhich I extract the following items:-On April 30, 1905, 12.10p.m. The barometer has fallen on the China coast, particularly inthe North, and risen quickly of Luzon, probably moving towards W.N.W.On May 1, at 12.14p.m. The typhoon in the China Sea may be situated to the S.S.E. ofHong Kong and between the Paracels and the W. coast of Luzon. Probably it is moving towardsW.N.W. Red S. Cone and Drum hoisted. {These are the warning signals for the approach of atyphoon.}On May 2, at 6.25a.m. Red S. Cone and Drum lowered. The depression in the China Sea nolonger traced.So it appears that the London daily papers were wrong, and the typhoon dissipated in themiddle of the China Sea. That is of small consequence. Admiral T. did not say that Rojdestvenskywould meet with a typhoon, but “I expect….”. The point is this: there was a typhoon I the ChinaSea on May 1, and it was in such a position that, if it had travelled as was expected by the Directorof the Observatory, it would have passed over Hainan the next day. Considering the exposedposition of the Russian fleet, it cannot have failed to do much damage – as much probably, as theguns of the Japanese did a fortnight later. In short, Admiral T. made the same forecast as theDirector, who gave instructions for the storm-signals to be shown at Hong Kong.This is a good example of accurate information furnished by a denizen of the next state ofexistence. It was, no doubt, given to me as a test. Admiral T. ’s communication to me was sixhours before the time of the storm-signals being shown. He may have judged for himself, or hemay have seen into the mind of Dr. Doberck. Either way it does not matter; for the fact remainsthat he gave me in a house in Southsea an unexpected item of information of a disastrous event thatwas officially forecasted six hours later in China.(35) To continue my experiences in table-tilting. On September 20, 1905 I paid a visit toa fisherman, Mr. Endicott and his wife at Brixham in Devonshire. They have an old three-footedtable made out of some wreckage, at which they had often sat and obtained manifestations. Theyare both psychics, but Mrs. Endicott has the greater power. We sat with our hands flat upon thetable. In a few minutes the latter gave signs of animation, and indicated that a spirit was presentfor me. I called out the letters of the alphabet, and the following dialogue took place:-Q.: “Will you give me your name”?

Chapter IV44MENTAL PHENOMENA IN ENGLANDFurther manifestations – Table – tilting – Disadvantages of using material objects –Automatic writing ,ouija board, planchette and table-tilting only the physical means of expressing one spiritisticphenomenon – Admiral T. gives information in Southsea of an unexpected disaster in China –Hisforecast the same as that of Director of the Observatory at Hong Kong – Table –tilting with theEndicott’s - <strong>The</strong>ory of mind-reading considered - <strong>The</strong> Photograph test – Mrs. Endicott very successful– the astral form of Mr. Henry Crookes – the Photograph test again successful – Captain Alleyne inspirit life picks out a photo of Iola – Mr. Peters’ tests – Mrs. Arnold – Miss MacCreadie – Generalsuccess with the photograph test – Premonition of a relative’s death through Mrs. Davies – ‘Clairibelle– carte-de-visite of spirit present falls on the floor – Planchette writing of Mrs. Arnold – Fallacy of thetheory of mind-reading – Miss. Earle predicts the death of my mother, which occurred a few hourslater – Mr. Von Bourg – My relative controlled by Iola to take papers from a bureau – My ownattempts at spirit photography – Mr. Richard Boursell – Committed fraud occasionally, but hadgenuine power – Photograph of a gentleman in his library while his funeral was going on –Precipitation’s upon old photographs – I again visit America.When we seek to establish communication with the unseen without going to professionalmediums, it is usual to adopt an intermediary such as a small three-legged table, an ouija board, orplanchette. <strong>The</strong>se are clumsy methods and slow, especially the first, and they are all subject to thesame disadvantage. <strong>The</strong> true psychic is aware that the letters or words are in his head before thetable or other object moves; consequently, he does not quite know, when the word is spelt out, howmuch is due to his own automatism. I have sat many times at a table in my library with myrelative A., and I understand from him that he is conscious of two letters ahead, of what, at themoment is being manifested by the leg of the table. He is not conscious of moving the table, butbelieves that the tilts are performed in some way through his organism. This does not invalidatethe message. Indeed, the answers to the questions I have often put through the table have beensuch as he would be unable to give from his personal knowledge.If I may risk a prophesy as to how messages from the unseen will be received in years tocome, I should say that what is now known as ‘inspirational writing’ will be found to be the mosteffective means of communication between the discarnate and the incarnate spirit. As far as I canjudge, automatic writing, table-tilting, ouija board, and planchette are only the physical means ofexpression of one phenomena, the message from the discarnate spirit impressed upon the brain ofthe psychic, probably through the spirit brain. <strong>The</strong> brain commands the nerves and muscles todeliver the message by means of pencil, table, or whatever the inorganic object may be in the room.I do not wish to dogmatise on this or any other subject, but I think this will be found to be so: if Iam right in my conjecture, it is futile to use the intermediary. Why not in the first instance sitdown and write what comes into your head?I have gradually come to the conclusion that the best plan is for the psychic and the positiveto sit opposite to one another at a small, unvarnished, deal, three-legged table, with their hands onit, but not touching. After a few words have come through by ordinary tilting, the psychic will befound to be receiving impressions. <strong>The</strong>se should be recorded in the notes in brackets. <strong>The</strong> table isrequired as a connecting-link between psychic and the sitter. It will be found after a few minutes,that the impressions will come with fair rapidity, and the tilting, which causes great waste ofenergy, can be almost dispensed with.Through the clumsy process of table-tilting I have receive many messages from relatives andfriends. After a short time I got to know which of my relatives was present by the nature of the tilt.<strong>The</strong> gentle movement of the table was Iola, and the decisive, dignified taps of my father, were mostcharacteristic. A., the psychic could get very little alone. I got nothing whatever out of the tablemyself; but when we sat together, and conditions were favourable, we were able to receivetrustworthy messages. I will give an example:-

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