Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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40heard the singing distinctly. This was a good proof for those who entertained the idea ofcollective hallucination” (of which I was not one) that their speculations were groundless.April 28, 1905. Circle of fourteen people.Husk came, suffering from a bad cold. The singing was as good as usual, but the materialisation’swere not numerous.May 1, 1905. Circle of thirteen people.A Scotch spirit came in, and sang with great fire and energy “Scots wha hae wi’ Wallace bled.”(29) The Test séance.On May 2, 1905, with Husk’s concurrence, we held a test séance in our room in GeorgeStreet. I sat between Husk and his wife, my left little finger being hooked to his right; and Mrs.Alleyne, a lady upon whom we could all rely, sat on his left, her right little finger being hooked tohis left. The medium for ten years had been accustomed to having his wife or some friend withpsychic powers sitting on his right. I am not gifted with any mediumistic powers; consequentlyconditions were much disturbed, and it was not expected that the séance would be as prolific ofphenomena s usual. We were, however, all much interested in the experiment, which was todemonstrate how far the invisible powers would be able to make use of their medium under suchadverse circumstances.The séance was held in the dark as usual. For about half-an-hour nothing happened, exceptthat I was touched on my left shoulder. Soon after this, one of the sitters expressed a doubt of theirbeing any spirits in the room. The words were hardly out of his mouth when ten pairs of chairsstanding against the wall were knocked down behind me. A little later Uncle made himself known,and then his nephew Christopher. John King manifested, by voice only, an hour and a quarterafter we sat down, and greeted those whom he knew individually. He then held a consultation withUncle, just behind Husk. Uncle said: “The medium is in a bad position.” (I think he had fallenover, with his head in front of Mrs. Alleyne.) John King said: “Yes, he is.” And shortly afterwardsleft us, saying “he did not think they would be able to do much.”Foli sang one verse of “Rock’d in the Cradle of the Deep.” Earlier in the evening two spiritvoices joined in our singing.It must have been over and hour and a half after we sat down that Uncle came to me andsaid: “Admiral, don’t press so closely to the medium.” (I had kept our forearms together). I drewmy elbow away a little. A minute or two elapsed when I heard a large chair placed with violenceon top of the table, striking some object in front of me (the chair was a heavy one; the object, as Idiscovered afterwards, was one of the slates; the chair was back to me). Uncle then said, frombehind Husk’s back, to Mrs. Alleyne and to me: “Please rise when we lift the medium.” There wasa ”heave-ho,” and Husk was lifted out of his chair at the table and placed in the chair on the table.He must have been taken over the back of it, because Mrs. Alleyne had to stand on tiptoe and I hadto stretch my left hand as high as it was possible for it to go. It was a very neat job. I felt nothingtouch my body or arm; but two or three times I heard Uncle exclaiming to Christopher. “Up withhim,” just as a mortal might do when lifting a heavy weight.The lights were switched on, and there was the medium sitting mournfully on top of thetable, back to me, coming out of trance. I immediately looked at the chair he had left. The frontpart of the seat plumbed the edge of the table”During this séance there were no materialisation’s, no Cardinal, and no playing of the zither (fairybells). I attach the remarks of Mrs. Alleyne:-TEST SÉANCE, PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETYMay 2, 1905.My testimony must of necessity be somewhat similar to that of Admiral Usborne Moore, forwe were so close together (having only the medium, Mr. Husk, between us) that I heard all that“Uncle” said to the Admiral, and also the conference between “John King” and “Uncle”. I wasconscious that Mr. Husk (in his unconscious condition) was in a very awkward position, for myright little finger, which held his left little finger, was twisted forward, and was painful anduncomfortable owing to the vice-like grip of Mr. Husk (in his trance) upon it. At the end of thisparticular séance my right little finger was in a very swollen and inflamed state, in consequence of

41the strain put upon it. Nothing happened in the way of phenomena for fully half an hour; butmy arm was pressed many times, and my husband was able to speak to me three or four times, oncecalling me by a pet name known to no single person in the room.“Uncle” then came to me, and asked me to rise from my chair when they (the spirits) liftedtheir medium. I did so, and, tall woman as I am, had to stand on tiptoe, still holding on to themedium’s hand. The lights were then turned up, when we all saw Mr. Husk, sitting in a chair, onthe table at which we had all been sitting, just coming out of trance, and in a very dazed andbewildered condition, astonished to find himself in such a strange position. There were nomaterialisation’s because of so much power having been used up in the levitation of the medium.Some spirits joined us in the singing of a hymn, and Foli sand the second verse of “Rock’d in theCradle of the Deep.”Thus ended a thoroughly convincing proof of the power of this great medium, used by his band ofgood spirit friends – one of the very great and many proofs vouchsafed to me.(Signed) E. A. K. Alleyne.This was the last occasion upon which I saw Mrs. Husk. She passed over three weeks later,while I was abroad. She passed over three weeks later, while I was abroad.May 29, 1905. Circle of eleven people. A clairvoyante sitting next to me, whom I hadnever seen before, corroborated what other clairvoyantes had said respecting a figure standingnear me, which was certainly “Iola”; she materialised twice on this evening. The second time herhead dropped slowly down from two feet above the table ; when the neck was level with the tablethe slate fell over her.Husk was accompanied by an old friend, who sat next to him. The manifestations weremuch the same as usual in quality, but not so numerous.(30) June 20. Circle of fourteen people. In the middle of the materialisations two newsolos were beautifully rendered by male spirits, who declined to give their names—“For Ever andfor Ever” (by Tosti) and “The Children’s Home” (by Cowen).When Ebenezar took the Zither through the floor we heard the playing distinctly below.As it burst through the floor on its upward journey, I saw a light, or it may have been thephosphorescent patch under the instrument, as it touched the spare chairs at the side of the room.On this evening I heard, at one time or another, eight separate male voices, from base to tenor, andI saw faintly the figure of the Cardinal as he passed near me when giving the individualbenediction.On June 26, 1905, I sat with the medium Williams in a friend’s flat in Eaton mansions.On July 27. Circle of thirteen people. At our private room. Medium Husk. Unclecame to me and said : “I saw you last night sitting between Major and Mrs. R.” (Correct).Williams and Husk are both controlled by John King and his deputy “Uncle.” At one time thesetwo mediums worked together.July 24. Circle of twelve people.I now sat two feet from the medium’s left hand, where I could obtain a more private view ofany face that materialised to me. The zither on this evening altered its gyrations round the circle atmy request, and went from one person to another as I desired. When Iola appeared she reached outand touched me with the slate.A Norwegian lady was spoken to by her mother in her native tongue.A few days before this evening the room had been lent to some Parsees, who held a seance withHusk as medium, the only stranger present being Mr. Gambier Bolton. I understood that the onlylanguage spoken by the spirits was that of the sitters. Uncle alluded to this circle, and said that allthe time there was an animated discussion going on in the surrounding circle of spirits as to thepropriety of doing away with the Towers of Silence in Bombay, where the dead are laid out on

41the strain put upon it. Nothing happened in the way of phenomena for fully half an hour; butmy arm was pressed many times, and my husband was able to speak to me three or four times, oncecalling me by a pet name known to no single person in the room.“Uncle” then came to me, and asked me to rise from my chair when they (the spirits) liftedtheir medium. I did so, and, tall woman as I am, had to stand on tiptoe, still holding on to themedium’s hand. <strong>The</strong> lights were then turned up, when we all saw Mr. Husk, sitting in a chair, onthe table at which we had all been sitting, just coming out of trance, and in a very dazed andbewildered condition, astonished to find himself in such a strange position. <strong>The</strong>re were nomaterialisation’s because of so much power having been used up in the levitation of the medium.Some spirits joined us in the singing of a hymn, and Foli sand the second verse of “Rock’d in theCradle of the Deep.”Thus ended a thoroughly convincing proof of the power of this great medium, used by his band ofgood spirit friends – one of the very great and many proofs vouchsafed to me.(Signed) E. A. K. Alleyne.This was the last occasion upon which I saw Mrs. Husk. She passed over three weeks later,while I was abroad. She passed over three weeks later, while I was abroad.May 29, 1905. Circle of eleven people. A clairvoyante sitting next to me, whom I hadnever seen before, corroborated what other clairvoyantes had said respecting a figure standingnear me, which was certainly “Iola”; she materialised twice on this evening. <strong>The</strong> second time herhead dropped slowly down from two feet above the table ; when the neck was level with the tablethe slate fell over her.Husk was accompanied by an old friend, who sat next to him. <strong>The</strong> manifestations weremuch the same as usual in quality, but not so numerous.(30) June 20. Circle of fourteen people. In the middle of the materialisations two newsolos were beautifully rendered by male spirits, who declined to give their names—“For Ever andfor Ever” (by Tosti) and “<strong>The</strong> Children’s Home” (by Cowen).When Ebenezar took the Zither through the floor we heard the playing distinctly below.As it burst through the floor on its upward journey, I saw a light, or it may have been thephosphorescent patch under the instrument, as it touched the spare chairs at the side of the room.On this evening I heard, at one time or another, eight separate male voices, from base to tenor, andI saw faintly the figure of the Cardinal as he passed near me when giving the individualbenediction.On June 26, 1905, I sat with the medium Williams in a friend’s flat in Eaton mansions.On July 27. Circle of thirteen people. At our private room. Medium Husk. Unclecame to me and said : “I saw you last night sitting between Major and Mrs. R.” (Correct).Williams and Husk are both controlled by John King and his deputy “Uncle.” At one time thesetwo mediums worked together.July 24. Circle of twelve people.I now sat two feet from the medium’s left hand, where I could obtain a more private view ofany face that materialised to me. <strong>The</strong> zither on this evening altered its gyrations round the circle atmy request, and went from one person to another as I desired. When Iola appeared she reached outand touched me with the slate.A Norwegian lady was spoken to by her mother in her native tongue.A few days before this evening the room had been lent to some Parsees, who held a seance withHusk as medium, the only stranger present being Mr. Gambier Bolton. I understood that the onlylanguage spoken by the spirits was that of the sitters. Uncle alluded to this circle, and said that allthe time there was an animated discussion going on in the surrounding circle of spirits as to thepropriety of doing away with the Towers of Silence in Bombay, where the dead are laid out on

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