Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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38Those who assert that Craddock is an ordinary vulgar cheat are as much in error as theinfatuated women who have written him expressions of sympathy and confidence. Six clairvoyantsof undoubted power, five of whom are professionals not previously acquainted with him, have satnext to me at his séances. All assured me that the manifestations they witnessed were genuine, andthree described to me forms which subsequently made themselves known to my non-mediumisticsenses.I have not sat with Craddock since his exposure. He is undoubtedly a psychic, but his guideGraem is not to be trusted, and one never knows when he may be again tempted to “help out” hisséances by bringing into the room on his person drapery and articles that should have no placethere. He was condemned, not because he was found outside the cabinet, but because he refused stest of honesty which the sitters had a perfect right to demand. We were all glad that he escapedimprisonment at the subsequent trial for fraud. The fine that was inflicted by the magistrates atEdgware crippled him for some time, taught him, I hope, the valuable lesson that “honesty is thebest policy”.I pass on to a few brief descriptions of manifestations I saw when sitting with Husk in 1905-6. Allthe séances I shall refer to were held in our private rooms in St. John’s Wood and in George Street,Portman Square. Many of the phenomena were precisely the same at one meeting as another; it isno use repeating these. I propose only to record those incidents at the séances which struck me asspecially remarkable.February 7, 1905. Circle of eleven people.In the middle of the materialisation’s Foli sang “Rock’d in the Cradle of the Deep” with specialemphasis and power. The volume of sound filled the lofty room. He had strength to sing a fewwords of “Off to Philadelphia in the Morning” before he departed. The zither (known as the“fairy bells”), worked by the spirit “Ebenezer”, played round the circle over the heads of all thesitters, rose to a height of ten or twelve feet above the table, still playing a definite tune, then dashedthrough the floor, played beneath, and returned to the room as on previous occasions. TheCaptain D. alluded to in Craddock’s séances came to me; I said, “I am very glad to see you. Didyou materialise for me before last night? I never met you in earth life, and did no know you.”The head bowed and the slate dropped; then my hand was stroked three times, and a whisper cameout of the darkness: “You are right Admiral; I came to you as a link of sympathy between me andA. My kind remembrances to him.”John King took great pains to dematerialise deliberately. I saw his head enter the table.The Spirit controls called “Uncle” and “Joey” talked until Husk was quite normal. One sitterasked Uncle, “Are you using the medium’s throat? If so he must have a long neck.” (The sitterwho asked the question was about four feet from the medium). When we were singing, spiritvoices joined in from above with great strength.February 13, 1905. Uncle was heard talking after Husk came out of trance.February 14, 1905. A gentleman who was present spoke to the Greek priests in Russian,and obtained brief but satisfactory replies. The room rocked under our feet.February 21, 1905. Circle of thirteen people. My relative A. recognised two friends in thematerialisation’s. One of the had, in life, a Jewish nose and was identified by that feature.March 14, 1905. Circle of thirteen people.I was discussing with a lady the unevenness of the tops of the table. Uncle came close up to me andsaid: “Admiral, it wants a good holystoning doesn’t it?” The word “holystoning” is almostunknown to any person outside of a man-of-war. The decks of the old wooden vessels wereholystoned once a week; the effect was to make them smooth and clean. I thought this remarkshowed a knowledge of trifling terrene matters that was extraordinary. No other person in theroom knew what the spirit was talking about.

39During materialisation’s a ball of stuff appeared to me, the colour of terra-cotta; it had nofeatures whatever. As it was evidently intended to represent a head, I asked, “Are you Iola?”. Theball made a movement as if in assent. “Then please come round and speak to me.” The balldisappeared; a minute later a face appeared with the lower part all muffled up, as is often the casewith materialisation’s of women. Again I asked the same question, and the head bowed assent.Later in the evening the spirit came round to me and made her presence known in an unmistakablemanner. The professional Clairvoyante, Mrs. Fairclough Smith, was one of the sitters; sheinformed me when the séance was over that a lady (description good) was standing behind me allthe evening.March 20, 1905. Circle of fourteen people.Two of the sitters were a good old German Jew and his niece. A voice came from the darknessspeaking to them in Hebrew; four or five materialisation’s appeared to them, all eventuallyrecognised, and a favourite hymn was played on the zither. There was also, on this evening, anIndian, who spoke rapidly and fluently in Hindustani. Iola manifested to me outside the circle, theslate being held for her by Uncle. I was sitting between Mrs. Husk and Mrs. Fairclough Smith;and the latter gave a correct description of my guide, but her name was never mentioned.,March 28, 1905. Circle of twelve people.John King gripped me by the left shoulder, and told me he had been “hunting up old records” andfound out that he succeeded Lynch as Governor of Jamaica. There was a Richard Morgan whocame before him as Governor; and the names were sometimes confused. He believed that he (SirHenry) was Governor three separate times – not consecutively – but the would make furtherinquiries. (I have not been able to find out if this is correct – W.U.M.)Mrs. Husk told me that the spirit lady, who had attended at the circle before, was floating,as it were, behind me. I asked her to find out her name; n]and about ten minutes later she gave methe earth-name of Iola – not that by which she was called by me, but the name she was called byonly one or two members of the family. Uncle came up and told me that Mrs. Husk had got thename clairaudiently. After the departure of John King, the figure gradually faded away.A lady was sitting on my right, who was greeted by name by John King. I asked her whenshe had last seen him, and she said: “Two years ago.” The memory of this control is trulyremarkable, as I have often found out myself.Joey spoke when Husk was out of trance; and as Husk was being led downstairs, Uncle was heardto say: “You ought to have a sentinel here.” This was an allusion to a fumbling at the door duringthe séance.April 3 1905. A circle of fifteen people.There were three irreconcilable sceptics present, and it was somewhat extraordinary that theséance was as successful as it was. The only indication of want of harmony was a change in theusual order of presentation of the phenomena. Three materialisation’s took place as soon as Unclehad made himself known, and the voice of the Cardinal and the tunes on the zither were not heardtill after these forms had collapsed. The phenomenon that Uncle calls the “striking proof” wasmuch in evidence on this evening. The spirit holding the tubes touches lightly the head of a sitter,and almost immediately afterwards the ceiling of the room. The tube is then dropped upon thetable. In its fall it does not touch either the hands of the sitters or the illuminated slates or thezither on the table’ it alights on the table itself, and rebounds for a short distance. Two of thesceptics were give the “striking proof”, and the tube was laid over their arms when the solos weresung, to show that it was not used for assistance during the singing. There were some twentymaterialisation’s during the evening, most of which were recognised.April 4, 1905. Circle of fifteen people.On this evening, very early in the séance, soon after Uncle had made himself known, my guidetouched me on the shoulder and gave me her earth name. I did not in the least expect her at thistime, and the manifestation so early was a great surprise.One lady of the society, who had made some mistake as to the time of the meeting, came withher daughter to the door. Finding that the séance had already begun, they remained outside, and

38Those who assert that Craddock is an ordinary vulgar cheat are as much in error as theinfatuated women who have written him expressions of sympathy and confidence. Six clairvoyantsof undoubted power, five of whom are professionals not previously acquainted with him, have satnext to me at his séances. All assured me that the manifestations they witnessed were genuine, andthree described to me forms which subsequently made themselves known to my non-mediumisticsenses.I have not sat with Craddock since his exposure. He is undoubtedly a psychic, but his guideGraem is not to be trusted, and one never knows when he may be again tempted to “help out” hisséances by bringing into the room on his person drapery and articles that should have no placethere. He was condemned, not because he was found outside the cabinet, but because he refused stest of honesty which the sitters had a perfect right to demand. We were all glad that he escapedimprisonment at the subsequent trial for fraud. <strong>The</strong> fine that was inflicted by the magistrates atEdgware crippled him for some time, taught him, I hope, the valuable lesson that “honesty is thebest policy”.I pass on to a few brief descriptions of manifestations I saw when sitting with Husk in 1905-6. Allthe séances I shall refer to were held in our private rooms in St. John’s Wood and in George Street,Portman Square. Many of the phenomena were precisely the same at one meeting as another; it isno use repeating these. I propose only to record those incidents at the séances which struck me asspecially remarkable.February 7, 1905. Circle of eleven people.In the middle of the materialisation’s Foli sang “Rock’d in the Cradle of the Deep” with specialemphasis and power. <strong>The</strong> volume of sound filled the lofty room. He had strength to sing a fewwords of “<strong>Of</strong>f to Philadelphia in the Morning” before he departed. <strong>The</strong> zither (known as the“fairy bells”), worked by the spirit “Ebenezer”, played round the circle over the heads of all thesitters, rose to a height of ten or twelve feet above the table, still playing a definite tune, then dashedthrough the floor, played beneath, and returned to the room as on previous occasions. <strong>The</strong>Captain D. alluded to in Craddock’s séances came to me; I said, “I am very glad to see you. Didyou materialise for me before last night? I never met you in earth life, and did no know you.”<strong>The</strong> head bowed and the slate dropped; then my hand was stroked three times, and a whisper cameout of the darkness: “You are right Admiral; I came to you as a link of sympathy between me andA. My kind remembrances to him.”John King took great pains to dematerialise deliberately. I saw his head enter the table.<strong>The</strong> Spirit controls called “Uncle” and “Joey” talked until Husk was quite normal. One sitterasked Uncle, “Are you using the medium’s throat? If so he must have a long neck.” (<strong>The</strong> sitterwho asked the question was about four feet from the medium). When we were singing, spiritvoices joined in from above with great strength.February 13, 1905. Uncle was heard talking after Husk came out of trance.February 14, 1905. A gentleman who was present spoke to the Greek priests in Russian,and obtained brief but satisfactory replies. <strong>The</strong> room rocked under our feet.February 21, 1905. Circle of thirteen people. My relative A. recognised two friends in thematerialisation’s. One of the had, in life, a Jewish nose and was identified by that feature.March 14, 1905. Circle of thirteen people.I was discussing with a lady the unevenness of the tops of the table. Uncle came close up to me andsaid: “Admiral, it wants a good holystoning doesn’t it?” <strong>The</strong> word “holystoning” is almostunknown to any person outside of a man-of-war. <strong>The</strong> decks of the old wooden vessels wereholystoned once a week; the effect was to make them smooth and clean. I thought this remarkshowed a knowledge of trifling terrene matters that was extraordinary. No other person in theroom knew what the spirit was talking about.

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