Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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265Tom:, Yes, you have left everything behind you now; you can t take anything with you;in the life you are in now everything is known, and good deeds count more than wealth; you haveno use for money now; you have entered a new life—a life of eternity.S.: What will I do? What shall 1 do? What will become of me?Tom: You will meet much that will be unpleasant to you, for your whole past life will riseup before you like an open book, and each mistake will have to be corrected, and each wrong willhave to be atoned for by labour and sincere soul-repentance; you will be aided and assisted bymany bright spirits, who have passed on and up through the valleys into the heights of wisdom. Ifyou sincerely desire it, it will be extended to you; follow the instructions that are given you, and youcan work out the mistakes of the past.S.: I feel terribly.Tom: Yes, you are alone, as it were, in a strange country. How many kind acts did you do inyour life that you sent on before? <strong>The</strong>y would be a great benefit and help to you now. All the wrongmust be met and overcome by labour and repentance, and when I leave the young man you go withme.S.: Where? Where?Tom : I will take you where you can be helped, for you cannot wish to remain in thisunpleasant condition; I will take you where you will be aided and instructed pertaining to your newlife, and how to correct the mistakes of the past. You are being aided now by spirits who haveclothed your spirit body with earth conditions, to enable you to speak and converse with me andthese friends in the manner you have.S.: I don’t understand it at all.Tom: No, but you will.S.: I am lost—altogether lost.Tom: Yes; but you will be able to comprehend it more in time. You cannot understand fullyyour condition at once; but when I tell you that you have made the change called death, and you arein the spirit life, it is true; and when I tell you that many make that change and are not aware of it,because the life seems so nearly like the one they were in, that is all true.S.: Oh dear! When you tell me that, it seems like something shutting down over me.Tom: Yes; and now I will leave the young man, and take you and give you in charge ofthose who will aid you and assist you. Will you go?S.: Are they strangers?Tom: Yes; but they will assist you.S.: I am afraid.Tom: Do not be afraid; they assist you with love, kindness, and sympathy; they only wish tohelp you out of your darkened condition.S.: Well, I must; everything else has left me. It has gone away; I am alone; I have nohome. Don’t go away, sir; don’t.Tom: I won’t go away; and if I do, I will leave you in charge of those who will care for youkindly. Your sister loves you very dearly, and she would like to have you work and obey all theinstructions that are given you, so that you may reach her as soon as possible.S.: Tell her to come to me.Tom: She will in time, when you are prepared to go to her. Now I will leave the young man,and we will go.Through these conversations with Tom we are able to draw them into magnetic currents incompanies, so we can reach their conditions; and it would be impossible for us to explain how manywe reach in this simple manner.— EVA.

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