Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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263Tom: So you think; but I am not. I know why you comb your hair the way you do—because there’s a scar right on the right side of your head that you cover up with your hair, andyou wouldn’t want anyone to see it.S.: I will give you money if you will go out of the country.Tom: How much will you give me?S.: What will satisfy you?Tom: Well, you couldn’t satisfy me that way, because I want to help you.S.: I never did you any harm.Tom: Oh, no! and I don’t want to do you any harm. I wouldn’t harm you for anything,because I pity you. I pity anyone that has led the life that you have—and that is leading the life thatyou are now, for you are living a false life. What good does it do to assume to be what you are not?No one is better than another: you are all God’s children.S.: How do you know this?Tom: Well, I am getting a great deal of it from Bill—your first husband, he says he was. <strong>Of</strong>course, you may think that is strange.S.: I do think it is very strange. I think you are a very strange man.Tom: You think Bill is dead. Well, his body is dead, but he lives all the same; and I am oneof those beings. In my present condition I can communicate with spirits.S.: I thought you were a strange character.Tom: Yes, I can communicate with spirits; and that is why I could tell about you. Wouldyou like to see me?S.: I see you; and I wish I had never seen you.Tom: You don’t see me.S.: Yes, I do; and I am sorry I ever saw you: I wish you had never come into mypresence.Tom: You don’t see me, because I am a spirit, and I am controlling this young man to talkto you.S.: That is horrid! That is awful! That is dreadful!Tom: It is true. Many things that are dreadful are true, and some things that are not trueare dreadful. But you don’t see me, because I am controlling this young man to talk to you;and I want you to see me.S.: I wish you would go away.Tom: What for?S.: Because you talk so strangely.Tom: I will be one of the best friends you ever had. You will be more afraid when you findout what has happened to you, and you will want I should help you then; so you had better look atme when the chance is given you. Now I am going to leave the young man; and you look at me, andyou will see I am different from the young man.Mrs. B.: Oh, yes; look at him, and tell us how he looks!Mr. B.: Tom is a beautiful spirit.S.: Oh, dear !—oh, my! Oh, that is dreadful!Mr. B.: It is nothing to be afraid of. It is beautiful!S.: Oh, that is very strange!Mr. B.: Doesn’t he look beautiful now? Doesn’t he look good? He is good.S.: Has he gone away for ever?Mr. B.: No; he will come back again and talk to you; and you will be very glad that he does.Tom (returns to Mr. F.): Well, now, did you see me?S.: I saw a very strange thing.Tom: You saw a spirit, and that was me. I have died.S.: You have died! I don’t comprehend or understand you at all.Tom: Don’t you suppose that when you die you will be a spirit?S.: Possibly; but I cannot tell.Tom: What do you think is going to become of you when you die?S.: I don’t know.

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