Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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258Tom: I think he had very bad luck sometimes inspiring, because sometimes he made hisprophets say and do terrible things; if people did those things now, they would be put in the lockup.Take your wise man Solomon, for instance. I tell you the Bible was made by man and priests,and they are the ones who have kept it alive; they have kept on piling and piling the ignorance andsuperstition until they have got such a big fire that it smoulders and smoulders and smoulders, andit will be a long time before truth can quench it; but truth will quench it, because truth and rightwill prevail.S.: Don’t you believe in the New Testament?Tom: Just about as much as I believe in the Old. I found out it was all a humbug. I thinkwhen a person dies and enters spirit life, as I have, and finds things entirely different from what istaught in the Bible, that proves explicitly that there is a mistake.S.: It seems very strange if you have died and still be talking in the way you are.Tom: In order for me to talk to you and have you understand me, I have to control theorganism of this young man.S.: Yes, I have heard of such things. I have heard of pretended mediums.Tom: Then they must all be pretended in the Bible, because don’t you know that manChrist is supposed to have said—I don’t know whether he said it or not, because I wasn’t there, buthe is reported to have said— that “young men shall dream dreams and see visions and speak indifferent tongues”? What did he mean by that if it wasn’t control?S.: He meant that it was the spirit of God upon them. You know the day of Pentecostthere were tongues of fire rested upon them.Tom: I should think it would have burned their tongues. I wouldn’t want tongues of fire torest on me. Now you want to use your reason—use sense. Say, George, who is Nellie?S.: Nellie who?Tom: Your little Nellie.S.: She was my little Nellie?Tom: She is here. Oh ! she’s a lovely little girl, isn’t she, and she loves her papa. Do youthink she is saved or lost? Now let me tell you, George, according to your belief this child would belost because you neglected to have her baptised. Now you can’t believe in a God that would destroya little innocent child like that because certain forms made and conceived in the brain of man werenot complied with?S.: Oh no, we think that baptism is a command, and it should be obeyed.Tom: Would you like to see me, George?S.: I see you.Tom: Oh no, not when I am controlling the young man; you can’t see me now.S.: I understand you now.Tom: Now you look at the young man, and you will see me.S.: Yes, I will look. That is very strange, indeed!Mrs. F.: I see something that looks like a white vapour, and then it takes the form of a man.That is the spirit that controls the organism of this young man; he is in spirit life.S.: Well, I am real interested. Does he often come and control the young man?Mrs. F.: Only when we sit in this way he does, to help those poor souls who have gone tospirit life and do not know they have made the change called death.S.: It seems very strange. I can’t understand it.Mrs. F.: You will after a time, because that is what you have been brought here for, tounderstand your condition.Tom: Don’t you think that is very strange, that people can leave their bodies and not beaware of it?S.: It seems very strange.Tom: I have seen a good many that way.S.: Does the young man know that you control him?Tom: Oh, yes.S.: You don’t control him’ all the time, do you?Tom: Oh, no.

259S.: Can he talk himself?Tom: Oh, yes, he spoke to you when you first came; don’t you remember?S.: Oh, certainly I remember; I had overlooked that. Can you tell me more of my wife?Tom: Oh, yes.S.: Is she happy?Tom: She is very happy, and she will be more happy when you realise your condition more.S.: What does she think of my condition? What does she mean by that?Tom: You remember I was telling you that many leave the body—die, as you call it—andthey are not aware that they have made the change called death?S.: Do you mean that they are conscious of existence and don’t know they have died?How in the world can that be?Tom: Because they are right on the earth plane. Many times when people die suddenly theyare not aware of it, they feel so natural. They lie in kind of a trance-like state, and don’t take intheir surroundings. Their senses are not open to spiritual things yet. They have to be brought intocontact with material and have their conditions removed; they are brought into contact withmaterial, and I tell them they have made the change called death, and get them ready to be taken incharge by spirits who will teach them the duties pertaining to the life they have entered.S.: That seems very strange, doesn’t it?Tom: It is very strange to people who haven’t made the change. These people sitting herehaven’t made the change called death.S.: No, of course not.Tom: I have made the change called death, and I am controlling the young man; you sawme when I left him?S.: Yes.Tom: These people sitting here couldn’t see me, but you can see me. Now just think for amoment what is the reason that you can see me and they cannot?S.: I really don’t know how you present it to my sight, and not to them.Tom: Supposing you would go out in the world and tell people that you saw a spirit, andthat spirit talked to you; what would people say to you?S.: They would hardly believe such a story. There are a great many who believe in thesupernatural, and there are a great many who do not.Tom: But your friends know you to be an honest, upright man, and isn’t it very strangethat they wouldn’t believe you if you should tell them your experience, when they will believe suchincredible things, nonsensical things, impossible things that are written in that book which theyhave been taught to believe in as the word of God? That isn’t just, is it? But people don’t think forthemselves; it is more as they were =brought up and taught; the manners and customs in eachcountry are different; they all have a religion according to their mind development. There aremany bright minds who are not satisfied to accept that book, because they think and reason andthey find things in that book that cannot be true, because they are contrary to nature’s laws.George, do you realise where you are at the present time?S.: Yes, I am in Parson’s shoe store.Tom: In what place?S.: In Cincinnati. What makes you ask such questions?Tom: You are not in Cincinnati now, my friend, and you are not in a shoe store.S.: Where am I?Tom: You are in Buffalo, N.Y.S.: I don’t understand it at all.Tom: No, you cannot. Would you feel sorry if you had left your old body, if you had madethe change called death?S.: I don’t know.Tom: Well, you have.S.: Is that true?Tom: That is true, my friend.S.: How did it happen?

258Tom: I think he had very bad luck sometimes inspiring, because sometimes he made hisprophets say and do terrible things; if people did those things now, they would be put in the lockup.Take your wise man Solomon, for instance. I tell you the Bible was made by man and priests,and they are the ones who have kept it alive; they have kept on piling and piling the ignorance andsuperstition until they have got such a big fire that it smoulders and smoulders and smoulders, andit will be a long time before truth can quench it; but truth will quench it, because truth and rightwill prevail.S.: Don’t you believe in the New Testament?Tom: Just about as much as I believe in the Old. I found out it was all a humbug. I thinkwhen a person dies and enters spirit life, as I have, and finds things entirely different from what istaught in the Bible, that proves explicitly that there is a mistake.S.: It seems very strange if you have died and still be talking in the way you are.Tom: In order for me to talk to you and have you understand me, I have to control theorganism of this young man.S.: Yes, I have heard of such things. I have heard of pretended mediums.Tom: <strong>The</strong>n they must all be pretended in the Bible, because don’t you know that manChrist is supposed to have said—I don’t know whether he said it or not, because I wasn’t there, buthe is reported to have said— that “young men shall dream dreams and see visions and speak indifferent tongues”? What did he mean by that if it wasn’t control?S.: He meant that it was the spirit of God upon them. You know the day of Pentecostthere were tongues of fire rested upon them.Tom: I should think it would have burned their tongues. I wouldn’t want tongues of fire torest on me. Now you want to use your reason—use sense. Say, George, who is Nellie?S.: Nellie who?Tom: Your little Nellie.S.: She was my little Nellie?Tom: She is here. Oh ! she’s a lovely little girl, isn’t she, and she loves her papa. Do youthink she is saved or lost? Now let me tell you, George, according to your belief this child would belost because you neglected to have her baptised. Now you can’t believe in a God that would destroya little innocent child like that because certain forms made and conceived in the brain of man werenot complied with?S.: Oh no, we think that baptism is a command, and it should be obeyed.Tom: Would you like to see me, George?S.: I see you.Tom: Oh no, not when I am controlling the young man; you can’t see me now.S.: I understand you now.Tom: Now you look at the young man, and you will see me.S.: Yes, I will look. That is very strange, indeed!Mrs. F.: I see something that looks like a white vapour, and then it takes the form of a man.That is the spirit that controls the organism of this young man; he is in spirit life.S.: Well, I am real interested. Does he often come and control the young man?Mrs. F.: Only when we sit in this way he does, to help those poor souls who have gone tospirit life and do not know they have made the change called death.S.: It seems very strange. I can’t understand it.Mrs. F.: You will after a time, because that is what you have been brought here for, tounderstand your condition.Tom: Don’t you think that is very strange, that people can leave their bodies and not beaware of it?S.: It seems very strange.Tom: I have seen a good many that way.S.: Does the young man know that you control him?Tom: Oh, yes.S.: You don’t control him’ all the time, do you?Tom: Oh, no.

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