Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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256S.: Oh, pshaw!Tom: Don’t you think I can?S.: No.Tom: Do you know I can see something queer about you?S.: I see something queer about you, too! I see that you are a good-for-nothing snipe!Tom: You are very much mistaken about that. If I didn’t know that you were mistaken, Imight, perhaps, get a little spunky with you; but I feel sorry for you.S.: I haven’t anything the matter with me that you need to feel sorry for me.Tom: I feel sorry for you because you have expressed yourself about me in a way youshouldn’t, because you don’t know.S.: I am sorry if I have said anything I hadn’t ought to. I don’t want to hurt you.Tom: Say, I want to tell you there’s a woman standing right by you, and she says her nameis Becky.S.: Stands by me?Tom: Yes.S.: Oh, no; I don’t see anyone.Tom: That doesn’t make any difference, if you don’t see her—she is there just the same. Theblind man doesn’t see the beautiful birds and flowers, but they are there just the same—aren’tthey?S.: I don’t understand it at all. I’ll tell you I want my shoes. I don’t want to stay here inmy stocking foot. Now, if you have got anything to do with the boss, just tell him to bring my shoes!Tom: I wanted to tell you so much what I saw about you. I wanted to tell you about Becky.S.: What Becky is it?Tom: Don’t you know Becky, that belongs to you— your wife?S.: Yes, sir.Tom: Well, she is right by you.S.: Oh, no! no!Tom: Your name is George, she says.S.: How do you know?Tom: Becky told me so. You know you never saw me before.S.: No, I don’t think I ever did.Tom: Nor I never saw you before.S.: Didn’t you?Tom: Why, no!S.: How do you know all these things?Tom: She told me.S.: I can’t understand how she told you.Tom: She says you go to the Methodist Church. Do you?S.: Yes, I do. Don’t you?Tom: No, I don’t.S.: Why don’t you?Tom: Because I don’t believe in it.S.: What church do you go to?Tom: I go to God’s church—that’s nature.S.: God’s church—nature? What do you mean by that?Tom: God is nature. Say, you don’t believe God sits on a throne, do you?S.: Well, the Bible speaks of God’s throne.Tom: What does he want a throne for? You don’t suppose God is a man sitting on a throne,do you?S.: No, I don’t think he is a man; I think he’s God.Tom: He must be a man if he is a “he.” “He” wouldn’t be a woman, would it? You alwaysspeak of God as “he” or “him.”S.: God is the Mighty Father of all things, the Creator. “God” is only a name given to theCreator; he created all things.

257Tom: If he is the Father, then he must be a man. All fathers are men, aren’t they?S.: You speak in the human sense: you don’t speak in the divine sense.Tom: How can we comprehend anything, only what is human, with our human intellect?S.: God is a Spirit—the Spirit of God.Tom: If God is a spirit, then Becky is a spirit, too, isn’t she?S.: I believe Becky is with God. She’s an angel.Tom: So you think there are no angels, only what is with God? What do you call them whenthey are with the other fellow?S.: There are angels of God and angels of darkness.Tom: Who made them angels of darkness?S.: Their own transgressions.Tom: What caused them to transgress?S.: They rebelled against God.Tom: I don’t see into that. I don’t know how you could harm God, no matter what you do.S.: They don’t harm God; they harm themselves.Tom: Then God ought to take them and care for them. I am glad there is no such thing as adevil, for everyone is saved; no matter if they do make mistakes in earth life, there is achance for everybody; you haven’t got to believe this thing and that thing to save you.S.: Do you think so?Tom: I know it is so, because I have been there and found out.S.: Been where?Tom: In spirit life.S.: How in the world could you do that?Tom: Don’t everyone go to spirit life when they die? I am alive, but I have left my old body.I am not using my body now. This body doesn’t belong to me, it is only borrowed.S.: How could you borrow a body?Tom: Not exactly borrowed, but I am controlling the young man to talk to you; I am aspirit controlling him, and that is the reason I could tell you about Becky; and that is why she couldtell me your name is George and you were a Methodist. I can tell you lots more too.S.: Well, do; I would be glad to hear you.Tom: Don’t you know in your Bible, that you believe so much in, it tells about the angelscoming to Jacob and eating and supping with him, and he made that big hoe-cake?S.: Hoe-cake!Tom: I don’t know whether it was hoe-cake or toe-cake; it don’t make much differencewhat kind it was. Do you believe that?S.: It is written in the Scriptures.Tom: Is that the reason you believe it?S.: Don’t you believe in the Bible?Tom: Yes, I believe in it in a certain sense.S.: Do you believe the Bible?Tom: Some of it I do, and some of it I don’t.S.: You are an unbeliever, I think.Tom: No, I believe in the truth. I don’t believe anything that isn’t true, do you? Would youwant to believe anything that isn’t true?S.: No.Tom: But most of folks do.S.: Oh yes, they believe a great many things that are false; but they don’t know it is false,they think it is the truth.Tom : Well, then it is all right; they can’t help it, can they? How do you know the Bible istrue?S.: See how long it has been the book of books—the God of books. There is no book everwritten like it.Tom: Who made it so?S.: It was written by the fingers of God. He inspired his prophets.

257Tom: If he is the Father, then he must be a man. All fathers are men, aren’t they?S.: You speak in the human sense: you don’t speak in the divine sense.Tom: How can we comprehend anything, only what is human, with our human intellect?S.: God is a Spirit—the Spirit of God.Tom: If God is a spirit, then Becky is a spirit, too, isn’t she?S.: I believe Becky is with God. She’s an angel.Tom: So you think there are no angels, only what is with God? What do you call them whenthey are with the other fellow?S.: <strong>The</strong>re are angels of God and angels of darkness.Tom: Who made them angels of darkness?S.: <strong>The</strong>ir own transgressions.Tom: What caused them to transgress?S.: <strong>The</strong>y rebelled against God.Tom: I don’t see into that. I don’t know how you could harm God, no matter what you do.S.: <strong>The</strong>y don’t harm God; they harm themselves.Tom: <strong>The</strong>n God ought to take them and care for them. I am glad there is no such thing as adevil, for everyone is saved; no matter if they do make mistakes in earth life, there is achance for everybody; you haven’t got to believe this thing and that thing to save you.S.: Do you think so?Tom: I know it is so, because I have been there and found out.S.: Been where?Tom: In spirit life.S.: How in the world could you do that?Tom: Don’t everyone go to spirit life when they die? I am alive, but I have left my old body.I am not using my body now. This body doesn’t belong to me, it is only borrowed.S.: How could you borrow a body?Tom: Not exactly borrowed, but I am controlling the young man to talk to you; I am aspirit controlling him, and that is the reason I could tell you about Becky; and that is why she couldtell me your name is George and you were a Methodist. I can tell you lots more too.S.: Well, do; I would be glad to hear you.Tom: Don’t you know in your Bible, that you believe so much in, it tells about the angelscoming to Jacob and eating and supping with him, and he made that big hoe-cake?S.: Hoe-cake!Tom: I don’t know whether it was hoe-cake or toe-cake; it don’t make much differencewhat kind it was. Do you believe that?S.: It is written in the Scriptures.Tom: Is that the reason you believe it?S.: Don’t you believe in the Bible?Tom: Yes, I believe in it in a certain sense.S.: Do you believe the Bible?Tom: Some of it I do, and some of it I don’t.S.: You are an unbeliever, I think.Tom: No, I believe in the truth. I don’t believe anything that isn’t true, do you? Would youwant to believe anything that isn’t true?S.: No.Tom: But most of folks do.S.: Oh yes, they believe a great many things that are false; but they don’t know it is false,they think it is the truth.Tom : Well, then it is all right; they can’t help it, can they? How do you know the Bible istrue?S.: See how long it has been the book of books—the God of books. <strong>The</strong>re is no book everwritten like it.Tom: Who made it so?S.: It was written by the fingers of God. He inspired his prophets.

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