Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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254Mr. B.: We can’t hear any bird singing as you can; we haven’t spiritual ears yet.S.: He’s gone right back into him. I wish I knew what is the matter with my hand; itseems kind of numb.Tom: That will be all right presently; you see it was a very great shock to your spirit, dyingin the way you did (I use those terms so that you will better understand me), and the effectsof it still cling to your spirit; but in a little time this condition will pass off from you, and youwill feel better. Did you see me, Robert?S.: I saw somebody, if that was you.Tom: Yes, that was me; my name is Tom.S.: Tom who?Tom: That don’t matter now—you wouldn’t know; but you can call me Tom. I am a spirit,and I came here to control this young man and talk to you.S.: Is that what you do all the time?Tom: No, not all the time; but most of the time my work is to help spirits when they die andare not aware of their condition, that they have made the change called death, and get themacquainted with their new surroundings, and get them started a little in the new life they haveentered. Would you like to see Ned?S.: Well, I don’t know; it is kind of mysterious to me. I see something has happened tome, because I have seen things I never saw before; but I don’t understand. I remember falling,and now I remember striking; yes, I remember that very distinctly. Rob, I guess you area corpse.Tom: You are a pretty lively corpse. You are alive just the same, only you have entered anew life. It is like entering a strange city or country; you are a little mixed up. If you should go toChina, and didn’t see anything but Chinese, nor didn’t understand a word the people were saying,you would be badly mixed up. <strong>The</strong>n is it to be wondered at that, leaving your old body in thesudden manner you did, you should feel strange? I’ll tell you, Robert, I will take you and show yousome very pleasant beautiful things, and I will try and teach you as far as I can of the thingspertaining to the life you have now entered.S.: Where will you take me?Tom: I will take you to a place suited to your present condition. I will take care of you untilyou are able to walk alone.S.: Oh, I can walk very well.Tom: Yes; but I mean figuratively speaking —I mean until you understand somewhat yournew conditions and surroundings.S.: Well, I guess I will have to accept it.Tom: <strong>The</strong>re are many bright, beautiful things before you.S.: I hope so.Tom: This is a beautiful life you have now entered, a life where you can learn of the wisdomand glory of this great universe; not all at once, but day by day, and hour by hour, some new lessonwill be presented to you, so you will be learning more and more of the wonderful powers which youpossess in that spark of divinity—the soul.S.: Well, I don’t know much about the divinity, but if there is anything pleasant to see Iwould like to see it.Tom: I will take you and show you some very pleasant things which will interest you.Jimmy: When you know you are right stick to it, no matter what anybody says, and you willcome out victorious. When you are through breathing through this mortal body you will see thatyou have left a light pathway behind you, and that light will be a light to others.

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