Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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248Tom: Your dear friends Sarah and Lucy, and many others, are here at the present time.S.: Oh, don’t tell me!Tom: You are not afraid of them, are you?S.: Yes, I am afraid. Oh God! I am afraid.Tom: What are you afraid of? They love you, and have come to help you. Say, John, do youknow there has something very strange happened to you?S.: Well, never mind. I know you know all about it, so I will give myself up. You can takeme and have me arrested, if you want to.Tom: I don’t want to have you arrested. You are perfectly safe here, John. You have paidthe penalty now.S.: Oh, I am tired and sick of it.Tom: Yes, I know; and your friends are sorry for you, and they will help you.S.: Torture! torture! Oh, don’t speak to me.Tom: I am very sorry for you; but don’t you know there is a chance for you ?—a chance towork out this wrong?S.: There is no chance—no chance.Tom: Oh, yes there is, John.S.: After all these years of torture? Oh, it is no use. I might as well give myself up; I cancover it up no longer—no longer—no longer.Tom: Why did you do that? Tell the friends all about it, and you will feel a great dealbetter; and then I have got something to tell you that will make you feel better. Come, now, John,do it for Lucy’s and Sarah’s sake, because they both love you; and here, now, you have anopportunity and chance; we are all friends. Say, John, did you ever think how it would be when youcame to make the change called death?S.: Oh, I have thought and thought until it has burned into my heart and brain.Tom: Did you ever think, or could you ever realise, that sometimes people make thatchange called death, and they are not aware of it?S.: No, I don’t know that.Tom: Do you know, I have had that experience with a great many? I have come in contactwith many souls that had made the change called death—that is, had laid aside their body—andthey didn’t know it. But their friends see and realise their condition—the friends that have passedout of their bodies and gone on and up into higher spheres—and it makes them feel sad when theyrealise the condition that those they once loved and still love are in. So it is with your friends at thepresent time; they realise your condition; they love you, if possible, more than they ever did.S.: That would seem impossible if they know.Tom: They do know, and they see the unfortunate train of circumstances which forced youto do as you did; and they feel a pity for you, and are anxious to have you started right, that youmay as far as possible make restitution for the wrongs which you have committed, so that your souland spirit may unfold and grow, and that you may outwork the deeds which you committed whilein the body.S.: I haven’t done anything. You talk as if I had done something. Oh!!! There he is! Ikilled him! I killed him! I killed him! I have said it. I could not endure it any more. I can’t live andsee that face— no, no, no. Take and do what you like with me.Tom: John, do you know you have made the change called death?S.: I don’t know. Dreadful things have come over me and entered my life. What can Ido? I have told you. I have said it. I am glad I have said it. You can send for the authorities as quickas you please.Tom: The authorities in earth life can have no control over you now. You are where theycannot touch you, cannot harm you, for you have left your old body.S.: Have I?Tom: You have.S.: Well, it matters not—matters not.

249Tom: And you have been brought here to-night, not knowing it, by those whose willpower is such that they have the power and will to surround one and bring them to this place,where you have been brought to be aided and assisted out of the terrible condition which you arein.S.: I will accept any conditions, no matter what. I am so weary. I have tried and tried tocover it up. You know how it is. I have told you.Tom: I knew how it was before you told me. I am a spirit, the same as yourself; and yourfriends in spirit life prepared me in a measure to talk to you, and wished me to aid and assist you,and teach you how to work out of the terrible conditions which you surrounded yourself with bythe acts and deeds committed while in the body.S.: It is well if you can help me to wipe out these bloodstains. I will ask no more; theyhave burned into my soul.Tom: I can and will help you; but you will have to labour when you are prepared and ableto work for others, for there are many in similar conditions to yourself; and one who has passed upand out of those conditions can return into those conditions and aid others. That will be your workwhen you are sufficiently prepared, for you will have sympathy for others who have made mistakeslike yourself.S.: Indeed, I would.Tom: And by helping others in this way it will help you to wipe out these stains which areso burned into your soul. You have been attracted to this place by those who love you; and yourspirit has been clothed with material, so that you could speak and practically throw off the terribleweight which was upon your soul. And when that material is withdrawn from you I will take you incharge, and you will feel that there is a part removed, if a small part only, of that terrible weightwhich clung to your soul.S.: I hope and pray it may be so. Thank you, lady, I will go.Tom: Before you go, wouldn’t you like to see me?S.: No, no; come right along. Let’s go.Tom: Bid the kind friends “Good-night,” for they have assisted you much. And you will bewilling, won’t you, to try and get to the loved ones—to those who love you?

248Tom: Your dear friends Sarah and Lucy, and many others, are here at the present time.S.: Oh, don’t tell me!Tom: You are not afraid of them, are you?S.: Yes, I am afraid. Oh God! I am afraid.Tom: What are you afraid of? <strong>The</strong>y love you, and have come to help you. Say, John, do youknow there has something very strange happened to you?S.: Well, never mind. I know you know all about it, so I will give myself up. You can takeme and have me arrested, if you want to.Tom: I don’t want to have you arrested. You are perfectly safe here, John. You have paidthe penalty now.S.: Oh, I am tired and sick of it.Tom: Yes, I know; and your friends are sorry for you, and they will help you.S.: Torture! torture! Oh, don’t speak to me.Tom: I am very sorry for you; but don’t you know there is a chance for you ?—a chance towork out this wrong?S.: <strong>The</strong>re is no chance—no chance.Tom: Oh, yes there is, John.S.: After all these years of torture? Oh, it is no use. I might as well give myself up; I cancover it up no longer—no longer—no longer.Tom: Why did you do that? Tell the friends all about it, and you will feel a great dealbetter; and then I have got something to tell you that will make you feel better. Come, now, John,do it for Lucy’s and Sarah’s sake, because they both love you; and here, now, you have anopportunity and chance; we are all friends. Say, John, did you ever think how it would be when youcame to make the change called death?S.: Oh, I have thought and thought until it has burned into my heart and brain.Tom: Did you ever think, or could you ever realise, that sometimes people make thatchange called death, and they are not aware of it?S.: No, I don’t know that.Tom: Do you know, I have had that experience with a great many? I have come in contactwith many souls that had made the change called death—that is, had laid aside their body—andthey didn’t know it. But their friends see and realise their condition—the friends that have passedout of their bodies and gone on and up into higher spheres—and it makes them feel sad when theyrealise the condition that those they once loved and still love are in. So it is with your friends at thepresent time; they realise your condition; they love you, if possible, more than they ever did.S.: That would seem impossible if they know.Tom: <strong>The</strong>y do know, and they see the unfortunate train of circumstances which forced youto do as you did; and they feel a pity for you, and are anxious to have you started right, that youmay as far as possible make restitution for the wrongs which you have committed, so that your souland spirit may unfold and grow, and that you may outwork the deeds which you committed whilein the body.S.: I haven’t done anything. You talk as if I had done something. Oh!!! <strong>The</strong>re he is! Ikilled him! I killed him! I killed him! I have said it. I could not endure it any more. I can’t live andsee that face— no, no, no. Take and do what you like with me.Tom: John, do you know you have made the change called death?S.: I don’t know. Dreadful things have come over me and entered my life. What can Ido? I have told you. I have said it. I am glad I have said it. You can send for the authorities as quickas you please.Tom: <strong>The</strong> authorities in earth life can have no control over you now. You are where theycannot touch you, cannot harm you, for you have left your old body.S.: Have I?Tom: You have.S.: Well, it matters not—matters not.

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