Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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244S.: What makes part of me melt away so?Tom: That is the material which the spirit friends have clothed your spirit body with, andwhen that material passes away from your spirit body it gives you that feeling of melting away.S.: Do you think I am going to be happy? -Tom: I know you are after a little time, when you get away from the conditions now aboutyou. You have entered a beautiful life, where you will learn and have everything that is for yourown good.S.: How long have you been dead?Tom: Who, me?S.: No, this lady (meaning Mrs. B’).Tom: That lady isn’t dead.S.: You told me you were dead.Mrs. B.: Dear friend, this spirit friend is controlling the organism of this young man.S.: How is that?Tom: Would you like to see me?S.: I do see you.Tom: No, you only see the young man I am talking through. You just put your hand righthere on the young man, and then I will show you myself as a spirit, and take you by your hand, andthen you will see the difference. Now you put your hand right on the young man.S.: Yes, I will.Tom: <strong>The</strong>re, now you feel, don’t you?S.: Yes, I feel. Your hand is all right.Tom: That is the young man’s hand. Now you look at the young man’s head, and I will showyou myself, and I will give you my hand.S.: Yes, do.Tom: Now you mustn’t be frightened.S.: Oh, I see the most wonderful thing before me.Mr. B.: Tell us what you see.S.: I saw him come right out of his head. How strange that is! That makes me shudder.Mr. B.: Don’t be afraid.S.: Yes, I will take your hand. Oh! what a difference, isn’t there? Oh my! Oh my!Mr. B.: Now you can see him go back.S.: Oh! Isn’t that lovely? How many there are! That’s a most wonderful sight! He musthave a great deal of power. He was a man, surely.Mrs. B.: It’s the spirit going back into the young man. He will speak to you pretty soon.Tom: Now didn’t you find it as I told you?S.: Yes, I saw it. That is a wonderful thing. Why, I never thought it could be, and thereare so many of them.Tom: Oh, yes; those are the spirit friends.S.: I guess I must try to be reconciled; but I am so disappointed.Tom: I am sorry for you, and I will take you out of this atmosphere, where you will be ableto work out of this disappointment. I will take you to a beautiful place, and my mistress Jennie willhelp you; she used to live in New York; she was a fine lady. You won’t be afraid to go with me, willyou?S.: Will the Lord accept me?Tom: Well, I guess he will, because he accepts everybody.S.: Oh! does he?Tom: <strong>Of</strong> course he does.S.: I haven’t always done right.Tom: <strong>The</strong>n you have got to face all the wrong you have done. You are your own saviour.You will be willing to work, won’t you, and make good all the deeds you did which you thinkweren’t right?S.: Oh, yes.

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