Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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242S.: I don’t feel at all as if I could be dead; I am just as live as ever. Don’t tell methat—I can’t bear it!Mr. B.: You expected to live after death, didn’t you?S.: I didn’t know. I couldn’t think how it would be.Mr. B.: Of course you couldn’t! You only left your old body when you passed over, and nowyou have a spiritual body; you are just the same.S.: Oh, I feel wretched !—I feel miserable! What will I do?Mr. B.: Where did you live?S.: I lived right here.Mr. B.: What is the name of the city?S.: Why, I lived right here in New York.Mr. B.: You are in Buffalo, N.Y., now. Do you know where Buffalo is?S.: Yes, sir, I have been there.Mr. B.: You are there now.S.: No, sir—no, sir.Mrs. B.: You are in Porter Avenue, up in the third story of this gentleman’s house.S.: I don’t understand it at all.Mrs. B.: This gentleman’s daughter will tell you all about it; you will see her; she is abeautiful spirit like yourself.S.: Oh, no—no—no— Mr. B.: You will drop these bad feelings very quickly,and be pleased to know that you have made the change. You have entered a new life, and you havebeen brought here to be instructed in it.S.: A new life?Mr. B.: Yes, new surroundings; you are in spirit life now.S.: I see nothing new. I only feel that I have been very sick, and I feel very tired. I feel veryill, and my friends have neglected me.Mr. B.: No, they haven’t. They have buried your old body.S.: Oh dear! That is a dreadful thing! I am so afraid!Mrs. B.: Oh, no; you have loving friends that will take care of you. There’s nothing to beafraid of.S.: If someone would only pray for me.Mrs. B.: We will pray for you.S.: Oh, do. Do you think I am going to get well? Ask the Lord to restore me to health, pleasedo.Mrs. B.: Yes, you will be restored very soon.S.: Oh, you are a kind lady.Mrs. B.: I want to be. I want to do all I can to help you.Mr. B.: I speak to you as I do because I think it will be for your good.S.: I know there has something happened to me, but it doesn’t seem like death.Mr. B.: Of course, you have no definite idea of death; you have no means of knowing; but aslong as anything is inevitable, it is better to accept the situation and do the best you can.S.: Who are these people I see?Mr. B.: We can’t see them, because we are sitting in a room that is perfectly dark. It isn’tdark to you, is it?S.: No; it isn’t very light, but it isn’t dark.Mrs. B.: Dear friend, did you ever hear of spiritualists?S.: Yes, ma’am.Mrs. B.: That’s what we are, and we are sitting here to try and help you.S.: That accounts for your talking so strangely. Mrs. B.: We are sitting here to make theconditions so that you can talk to us. By-and-by you won’t be able to speak to us.S.: That’s a very strange thing, isn’t it?(She is dematerialised.)S.: Oh, yes, something has happened to me.Mr. B.: For a few moments you couldn’t speak to us, could you?

243S.: No, something fell off from me; still I was myself all the same.Mr. B.: You are partially materialised so that you can speak to us, and that that you felt fallfrom you is the material your spirit is clothed with. We are mortals here.S.: Could I speak to my friends?Mr. B.: They don’t know that you arc with them. They don’t understand how to make theproper conditions for you to speak to them.S.: Dear, that is a dreadful thing.Mr. B.: Haven’t you friends in• spirit life whom you love, and whom you would like to see?S.: Why, yes, I have friends that have gone to heaven.Mr. B.: Wouldn’t you like to see them?S.: I don’t know. Yes, I guess I would.Mr. B.: They love you still just the same.S.: How strange it is! Oh, how unhappy I am!Mr. B.: You shouldn’t be unhappy, because you have entered a life that is much morebeautiful than the one you have left.S.: It don’t look any different.Mr. B.: It will.S.: What shall I do? Where can I go?Tom: I will tell you what to do and where to go.Mr. B.: That is Tom. He will be a good, kind friend to you.Tom: Yes, I used to live in New York.S.: Did you?Tom: Yes; and I will show you where to go and tell you what to do. You feel real bad, don’tyou?S.: Oh, yes I do. Why, do you know, that gentleman said I have made the change calleddeath?Tom: Oh, that isn’t anything.S.: That is everything. That is a dreadful thing—a dreadful thing.Tom: No, it isn’t; it is very beautiful when you understand it, but you don’t understand it. Ifeel very sorry for you. I have been in spirit life a good while, and I can take you where it is verybeautiful.S.: Can you?Tom: Oh, yes.S.: As beautiful as California?Tom: Oh, you wouldn’t look at California after you look at some of the things that I canshow you. I should think you would rather look at Harry’s face than to see anything in California.You have not forgotten Harry?S.: Oh, no.Tom: I’ll tell you, the trouble with you is your whole mind was on that California trip, andyou couldn’t think of anything else. And that is the reason you couldn’t see anything that was niceabout you. You were all to blame for it yourself.S.: Oh, don’t scold me.Tom: I am not going to scold, but if you had followed the advice of your mother, and notgone to that party, you wouldn’t have taken that cold and been sick; but you would go.S.: I didn’t know I was going to take cold.Tom: No, I know you didn’t; but you didn’t follow the advice of your mother, and that’sthe way with a great many people—they don’t follow the advice that is given them, and thendisastrous results follow.S.: What are all those people doing?Tom: They are spirits.S.: Oh, dear!Tom: You are not afraid of them, are you?S.: I don’t know.Tom: There is nothing to be afraid of at all. They will all help you.

242S.: I don’t feel at all as if I could be dead; I am just as live as ever. Don’t tell methat—I can’t bear it!Mr. B.: You expected to live after death, didn’t you?S.: I didn’t know. I couldn’t think how it would be.Mr. B.: <strong>Of</strong> course you couldn’t! You only left your old body when you passed over, and nowyou have a spiritual body; you are just the same.S.: Oh, I feel wretched !—I feel miserable! What will I do?Mr. B.: Where did you live?S.: I lived right here.Mr. B.: What is the name of the city?S.: Why, I lived right here in New York.Mr. B.: You are in Buffalo, N.Y., now. Do you know where Buffalo is?S.: Yes, sir, I have been there.Mr. B.: You are there now.S.: No, sir—no, sir.Mrs. B.: You are in Porter Avenue, up in the third story of this gentleman’s house.S.: I don’t understand it at all.Mrs. B.: This gentleman’s daughter will tell you all about it; you will see her; she is abeautiful spirit like yourself.S.: Oh, no—no—no— Mr. B.: You will drop these bad feelings very quickly,and be pleased to know that you have made the change. You have entered a new life, and you havebeen brought here to be instructed in it.S.: A new life?Mr. B.: Yes, new surroundings; you are in spirit life now.S.: I see nothing new. I only feel that I have been very sick, and I feel very tired. I feel veryill, and my friends have neglected me.Mr. B.: No, they haven’t. <strong>The</strong>y have buried your old body.S.: Oh dear! That is a dreadful thing! I am so afraid!Mrs. B.: Oh, no; you have loving friends that will take care of you. <strong>The</strong>re’s nothing to beafraid of.S.: If someone would only pray for me.Mrs. B.: We will pray for you.S.: Oh, do. Do you think I am going to get well? Ask the Lord to restore me to health, pleasedo.Mrs. B.: Yes, you will be restored very soon.S.: Oh, you are a kind lady.Mrs. B.: I want to be. I want to do all I can to help you.Mr. B.: I speak to you as I do because I think it will be for your good.S.: I know there has something happened to me, but it doesn’t seem like death.Mr. B.: <strong>Of</strong> course, you have no definite idea of death; you have no means of knowing; but aslong as anything is inevitable, it is better to accept the situation and do the best you can.S.: Who are these people I see?Mr. B.: We can’t see them, because we are sitting in a room that is perfectly dark. It isn’tdark to you, is it?S.: No; it isn’t very light, but it isn’t dark.Mrs. B.: Dear friend, did you ever hear of spiritualists?S.: Yes, ma’am.Mrs. B.: That’s what we are, and we are sitting here to try and help you.S.: That accounts for your talking so strangely. Mrs. B.: We are sitting here to make theconditions so that you can talk to us. By-and-by you won’t be able to speak to us.S.: That’s a very strange thing, isn’t it?(She is dematerialised.)S.: Oh, yes, something has happened to me.Mr. B.: For a few moments you couldn’t speak to us, could you?

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