Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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240Tom: This is a beautiful life you have entered, when you come to realise it, and grow toit—because it is all growth; every day and every hour of y our existence now something new willcome into your life which will make you more happy. You were brought here to-night for thepurpose of partially working out of that unpleasant condition which you passed out of the bodyunder.S.: Can I go in that room where Flora is?Tom: Yes; your friends will take charge of you and teach you about the new life, and showyou many beautiful things which will interest you. And I am sure, after a short time, you will beginto feel that all things are well and right with you.S.: Hear! hear! Isn’t that beautiful? Would you, please, go with me?Tom: Yes, I will go with you.S.: I don’t think I can go there. It is too rough, isn’t it? Could you help me?Tom: I will take you to a beautiful gardenS.: No! no !—I want to go where Flora is!Tom: You will have to wait a little. One thing you will have to learn is patience.S.: I want to go now! I must go!—I must go!Tom: You will have to work to go where she is.S.: Please take me where she is, will you?Tom: It is very beautiful where she is, but she has got there through patience and throughlabour. You will have to perform some duties first before you can have the reward.S.: Must I be alone?Tom: Oh, no! you will have good, kind, loving friends to teach you, as fast as your spirit cantake it up, of the duties pertaining to the life you have now entered.S.: I wish that you would, please, take me there! Please, won’t you?Tom: You speak to Flora—she can hear you.S.: Do you think she could hear me?Tom: To be sure, she can hear you!S.: Flora !—Flora! She doesn’t hear me.Tom: Oh, yes, she does!S.: Why doesn’t she answer me?Tom: Perhaps she can’t now. You call to her again.S.: Flora!Flora (s.): Come !—come!S.: You will take me now?Tom: Yes, I will take you ; but it will take a little time to get there. Didn’t you hear her? Shetold you to come.S.: Come, take me !—take me !—please, take me!Tom: She told you to come.S.: I can’t go alone. Take me !—take me !—do, please, take me!Tom: Yes, I will take you; but you can’t go there all at once. I will take you where you willbe taught how to go to her.S.: Do—please, do!Tom: Yes, I will. I want you to realise that you have entered a very beautiful life—a life ofendless progression, where at every advancing step something beautiful will be revealed to you ofthe glories and wonders of the great universe which is all about you, Will you go now?S.: Yes.Tom: Bid these kind friends “Good evening,” and we will go.S.: Good evening, friends! Good evening !—good evening!Friends: Good evening! Come and see us again!

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1890.241We bring a young lady who feels very bad. She doesn’t know she has made the change.—Eva.S.: Dear me! I feel as if I am a perfect wanderer. I have no home—nobody will noticeme!Mr. B.: Come and stay with me; I will give you a home! We will notice you.S.: They don’t notice me at home.Mr. B.: The trouble with that is there has something happened to you.S.: I know there has something happened to me, but I can’t tell what it is.Mr. B.: Don’t you remember being sick?S.: Yes, sir, I have been sick.Mr. B.: Would you be surprised if you had passed over?S.: Passed over where?Mr. B.: Made the change called death.S.: I don’t think it could be.Mr. B.: You know you were very sick.S.: Yes, I have been very sick; but I can’t tellMr. B.: You did make the change called death.S.: Oh, that is dreadful !—isn’t it? Is this heaven?Mr. B.: Not at present; but you will soon find the heaven you made for yourself. Everyone inearth life makes their own heaven.S.: I can’t think of such a thing! I don’t want to die! I can’t die !—I can’t die!Mr. B.: You were not afraid to die, were you?S.: Yes, sir; I didn’t want to die. I can’t die !—I can’t die!Mr. B.: You have made the change; you have passed through all.S.: Oh, no, no, no! I am here just the same. Mr. B.: You don’t know where you are.What place do you think you are in?S.: Oh, dear! oh, dear! It seems so dreadful!Mrs. B.: Our daughter is over there. She told us you were coming. She is in spirit life, too,and she is very happy.S.: I didn’t want to go to spirit life. It can’t be! To think I have been sick, and have beenneglected, and everything is all wrong! They don’t even recognise me!Mr. B.: The reason they don’t recognise you is that they can’t see you. When you were inearth life you couldn’t see your friends that had passed over; they couldn’t make you understand—you couldn’t see them.S.: I know I couldn’t see them.Mr. B.: Well, it is with you just the same—they cannot see you; you have made the changecalled death.S.: I can’t have it so !—I can’t have it so! I wanted to take that journey so bad!Mr. B.: Dear friend, what journey were you going to take?S.: I was going to California.Mrs. B.: I was there last fall.S.: Isn’t it a beautiful country?Mrs. B.: Yes. You can go yet.S.: Oh, I hope so !—I hope so!Mrs. B.: I know you can.S.: What time of the year were you here?Mrs. B.: In November.S.: Was it lovely?Mrs. B.: Yes; it was rainy part of the time.S.: I have heard they have a rainy season there. Oh, I set my heart on going!Mrs. B.: You can go there in spirit life, and other places, too.

240Tom: This is a beautiful life you have entered, when you come to realise it, and grow toit—because it is all growth; every day and every hour of y our existence now something new willcome into your life which will make you more happy. You were brought here to-night for thepurpose of partially working out of that unpleasant condition which you passed out of the bodyunder.S.: Can I go in that room where Flora is?Tom: Yes; your friends will take charge of you and teach you about the new life, and showyou many beautiful things which will interest you. And I am sure, after a short time, you will beginto feel that all things are well and right with you.S.: Hear! hear! Isn’t that beautiful? Would you, please, go with me?Tom: Yes, I will go with you.S.: I don’t think I can go there. It is too rough, isn’t it? Could you help me?Tom: I will take you to a beautiful gardenS.: No! no !—I want to go where Flora is!Tom: You will have to wait a little. One thing you will have to learn is patience.S.: I want to go now! I must go!—I must go!Tom: You will have to work to go where she is.S.: Please take me where she is, will you?Tom: It is very beautiful where she is, but she has got there through patience and throughlabour. You will have to perform some duties first before you can have the reward.S.: Must I be alone?Tom: Oh, no! you will have good, kind, loving friends to teach you, as fast as your spirit cantake it up, of the duties pertaining to the life you have now entered.S.: I wish that you would, please, take me there! Please, won’t you?Tom: You speak to Flora—she can hear you.S.: Do you think she could hear me?Tom: To be sure, she can hear you!S.: Flora !—Flora! She doesn’t hear me.Tom: Oh, yes, she does!S.: Why doesn’t she answer me?Tom: Perhaps she can’t now. You call to her again.S.: Flora!Flora (s.): Come !—come!S.: You will take me now?Tom: Yes, I will take you ; but it will take a little time to get there. Didn’t you hear her? Shetold you to come.S.: Come, take me !—take me !—please, take me!Tom: She told you to come.S.: I can’t go alone. Take me !—take me !—do, please, take me!Tom: Yes, I will take you; but you can’t go there all at once. I will take you where you willbe taught how to go to her.S.: Do—please, do!Tom: Yes, I will. I want you to realise that you have entered a very beautiful life—a life ofendless progression, where at every advancing step something beautiful will be revealed to you ofthe glories and wonders of the great universe which is all about you, Will you go now?S.: Yes.Tom: Bid these kind friends “Good evening,” and we will go.S.: Good evening, friends! Good evening !—good evening!Friends: Good evening! Come and see us again!

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