Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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236Tom: I have seen a good many of them, and to-night I am having the same experience,coming in contact with a spirit who has left the body without being aware of it; and this spiritreturns to earth and talks to mortals with all the assurance that he had when in the body, which, ofcourse, is quite natural, taking up the last thought he had when he left the body, when he came intired and he took off his boots, and then he lay down. Then he thought: Well, now I will get up andgo out and see about that grain.” And he went around hunting for his boots, but he couldn’t findthem. Do you know such an individual?S.: Well, I had that experience. What are you trying to make out of that? Of course, Ilost my boots.Tom: Don’t you remember, you took them off, and you were tired?S.: Why, yes, I took them off.Tom: And you lay down on the couch, and you felt kind of queer?S.: Yes.Tom: Well, you burst your boiler.S.: What did you say?Tom: You left the body.S.: I left the body!Tom: Yes, you did.S.: Do you mean that I am dead?Tom: Yes, I do.S.: Oh, God Almighty! Jesus Christ!Tom: What are you talking that way for? That is the reason you can’t find your boots.Your father, your mother, Lucy, and all your friends are here to-night, and they have been themeans of your being brought here so that you could talk to these people here and they talk to you,and make you understand what has happened to you.S.: This is a staggerer! Great God! if I am dead—Tom: Say, JohnS.: Well, go on.Tom: Now you look at your hand real sharp, will you, and you will see the material dissolvethat your spirit is clothed with, which enables you to speak; now, watch close, and you will see thismaterial melt away from your hand. Now do you see?S.: Yes, yes. It’s gone—it’s gone. By God! it’s gone. I’m not all going away, am I.? Am Iall going?(He is dematerialised and then rematerialised.)S.: Well, I am here again. This is the Doxology. There is no use in talking.Tom: You see, John, they have clothed your spirit now with that material, so that you canspeak. There is a great work being done here. Spirits gather here and try to help those who don’tunderstand they have made the change, and try to help the poor creatures that are in sorrow,darkness, and despair up into the bright sunlight, and give them all the consolation, love, andkindness they can.S.: Well, if I am dead—and I guess I am—I guess I am dead.Tom: You have made the change called death, but there is no real death; you are just thesame, John, just as much alive as ever.S.: Where are my father and mother? Tell them I want to see them.Tom: I don’t know whether you can see them just now, but you can speak to them, andthey can hear every word you say, because they are the means of your being brought here to-night.They were aware of your condition, and wanted to help you out of that condition (that is the greatwork that is being done here), so you were brought here because the conditions are made here whenyour spirit can be clothed with the material which enables you to speak as you have spoken tonight.Your father and mother and all your friends are very anxious to have you becomeacquainted with your condition, so that you can take up the duties pertaining to the life which youhave now entered.S.: Well, I don’t know; it is a little startling to find that you are dead. What is to come?

237Tom: You will review your whole life—your deeds and your acts. You painted pictures,as it were?S.: No, I never painted a picture in my life.Tom: Not in that way; but a person’s thoughts, acts, and deeds are recorded. They belongto you, they are part of your life. All your experiences are yours, and you will take them up andreview them. You will have just the kind of place that you made. It will be like you. You willrecognise your home, because it will be so like you. Say, John, just look up to your right there, andtell me if you see anything?S.: Yes, I see the moon.Tom: Is it full?S.: Yes.Tom: Well, then, it isn’t the moon, because it is now only in its first quarter here.S.: Well, it is a full moon, anyhow.Tom: It looks like a moon to you? Now you watch.S.: Yes, I see.Tom: What do you see?S.: I see my mother! I see my father! Father! I couldn’t help it.Mrs. F.: He will be happy to think you spoke to him.S.: Why do they go away? Why do they disappear?Tom: They have not gone away. They came into your condition, and took up the conditionwhich surrounded you, and then you could see them; but when your condition was removed fromthem you could not see them, and you thought they had gone away; but they are here just the same.S.: Will I be able to see them?Tom: Oh, yes, in a little time; you will be taught what to do. You will be taken charge of by good,kind spirits, and I will help you all I can. When I leave the young man, I will take you by the hand,and I will show you what to do first.S.: That is kind of you.Tom: Oh, no; I love to do it. You are not the only one who has got a lesson to-night; thereare a good many others who don’t understand they have made the change, and I am going to takeyou all together, because I know you will all go with me.S.: I feel awful shaky.Tom: Yes; that material is going to be taken from you, and then you will go with me.Mother (s.): John!S.: Who is that?Tom: Don’t you know who that is?S.: Yes, I do know. Mother! Mother! Well, I hope it is all right; but it is very strange,isn’t it ?Mr. B.: Yes, it is a strange experience; but you have entered a beautiful life, and you will bepleased when you realise what it is.S.: Will you go with me?Tom: Yes, I will help you; it will be all right. Now bid the kind friends “Good-night,”because they have helped you, too.S.: Good-night, friends!Friends: Good-night!

236Tom: I have seen a good many of them, and to-night I am having the same experience,coming in contact with a spirit who has left the body without being aware of it; and this spiritreturns to earth and talks to mortals with all the assurance that he had when in the body, which, ofcourse, is quite natural, taking up the last thought he had when he left the body, when he came intired and he took off his boots, and then he lay down. <strong>The</strong>n he thought: Well, now I will get up andgo out and see about that grain.” And he went around hunting for his boots, but he couldn’t findthem. Do you know such an individual?S.: Well, I had that experience. What are you trying to make out of that? <strong>Of</strong> course, Ilost my boots.Tom: Don’t you remember, you took them off, and you were tired?S.: Why, yes, I took them off.Tom: And you lay down on the couch, and you felt kind of queer?S.: Yes.Tom: Well, you burst your boiler.S.: What did you say?Tom: You left the body.S.: I left the body!Tom: Yes, you did.S.: Do you mean that I am dead?Tom: Yes, I do.S.: Oh, God Almighty! Jesus Christ!Tom: What are you talking that way for? That is the reason you can’t find your boots.Your father, your mother, Lucy, and all your friends are here to-night, and they have been themeans of your being brought here so that you could talk to these people here and they talk to you,and make you understand what has happened to you.S.: This is a staggerer! Great God! if I am dead—Tom: Say, JohnS.: Well, go on.Tom: Now you look at your hand real sharp, will you, and you will see the material dissolvethat your spirit is clothed with, which enables you to speak; now, watch close, and you will see thismaterial melt away from your hand. Now do you see?S.: Yes, yes. It’s gone—it’s gone. By God! it’s gone. I’m not all going away, am I.? Am Iall going?(He is dematerialised and then rematerialised.)S.: Well, I am here again. This is the Doxology. <strong>The</strong>re is no use in talking.Tom: You see, John, they have clothed your spirit now with that material, so that you canspeak. <strong>The</strong>re is a great work being done here. Spirits gather here and try to help those who don’tunderstand they have made the change, and try to help the poor creatures that are in sorrow,darkness, and despair up into the bright sunlight, and give them all the consolation, love, andkindness they can.S.: Well, if I am dead—and I guess I am—I guess I am dead.Tom: You have made the change called death, but there is no real death; you are just thesame, John, just as much alive as ever.S.: Where are my father and mother? Tell them I want to see them.Tom: I don’t know whether you can see them just now, but you can speak to them, andthey can hear every word you say, because they are the means of your being brought here to-night.<strong>The</strong>y were aware of your condition, and wanted to help you out of that condition (that is the greatwork that is being done here), so you were brought here because the conditions are made here whenyour spirit can be clothed with the material which enables you to speak as you have spoken tonight.Your father and mother and all your friends are very anxious to have you becomeacquainted with your condition, so that you can take up the duties pertaining to the life which youhave now entered.S.: Well, I don’t know; it is a little startling to find that you are dead. What is to come?

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