Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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22To a young lady who owned to one of the sealed letters she said, walking towards her: “Ican tell you that little love affair will come all right” (confusion of the girl and laughter in theroom). “But you had better go on with your music.” “Why,” exclaimed the girl, “that was the veryquestion I asked.” “Well, your mother is standing here, and says you should continue your music.”May I open this letter?” (Tears open the closed note, and reads aloud): “My dearest mother, is itworth while for me to continue my practice?” (Great delight on the part of the girl, and muchapplause from the audience).During the evening Maggie Gaule sauntered up to me and said: “I see you are wearing achain, and something hanging to it which belonged to someone very dear to you.” (Takes watchand chain, and fingers watch.) “This was not given to you by one now in spirit life, but was theproperty at one time of a person who has passed over.” (All correct). “You have come a longdistance, and have travelled a great deal. You have brought across the ocean some photographs.(Here followed some private details which I recognised as correct, but which are unintelligible tothose around.) “You are making investigations into the problems of spiritualism and theimmortality of the soul. You are going to Boston presently. Do you know, it is a very curiousthing, I have tried to bring Dr. S. into communication with his son, and have never succeeded indoing so. He is beside me now, and he wishes me to tell his father that he was with him in his studythis morning when you called upon him. He says: ‘My father pointed to a picture, and said, “Thatis my son.” He afterwards showed you another portrait of him. He gave you a letter, orauthorised you to use his name, to assist you to obtain an interview with Mrs. Piper. Let me tellyou, you will not get that appointment yet, next week, nor the week after; but you will achieve yourobject before re-crossing the ocean. Will you convey the message to Dr. S from his son? You havewritten to Dr. H. today.”This was correct in all essentials. Beyond the few words I have already mentioned whichpassed between Mr and Mrs. Reidinger and myself in the hall on my arrival, the seer knew nothingor me, nor of my relations with Dr. S. and Dr. H. She did not know I had come across the sea(even if my lamentable “English accent” had betrayed me, I might be from Canada or the South).The photographs had only been mentioned to Dr. S. I had never set foot in that part of New Yorkin my life, and was an absolute stranger to every person n the room. My thoughts were notconcentrated on the events of the morning, and I subsequently ascertained from Dr. S. that he hadnot mentioned my visit to a single soul.We have not the faintest evidence that the sub-conscious self can be tapped by a stranger onfirst meeting. To believe it can is to believe that a medium can read the motives, character andinnermost thoughts of every person he or she passes in the street. Is it not less difficult to acceptthe fact at once that Maggie Gaule received her information from spirits present – in this case fromDr. S.’s son, who had accompanied me to her house? He and I alone knew what had taken place.Dr. S. himself was not aware that I had written to Dr. H. on that evening.One rather curious premonition was given to a businessman by Maggie Gaule. “You are indifficulties about a factory for tiles or bricks. More than once you have had to remove because theneighbours taken exception to what they consider the danger of your manufacture.”“Well, yes. We have been fired out of our location some.”M. G.: “I know. There is no real danger; but people around you think there is. Let me tellyou, to use your own expression, you are going to be fired out again. Then you have had importantdealings with a man whom you have reason to think is not as temperate as he ought to be. Excuseme mentioning these unpleasant details, but I am here to say what I see and what I am told to say.”“Well, I guess he drinks,” was the reply.I have only given the briefest sketch of what took place in Maggie Gaule’s drawing-room onthis particular evening. Some fifteen or twenty closed letters and articles were “read”. All thereadings were admitted to be correct. I am not now holding a brief for American methods.English inquirers prefer to keep their sorrows private, and shrink from parading them before aroom full of people, however sympathetic they may be. Be this as it may, there is no doubt that atleast a dozen men and women left the house that night happier than when they entered it, andfirmly convinced that hey had been brought into close touch with their loved ones who had gonebefore.

(1) I may have to return to Maggie Gaule presently. In the meantime I will attempt todescribe a visit which I paid the following day to Miss Dora Hahn, a trance medium in New York.I was, of course, absolutely unknown to her. We sat in the dark, about four feet apart. She gaveme a precise description of my state of health, and the precautions necessary, which I believe werecorrect, but would not interest my readers. She then accurately described certain spirits around,some of whom I had not given a thought to for years, and she gave their names. She then went intotrance, and was taken possession of by an Indian spirit called “Lark” who, in a voice quite differentthat that of the medium said, “Where do you wish me to go to?““Is the spirit of Iola present?”Lark: “Yes; she is here with me.”“Well, go to the house of my mother.”Lark: “I will go to the house of your mother. It is a long way, ever so far off, across theocean; it is not in London but near it.” (Then followed a description of the house and the membersof the family attending upon my mother, which was correct.)Lark: “Where shall I go now?”“Go to my house at Southsea.”Lark: Where is Southsea? B----- Square, R----- Square? (London).“Why do you say R---- Square?”Lark: “Well, Iola says she lived there are one time, but the bog hotel on one side was notthere then. Some buildings have been pulled down, and the hotel has been built in their place.”(Correct).“Now Lark, what is the Square like? You have squares here – Madison square and so on.Describe R------- Square.”Lark: “It is a sort of park.”“Any trees?”Lark: “Oh yes! Plenty; and you have to open the gate with a key.” There were furtherdetails all of which were correct.“Now Lark, go to Southsea, near Portsmouth; you know, the naval town.”Lark: “All right; I see plenty of ships and soldier about. You have something to do withthem. Golly! What a lot of cars! You are getting on in the old country. A good description of myhouse followed; also a good account of my son-in-law, my daughter and their children, who lived ina neighbouring street.“All the information given in this interview” the sceptic might say, “was obtained fromyourself. Dora Hahn told you nothing you did not know before you entered the room.” This maypossibly be true; but, remember, we were in the dark. But now to close the séance.The light was lit. I laid a packet of fifteen photos on the table, and, taking care to get out ofview of them, asked the medium to pick out the portraits of any spirits she had seen on this evening.While she was considering she handed me a photograph of my wife, saying: “Iola has just told methat this is your wife, and she says there is another one of her here”. She then gave me a secondpicture of Mrs. Moore. I should like to know how any theory of telepathy can explain this away.Could the medium have obtained this information except from the source she claimed – that is tosay, Iola?The next day I visited Mr. and Mrs. Hermann, two psychics in a remote part of New York.They discovered my name pretty quickly. I tried the photograph test. Mrs. Hermann gave aconvulsive movement, and shouted: “Who is the little girl? A spirit is saying in my ear ‘Give himthe little girl.’ “ There was only one little girl in the collection of photographs; it was the carte-devisiteof my wife at the age of fifteen, in a short dress.Good tests were given at this séance, but that just mentioned was one of the best. Knockswere going on all around the room, and vigorous taps on the table testified to any true piece ofinformation. No person who had been present could have failed to recognise the activity ofintelligence’s which do not belong to this state of existence.On January 2 I lunched with Judge Dailey in Brooklyn. My hostess was clairvoyante; andthe well known Rev. May Pepper, of the First Spiritualistic Church of Brooklyn, was one of the23

(1) I may have to return to Maggie Gaule presently. In the meantime I will attempt todescribe a visit which I paid the following day to Miss Dora Hahn, a trance medium in New York.I was, of course, absolutely unknown to her. We sat in the dark, about four feet apart. She gaveme a precise description of my state of health, and the precautions necessary, which I believe werecorrect, but would not interest my readers. She then accurately described certain spirits around,some of whom I had not given a thought to for years, and she gave their names. She then went intotrance, and was taken possession of by an Indian spirit called “Lark” who, in a voice quite differentthat that of the medium said, “Where do you wish me to go to?““Is the spirit of Iola present?”Lark: “Yes; she is here with me.”“Well, go to the house of my mother.”Lark: “I will go to the house of your mother. It is a long way, ever so far off, across theocean; it is not in London but near it.” (<strong>The</strong>n followed a description of the house and the membersof the family attending upon my mother, which was correct.)Lark: “Where shall I go now?”“Go to my house at Southsea.”Lark: Where is Southsea? B----- Square, R----- Square? (London).“Why do you say R---- Square?”Lark: “Well, Iola says she lived there are one time, but the bog hotel on one side was notthere then. Some buildings have been pulled down, and the hotel has been built in their place.”(Correct).“Now Lark, what is the Square like? You have squares here – Madison square and so on.Describe R------- Square.”Lark: “It is a sort of park.”“Any trees?”Lark: “Oh yes! Plenty; and you have to open the gate with a key.” <strong>The</strong>re were furtherdetails all of which were correct.“Now Lark, go to Southsea, near Portsmouth; you know, the naval town.”Lark: “All right; I see plenty of ships and soldier about. You have something to do withthem. Golly! What a lot of cars! You are getting on in the old country. A good description of myhouse followed; also a good account of my son-in-law, my daughter and their children, who lived ina neighbouring street.“All the information given in this interview” the sceptic might say, “was obtained fromyourself. Dora Hahn told you nothing you did not know before you entered the room.” This maypossibly be true; but, remember, we were in the dark. But now to close the séance.<strong>The</strong> light was lit. I laid a packet of fifteen photos on the table, and, taking care to get out ofview of them, asked the medium to pick out the portraits of any spirits she had seen on this evening.While she was considering she handed me a photograph of my wife, saying: “Iola has just told methat this is your wife, and she says there is another one of her here”. She then gave me a secondpicture of Mrs. Moore. I should like to know how any theory of telepathy can explain this away.Could the medium have obtained this information except from the source she claimed – that is tosay, Iola?<strong>The</strong> next day I visited Mr. and Mrs. Hermann, two psychics in a remote part of New York.<strong>The</strong>y discovered my name pretty quickly. I tried the photograph test. Mrs. Hermann gave aconvulsive movement, and shouted: “Who is the little girl? A spirit is saying in my ear ‘Give himthe little girl.’ “ <strong>The</strong>re was only one little girl in the collection of photographs; it was the carte-devisiteof my wife at the age of fifteen, in a short dress.Good tests were given at this séance, but that just mentioned was one of the best. Knockswere going on all around the room, and vigorous taps on the table testified to any true piece ofinformation. No person who had been present could have failed to recognise the activity ofintelligence’s which do not belong to this state of existence.On January 2 I lunched with Judge Dailey in Brooklyn. My hostess was clairvoyante; andthe well known Rev. May Pepper, of the First Spiritualistic Church of Brooklyn, was one of the23

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