Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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228Mr. F.: What is it, then?S.: Well, I think it is—I think it ain’t Buffalo, anyhow! I guess you know, don’t you?Mr. F.: Why, no! If it isn’t Buffalo, I don’t know what it is.S. No. 2: Hello! Is that you, Drake?S. No. 1: Hello! When did you come?S. No. 2: I have been here for some time, but I can’t find anybody. Do you know wheremy people are?S. No. 1: Why, yes; I know your wife has gone to New York. She heard that you were dead.S. No. 2: Who told her I was dead?S. No. 1: She heard so. She sold everything and went to New York.S. No. 2: Say, Drake, you are drunk, ain’t you? S. No. 1: Yes, I guess so. I fell downstairs andhurt myself.S. No. 2: I am glad to see you, old fellow.S. No. 1: I am glad to see you, too.S. No. 2: I am sorry to see you used up so bad.S. No. 1: I am not used up at all. I ain’t used up, am I?Mr. B.: No, you only feel tired.S. No. 1: Yes, I am tired: you know, don’t you? Yes, I’ll bet you do!S. No. 2: Say, how do you suppose my wife heard I was dead, when I am not dead?Drake, I can’t tell how that is.S. No. 1: I’ll tell you. I guess I will have to lie down a little while; but if you will justinquire over there, I guess they can tell you where you can find your folks.S. No. 2: How do you do, sir? Mr. F.: How do you do?S. No. 2: Can you tell me anything about my family, Mrs. John Williams? Did she use tolive in this house?Mr. F.: What is the name of the place?S. No. 2: The name of the place is Williamsport.Mr. F.: Well, I will inquire.S. No. 2: Drake knew all about my family; but I can’t do anything with him—he is tight.S. No. 1: Don’t you be telling any lies. You lie like the devil, and you know it!Mr. F.: I will be very glad to help you; but I think something has occurred to you that youare not aware of, and that is the reason that you cannot find your friends at your old home.S. No. 2: Drake said they informed my wife in my absence that I was dead, and I cannotunderstand it.Mr. F.: Have you been sick, or has anything happened to you that word of that kind mightget started to your wife?S.No.2: Oh, no!Mr. F.: Have you been in any danger at all—any accident?S. No. 2: No, nothing of that sort.Mr. F.: Were you ever troubled with heart disease?S. No. 2: No, I am a perfectly sound man, sir.S. No. 1: Don’t be telling such stories as that. You are unsound in your head. He is agood enough fellow, but he don’t always tell it just as it is.Mr. F.: Mr. Drake, what makes you think he isn’t sound in his head? (No answer.)Well, I’ll tell you, Mr. Williams, you are in Buffalo now; something must have occurred toyou to be here.S. No. 2: I can’t understand it at all.S. No. 1: You just made up your mind you never would understand it.Mr. B.: Mr. Williams, you have made the change called death. You are in spirit life now.What day of the month do you remember last?S. No. 2: Why, it is about the 3Oth.Mr. B.: Of what month?S. No. 2: August.Mr. B.: This is the 21st day of September, and you are in Buffalo.

229S. No. 2: Well, what in the world has happened to me?S. No. 1: I’ll tell you what’s the matter with you; you are off.Mr. B.: Mr. Williams, you made the change called death without knowing it—it came on sosuddenly; and the life you are in now is so much like the life you left you haven’t known anydifference.S. No. 2: Are you really telling me the truth? You are not joking with me?Mr. B.: No, not at all. A great many people, when they are taken away from this lifesuddenly, don’t know they have made the change for quite a little time sometimes. And you havebeen brought here for the purpose of bringing you to a realisation of your condition.Mr. F.: And, Mr. Williams, Mr. Drake fell downstairs and killed himself, and he doesn’tknow he has made the change.S. No. 2: Is that possible?S. No. 1: I fell down, but I didn’t kill myself.Mr. F.: Mr. Drake, when you fell downstairs you killed yourself.S. No. 1: Well, I guess not.Mr. F.: Oh yes; and that is why you could see Mr. Williams. You know Mr. Williams died.S. No. 1: I know he isn’t dead; I have seen him all right enough.Mr. F.: Yes, because he is dead, and you are dead, too.S. No. 1: Do you think you are going to fool me? The old woman told me I was dead,and she would like to get me buried.Mr. F.: Mr. Drake, it is really so, or how could you see Mr. Williams? You know Mr.Williams is dead, and if you were living you wouldn’t be able to see him.S. No. 2: Come, Drake, let’s find out about this. Mr. B.: I suppose you have heard ofspiritualists, Mr. Williams?S. No. 1: Yes, sir.Mr. B.: We are spiritualists sitting here in a circle in a room perfectly dark. Can you see us?S. No. 2: Yes, I can see you.Mr. B.: We cannot even see our own hand before our eyes. And you are proving the truth ofspiritualism to us by being a spirit and talking to us.S. No. 2: You speak like a gentleman; I am bound toMr. B.: We are telling you the truth; and before you leave this place you will be satisfied thatit is true.S. No. 2: But I see nothing to indicate that I have died; but still, there is somethingpeculiar.Mr. B.: I think, perhaps, the spirit friends may be able to illustrate to you. Hold one of yourhands up, and look at it closely, and see if you don’t lose some of it.S. No. 2: Oh, my hand is partly gone! How in the world is it?Mr. B.: It is because you are a spirit; and in order to enable you to speak to us they clotheyou with material temporarily, and at my request they withdrew it for the time being.S. No. 2: If I have passed through death, and am able to converse with you, then is it notpossible for me to converse with my family?Mr. B.: It would he if they were to make the proper conditions for you; but not knowinghow, they probably won’t be able to do it.S. No. 2: You say I am clothed for the time being?S. No. 1: Yes. Ha-ha-ha-ha! Put on your clothes! put on your clothes!Mr. B.: We are holding these circles in connection with our spirit friends on the other side,who brought you here to assist you to realise your condition.S. No. 2: Well, that is very pleasant and kind of you. I’ll tell you, this is very serious.Mr. F.: Mr. Drake doesn’t know that he has made the change; he isn’t aware of it at all.5. No.2: Say, Drake!S. No. 1: What do you want?S. No. 2: Come, get up now, Dra1~e, and let’s reason together, won’t you? These people aretelling me things that are very wonderful; they say that you and I have both died. Won’t you, now?

228Mr. F.: What is it, then?S.: Well, I think it is—I think it ain’t Buffalo, anyhow! I guess you know, don’t you?Mr. F.: Why, no! If it isn’t Buffalo, I don’t know what it is.S. No. 2: Hello! Is that you, Drake?S. No. 1: Hello! When did you come?S. No. 2: I have been here for some time, but I can’t find anybody. Do you know wheremy people are?S. No. 1: Why, yes; I know your wife has gone to New York. She heard that you were dead.S. No. 2: Who told her I was dead?S. No. 1: She heard so. She sold everything and went to New York.S. No. 2: Say, Drake, you are drunk, ain’t you? S. No. 1: Yes, I guess so. I fell downstairs andhurt myself.S. No. 2: I am glad to see you, old fellow.S. No. 1: I am glad to see you, too.S. No. 2: I am sorry to see you used up so bad.S. No. 1: I am not used up at all. I ain’t used up, am I?Mr. B.: No, you only feel tired.S. No. 1: Yes, I am tired: you know, don’t you? Yes, I’ll bet you do!S. No. 2: Say, how do you suppose my wife heard I was dead, when I am not dead?Drake, I can’t tell how that is.S. No. 1: I’ll tell you. I guess I will have to lie down a little while; but if you will justinquire over there, I guess they can tell you where you can find your folks.S. No. 2: How do you do, sir? Mr. F.: How do you do?S. No. 2: Can you tell me anything about my family, Mrs. John Williams? Did she use tolive in this house?Mr. F.: What is the name of the place?S. No. 2: <strong>The</strong> name of the place is Williamsport.Mr. F.: Well, I will inquire.S. No. 2: Drake knew all about my family; but I can’t do anything with him—he is tight.S. No. 1: Don’t you be telling any lies. You lie like the devil, and you know it!Mr. F.: I will be very glad to help you; but I think something has occurred to you that youare not aware of, and that is the reason that you cannot find your friends at your old home.S. No. 2: Drake said they informed my wife in my absence that I was dead, and I cannotunderstand it.Mr. F.: Have you been sick, or has anything happened to you that word of that kind mightget started to your wife?S.No.2: Oh, no!Mr. F.: Have you been in any danger at all—any accident?S. No. 2: No, nothing of that sort.Mr. F.: Were you ever troubled with heart disease?S. No. 2: No, I am a perfectly sound man, sir.S. No. 1: Don’t be telling such stories as that. You are unsound in your head. He is agood enough fellow, but he don’t always tell it just as it is.Mr. F.: Mr. Drake, what makes you think he isn’t sound in his head? (No answer.)Well, I’ll tell you, Mr. Williams, you are in Buffalo now; something must have occurred toyou to be here.S. No. 2: I can’t understand it at all.S. No. 1: You just made up your mind you never would understand it.Mr. B.: Mr. Williams, you have made the change called death. You are in spirit life now.What day of the month do you remember last?S. No. 2: Why, it is about the 3Oth.Mr. B.: <strong>Of</strong> what month?S. No. 2: August.Mr. B.: This is the 21st day of September, and you are in Buffalo.

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