Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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SUNDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1890.227We have a person who fell downstairs and killed himself; he was in liquor at the time. Andthere is another person whom we think we can bring at the same time .—E VA.S.: Oh! I guess I must have fainted away—I believe I have been insensible—I wonderwhere the old woman is. Do you know where she is?Mrs. E.: No, I don’t. Maybe she scolds you sometimes, does she?S.: Yes, I guess she does. I wouldn’t care if I broke my neck if she didn’t find it out.Mr. F.: Find what out?S.: Why I fell downstairs.Mr. F.: You did?S.: Yes.Mr. F.: How did you happen to fall downstairs?S.: I don’t know. Oh, golly! That hurts.Mr. F.: That’s too bad! Can we do anything for you?S.: I wonder where she is?Mr. F.: I don’t know. Had you been taking a drop?S.: She said so.Mr. F.: You knew whether you had or not, didn’t you?S.: Well, can’t help it very well.Mr. F.: What if you had broken your neck?S.: It wouldn’t make much difference. She jawed me anyhow. When I was drunk shejawed me for being drunk, and when I wasn’t drunk she jawed me because I wasn’t drunk.Mr. F.: Well, perhaps you might have given her a cause. Did she always scold you before you everdrank any?S.: Well, you know, she’s a good woman—she’s a good woman.Mr. B.: You said you wouldn’t care if you had broken your neck, didn’t you?S.: Well, if she knew I fell down those stairs, I’ll tell you what, she would raise hell withme.Mr. F.: You are not afraid of her, are you?S.: Oh, well, never mind. We won’t talk about that any more.Mr. F.: What would you think if you had broken your neck? Perhaps you did.S.: I broke some of my bones; I feel awful sore. Mr. F.: We will help you all we can.[Aside] Isn’t he queer?S.: Who’s queer?Mr. F.: Why, you don’t talk very plain.S.: Well, I talk as plain as anybody, don’t I?Mr. F.: No; you talk like a fellow that has had too much.S.: Well, I am a little tired, you know.Mr. F.: Oh, I thought you were going to say tight!S.: All the same.Mr. B.: About the same, isn’t it?S.: You know how it is.Mr.B.: Yes.Mr. F.: What’s your name?S.: My name is Drake.Mr. F.: Where did you live?S.: I live here.Mr. F.: What’s the name of the place?S.: <strong>The</strong> name of the place is—why—what is the name of this place?Mr. F.: <strong>The</strong> name of this place is Buffalo.S.: I guess not.

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