Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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225Tom: Good evening, Mrs. Lacy.S.: Good evening, sir.Tom: Now I am real glad that you are here, because these good, kind friends will do a greatdeal to help you. I feel sorry for you, and I can tell you something very nice. Don’t you rememberGeorge?S.: Oh, truly I do. If he had only lived—Tom: Yes, I know; but he feels very sorry for you, and, do you know, the little ones are withhim.S.: Oh, that is beautiful! Oh, thank God for that!Tom: And you will be there, too, in time. You will be reunited and happy.S.: How do you know?Tom: Because I know.S.: Will God forgive me?Tom: Yes, because God is a God of love.S.: But how could I help it? What could I do?Tom: I know it was a very sad mistake; but I don’t know, under the circumstances, fromyour disposition and your make-up, that you could have done any different.S.: I am very sorry, but what can I do?Tom: Just keep quiet, and the friends will help you; but let me tell you, Mrs. Lacy, youhave entered spirit life.S.: Well, the gentleman told me that; but it seems as if everything is so cloudy.Tom: That is owing to your condition; because you went out in that manner, and your mind was sotroubled beforehand you took that condition with you. You have been brought here to be led to ~aplace where you will be able to cast it off. Kind, loving, spirit friends have brought you here to thisplace, where you can get love and sympathy and the help that you need to start you to work out ofthese unpleasant conditions which surround you.S.: Well, that is what I do need, sir, sympathy— sympathyTom: You have entered a life now where everyone loves one another, where all work tohelp one another, when you get into the true spiritual atmosphere. <strong>Of</strong> course, there are manyclouded minds, like yourself, on the earth plane; but in time you can work out of that up into thespiritual atmosphere, where you will be tenderly cared for, and you will have all the love andsympathy which your soul yearns for, and where you will be very happy.S.: Do you know it?Tom: Yes, because I have entered that life myself, and I can speak from experience.S.: You speak kindly, and I thank you so much.Tom: You were one of those unfortunate creatures of circumstances. You could not controlcircumstances; they controlled you, and worked you up to that state where you couldn’t very welldo otherwise than you did do.S.: I tried very hard—I tried very hard; but it seemed as if everything was against me.Tom: It would have been better had you put aside your pride; but that was part of yournature, which you inherited from your father; you know how proud he was.S.: My father was a proud man. What’s the light? What’s the light I saw?Tom: That is the light of the spirit friends who love you.S.: Oh, that is beautiful! beautiful!Tom: You watch that light; perhaps you may see somebody that you know in it. George hasbrought the little ones.S.: It is gone—it is gone—it has disappeared.Tom: Is your name Lucy?S.: Yes, sir.Tom: George says: “Tell dear Lucy I love her, and I pity and sympathise with her.”S.: Is George in heaven?Tom: He is where it is very bright and beautiful. <strong>The</strong>re is no heaven such as you weretaught there was; but there is a very bright, beautiful place where you can live and be very happy.S.: Oh, I saw it again—I saw it again.

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