Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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222Mr. F.: We are people here who have friends in the spirit world, and we sit here for thepurpose of communicating with all our spirit friends. My sister who has died comes and talks to usjust the same as you are talking now, and this lady’s daughter comes also. We are what is calledspiritualists; I don’t know whether you ever heard of them before.S.: I have heard and seen a great deal of them, but I never saw a spirit go in and out of aperson like that.Mr. F.: We haven’t left the form yet; we haven’t made the change called death as you have;so, of course, we can’t see those things as you can. We can’t see you; we can only hear you speak.S.: Well, I am surprised that I have made the change, died, or whatever it is; but I amglad also, for I can’t have anything now that can possibly be as disagreeable and unpleasant as Ihave had; and I think there must he some change, because I begin to feel that there is.Mr. F.: Yes, you have been brought here to learn what has happened to you. This lady has adaughter who is a very bright, beautiful spirit, and who has been in spirit life a great many years;and it is her work to gather up poor, earth-bound souls, and bring them to her father’s house; andwe talk to them, and get them acquainted with what has happened to them.Tom: Well, now, did you see me?S.: I did see you. I think that is very strange indeed.Tom: Didn’t I tell you that I could prove to you anything that I said?S.: Well, you have kept your word so far.Tom: Your friends all love you, Mr. Blake.S.: Well, I hope so.Tom: You made many mistakes in your earth life.S.: I suppose that is a mild way of putting it, but I know I have done a great many badand wicked things.Tom: I am sorry for you.S.: I don’t suppose that will do me any good.Tom: Oh, yes, it will. Kindness, love, and sympathy do a great deal of good everywhere.There is a great deal of it on this side, but there is not near enough on the earth side.S.: Yes, I did a great many bad things; but I don’t believe that a man can help himself. Itis of no use at all. I don’t believe it is possible for anybody to do any different from what they do.God Almighty has put us in this world, and placed us in conditions where we are obliged to dothings; and then he demands of us repentance for that we can’t help. There is where it is hard. Ihave tried for my own sake, and I have tried for the sake of those who belong to me; but if youknow about those things that we spoke of first, you know that I could not help it—it was forcedright on me. 13 had to do it, and now what am I to do?Tom: Yes, I understand; and now your past experience must be your guide for the future.If you go out and plant a garden with seeds, and a great many weeds come up with the kind of seedsyou have sown, you are obliged to pull those weeds out if you want those seeds to thrive and grow.And so there were a great many weeds came up in your life, and now you must go to work and pullthem up. -S.: Well, I might as well be pulling up weeds as anything else. If I know how, I will do it.Tom: That is only a comparison.S.: Well, I know, and accept it.Tom: Yes, Bertha, I will help your papa all I can.S.: What did you say?Tom: I told Bertha I would help you all I could; she is so anxious.S.: You told her! Why can’t I see her?Tom: Because you are in a different condition, and one spirit can’t see another unless in thesame condition—that is, the lower spirits can’t see the higher spirits, only as they are able to takeup the conditions so that they can present themselves to you. Perhaps, if you call her to speak toyou, she might be able to; but, of course, I don’t know whether she will be able to speak to you ornot.S.: Bertha! Bertha! If you are here, Bertha, speak to papa.Bertha: Papa—papa

223S.: I would give all the years of my life—I would do anything—I would doeverything, no matter what, to once more clasp that darling. Bertha! Bertha! Did she leave me?Tom: She hasn’t left you, but she is unable to speak more to you now. You have heard her voice,and, as you said, you would be willing to give all the years of your life to be able to clasp her to yourarms once more. Well, you will be able to clasp her to your arms; but you will have to labour—it isworth working for. There is a long road between you and her which you will have to travel; therewill be a great many obstacles in your way which you will have to surmount; but you know what isat the other end of your road. But it is worth working for, for every step will bring you nearer toher.S.: God help me.Tom: God will help you. God is a God of love, and he will help you, and we will all help you.Now, I will leave the young man, and will take you to the school.S.: Well, I will go with you. I am ready and willing to do all that I can.Tom: Now bid these kind, good friends “ Good-night,” who have sat here and given you oftheir strength and their force, that you have been able to speak and learn of your condition, and wewill go.S.: Good-bye, friends, and thank you. Friends: Good-bye; come again.Thank you, dear mamma, and all the dear friends present, for your kind assistance in our work. Agreat many persons have been benefited by what was said to-night.--—EVA.

223S.: I would give all the years of my life—I would do anything—I would doeverything, no matter what, to once more clasp that darling. Bertha! Bertha! Did she leave me?Tom: She hasn’t left you, but she is unable to speak more to you now. You have heard her voice,and, as you said, you would be willing to give all the years of your life to be able to clasp her to yourarms once more. Well, you will be able to clasp her to your arms; but you will have to labour—it isworth working for. <strong>The</strong>re is a long road between you and her which you will have to travel; therewill be a great many obstacles in your way which you will have to surmount; but you know what isat the other end of your road. But it is worth working for, for every step will bring you nearer toher.S.: God help me.Tom: God will help you. God is a God of love, and he will help you, and we will all help you.Now, I will leave the young man, and will take you to the school.S.: Well, I will go with you. I am ready and willing to do all that I can.Tom: Now bid these kind, good friends “ Good-night,” who have sat here and given you oftheir strength and their force, that you have been able to speak and learn of your condition, and wewill go.S.: Good-bye, friends, and thank you. Friends: Good-bye; come again.Thank you, dear mamma, and all the dear friends present, for your kind assistance in our work. Agreat many persons have been benefited by what was said to-night.--—EVA.

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