Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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220S.: But she is dead and gone.Tom: She may be dead to your physical senses, as it were; but her spirit lives, and her spiritdoes not go so far away but that the love she bore to the loved ones left behind draws her back tothem.S.: Well, she was my little darling; but what has that to do with my condition? Could youtell me how I can escape?Tom: You have nothing now to escape from on the mortal side of life.S.: How has the matter been adjusted, if I have no fear?Tom: The matter has been adjusted by your paying the penalty of your life.S.: What do you mean by that? You talk so strange to me. I really hope that I have met afriend, but you talk so strange I don’t understand you at all.Tom: Quite true, my friend; it is an enigma, I know; but let me say to you, John, that many,when they are instantly deprived of life and go out in great anger or fear, don’t always understandthat they have made the change called death. There are many that make the change in that manner,and you are one of the many. You have left your mortal form.S.: Do you mean that I have died?Tom: You have.S.: How? When? What way?Tom: All there is of death is simply leaving your old body, moving out of the tenement ofclay.S.: But you certainly make some change?Tom: Not any for a time, only as you understand with your spiritual senses, and take inyour surroundings, which you have not done yet; but you have been brought here for that purpose,of making you acquainted with what has taken place with you.S.: I feel no different.Tom: No, you cannot, leaving the body in the manner that you did—you died suddenly.You were shot by the parties that were after you.S.: Was that it?Tom: That was it.S.: Was that terrible sting a shot?Tom: Yes.S.: I felt it; and am I just the same?Tom: Just the same. How would you be any different?S.: Why shouldn’t I be different, if I am a dead man? I am quite sure I would bedifferent. There must be some change in me.Tom: It is only a step. If you would be different you wouldn’t be Mr. Blake—you would besomeone else.S.: I see all things just the same. Why did you talk to me about my little daughter?Tom: Because she is anxious to have you become acquainted with your condition, andanxious to have you work and take up the duties pertaining to the life which you have now entered,so that you may be able, after you have made restitution for all the mistakes committed in the body,to go where she is.S.: In what way can I make restitution?Tom: You will be taught and shown the way by kind, loving spirit friends.S.: Must I always remain here?Tom: No.S.: Where shall I go?Tom: You will be led and taught what way by kind spirit friends, whose mission it is to helppoor misguided souls like yourself out of the darkness into the light.S.: Oh, but I feel so!Tom : It is only part of that old feeling, that old condition, that rushes over you; but that willpass off soon. You retain the same thoughts, you have the same feelings; they are your own, theybelong to you. You have your own experiences that you take with you, your thoughts and your acts.S.: I don’t know that I ever met you before.

221Tom: No, my dear sir.S.: Then how are you so well acquainted with all that has transpired with me?Tom: Because the spirit friends who have you in charge—and they are those who are nearto you, and know all that has taken place in your life—inform me.S.: I am hungry.Tom: Well, my dear sir, it is only part of your old, unpleasant condition; in time that willall pass away, and you will feel no hunger. As this lady told you, had she known you were comingbefore she entered this room she would have brought you whatever you desired, because it is themission of these friends here to administer to poor, earth - bound, sin - sick souls like yourself. Theyare working on this side of life, and many kind spirit friends are working on the other side— onyour side. Both are working for the uplifting of poor, misguided souls.S.: What is the penalty for this act of my life?Tom: You paid the penalty on the earth plane, as it were, by yielding up your life; on thespiritual side of life you will have to labour to undo all the mistakes committed while in the body. Iwill take you to a school where you will be taught and instructed what to do.S.: I don’t want to be deceived; I don’t want any excuses. If you are intending taking meaway, I don’t want to be deceived about it.Tom: Why, my dear sir, I have no object in deceiving you in any manner, and you cannotbe harmed now. No one on the mortal side of life can harm you, and on the spiritual side no harmcan come to you; all the unpleasantness you will have will be the reflections which will come to youof your acts committed while in the body. You sent them on before you. People every day aresending on acts and deeds which are sure to meet them when they come. This is all they have tomeet. I speak as one who would speak from experience, for I have passed through the physicalconditions of immortality, and I return as a spirit to help a brother up.S.: And have you also died?Tom: I have made the change called death, and return to the earth and use the organism ofthis young man here, so that I can reach those who are on the earth plane; for you are on the earthplane at present; you merely stepped out of your body, but did not move away from the earth.S.: What music is that?Tom: That is a box these people keep playing here.S.: It sounds very pretty indeed.Tom: Would you like to see me, Mr. Blake?S.: I do see you.Tom: Oh, no; you don’t see me; you only see the young man.S.: The young man?Tom: Yes, the young man whose organism I am using to talk to you; and now you lookright at the young man’s head, and I will show you myself. You watch, and you will see.S.: Oh, that is very strange indeed! That is marvellous! How can you do that? That is avery wonderful thing!Mrs. F.: Did you see any person?S.: Yes, ma’am. You saw it, didn’t you?Mrs. F.: No.S.: Well, I suppose you have seen him, haven’t you?Mrs. F.: No, I never saw that spirit; we can’t see as you can, because we are still in themortal. It is all dark here to us. We can hear you talk, but we cannot see you.S.: Young man, does that hurt you?Mr. F.: What hurt me?S.: When that man came out of you.Mr. F.: Oh, no; not at all.S.: How did you feel?Mr. F.: Well, I don’t know that I can describe the sensation to you; but I felt something likeelectric shocks—something of that kind.S.: That is the most marvellous thing I ever saw in my life.

220S.: But she is dead and gone.Tom: She may be dead to your physical senses, as it were; but her spirit lives, and her spiritdoes not go so far away but that the love she bore to the loved ones left behind draws her back tothem.S.: Well, she was my little darling; but what has that to do with my condition? Could youtell me how I can escape?Tom: You have nothing now to escape from on the mortal side of life.S.: How has the matter been adjusted, if I have no fear?Tom: <strong>The</strong> matter has been adjusted by your paying the penalty of your life.S.: What do you mean by that? You talk so strange to me. I really hope that I have met afriend, but you talk so strange I don’t understand you at all.Tom: Quite true, my friend; it is an enigma, I know; but let me say to you, John, that many,when they are instantly deprived of life and go out in great anger or fear, don’t always understandthat they have made the change called death. <strong>The</strong>re are many that make the change in that manner,and you are one of the many. You have left your mortal form.S.: Do you mean that I have died?Tom: You have.S.: How? When? What way?Tom: All there is of death is simply leaving your old body, moving out of the tenement ofclay.S.: But you certainly make some change?Tom: Not any for a time, only as you understand with your spiritual senses, and take inyour surroundings, which you have not done yet; but you have been brought here for that purpose,of making you acquainted with what has taken place with you.S.: I feel no different.Tom: No, you cannot, leaving the body in the manner that you did—you died suddenly.You were shot by the parties that were after you.S.: Was that it?Tom: That was it.S.: Was that terrible sting a shot?Tom: Yes.S.: I felt it; and am I just the same?Tom: Just the same. How would you be any different?S.: Why shouldn’t I be different, if I am a dead man? I am quite sure I would bedifferent. <strong>The</strong>re must be some change in me.Tom: It is only a step. If you would be different you wouldn’t be Mr. Blake—you would besomeone else.S.: I see all things just the same. Why did you talk to me about my little daughter?Tom: Because she is anxious to have you become acquainted with your condition, andanxious to have you work and take up the duties pertaining to the life which you have now entered,so that you may be able, after you have made restitution for all the mistakes committed in the body,to go where she is.S.: In what way can I make restitution?Tom: You will be taught and shown the way by kind, loving spirit friends.S.: Must I always remain here?Tom: No.S.: Where shall I go?Tom: You will be led and taught what way by kind spirit friends, whose mission it is to helppoor misguided souls like yourself out of the darkness into the light.S.: Oh, but I feel so!Tom : It is only part of that old feeling, that old condition, that rushes over you; but that willpass off soon. You retain the same thoughts, you have the same feelings; they are your own, theybelong to you. You have your own experiences that you take with you, your thoughts and your acts.S.: I don’t know that I ever met you before.

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