Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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214your life you have been ordering people around so much that you have got that way with you,that I don’t know as you can hardly help it; it has become kind of second nature to you.S.: No more of your impudence!Tom: Years agoS.: Leave my house!Tom: But I won’t. Years ago, when you worked for Mr. Smith, you had to do as Mr. Smithsaid.S.: You scoundrel! Moses! Moses! Come here!Tom: James! See here, James! James!S.: Who are you talking to?Tom: I am talking to you; that is your name.S.: What right have you to speak that way to me?Tom: I would like to know if anyone hasn’t a right to call a man by his name.S.: I will not put up with that!Tom: Do you remember what you put in the barrel when you were working for Mr. Smith?S.: What do you know about it? What business is that of yours?Tom: Don’t you think that would look nice in the paper? Couldn’t we write up a nice littlenewspaper article—” What James hid in the barrel when he worked for Mr. Smith.” Have it put inbig type. How much will you give me to have it put in the paper? Wouldn’t it advertise you fine?What do you suppose Deacon Jones would say to that?S.: Who the devil told you all this?Tom: Perhaps the devil told me—who knows?S.: I believe you are the devil himself. Get out of here!Tom: Well, if I am the devil, I don’t think I have ever been in such bad company in my life. Ithink you could teach the devil three or four tricks that he doesn’t know, because he would neverhave thought of putting that in the barrel.S.: It seems that I am left to the mercy of this vile creature.Tom: Do you call me a vile creature? I am sorry for you. I will forgive you before you askme.S.: What have I to ask your forgiveness for? I don’t wish to have any more conversationwith you at all—none whatever.Tom: Say, what do you think about beans?S.: Say, young lady, couldn’t you call my valet?Mrs. E.: No, I couldn’t, because I don’t know where your valet is; but this Irishman that youhave been talking to will tell you if you will only listen to him. He is a good man, and wants to helpyou.S.: He has a very queer way of showing his goodness, I think.Mrs. E.: That is because you don’t understand him. If you will only listen to him, you willsee that he is right.(Margazona talks in Indian.)S.: What’s the matter with him? He is an insane man. God Almighty! What’s the matterwith him?Mrs. B.: That is an Indian talking to you.S.: Good God! I thought he was an Irishman.Mrs. B.: He was a few minutes ago.Mr. B.: He is changeable; he can be an Irishman or an Indian either. You will find he is agood friend to you.S.: I don’t know what this means at all. I don’t know what’s the matter here. There are noneof my people.Tom: Look here, now, I will tell you something.S.: Good God! He’s turned again.Tom: See here, now.S.: What’s the matter with you?

215Tom: Don’t you know one of the greatest things of your life you wished to know, whatbecame of Sarah?S.: Are you the devil?Tom: No, there is no such chap as the devil.S.: What language is that you were talking?Tom: I wasn’t talking then. It was Margazona talking.S.: The noise came out of the same hole. Good God!Tom: Of course. Don’t you suppose that could be possible? Did you ever hear anythingabout the law of spirit control?S.: Oh, I have heard some such nonsense.Tom: Did you ever hear anything about spirits coming back and controlling mortals to makethem talk? That is what I am doing. I am a spirit talking through the organism of this young man,and that was another spirit that you heard a little while ago.S.: You are a queer spirit.Tom: Of course, I am a queer spirit, and so are you; and I have seen Sarah.S.: Where did you see her?Tom: In the spiritual world.S.: You talk in riddles, man. What under the sun are you trying to make me believe? Whatdo you mean?Tom: I mean just what I say. You know Sarah disappeared from your life very mysteriously,and you never heard anything from her. Now, you know I don’t know you, and you never saw mebefore; but this is what she tells me. You are an entire stranger to me. She says you used to love her,and she disappeared very suddenly from your life, and you felt very badly about it.S.: Very well, where is she?Tom: Why, she is dead, as you call it.S.: Where did she die?Tom: You remember George, don’t you?S.: Most certainly I do.Tom: Well, he took her off.S.: Oh, d—— him.Tom: Don’t you know he said you should never have her? He took her off and kept her inconfinement; and he came back, you know, so that you wouldn’t suspect, and then after a time heleft her. Now, am I not telling you the truth?S.: As far as I know, it is true.Tom: And after he left her she died in great agony and suffering; but she is out of hersuffering now, and she is a very bright, beautiful spirit, and wants to help you.S.: How can she help me if she is a spirit?Tom: Why, can’t she help you then just as much? You don’t suppose, when people die, theylose their interest and affection for their friends, do you?S.: How would I know?Tom: I want to tell you something, James. You remember that queer feeling you had in yourbead when you went to bed there, and woke up in the morning, and rung your bell and got soexcited?S.: This morning—of course I know.Tom: You dropped off to sleep again after you rung your bell, and you had a stroke ofapoplexy, and died in that unconscious state; and when people die in that state they don’t knowthey have made the change called death, as you have.S.: I have?Tom: Yes; and that is the reason, when you call for Moses, he doesn’t come, and when youring for your breakfast you don’t get it, because they can’t hear you.S.: Well! well! How can that be?Tom: You have only moved out of your old body; you feel just the same, and people, whenthey get out in that way, don’t realise that they have got out. Now, to prove to you that what I amtelling you is true, I can go over your life and see everything that has happened. I can go back to

214your life you have been ordering people around so much that you have got that way with you,that I don’t know as you can hardly help it; it has become kind of second nature to you.S.: No more of your impudence!Tom: Years agoS.: Leave my house!Tom: But I won’t. Years ago, when you worked for Mr. Smith, you had to do as Mr. Smithsaid.S.: You scoundrel! Moses! Moses! Come here!Tom: James! See here, James! James!S.: Who are you talking to?Tom: I am talking to you; that is your name.S.: What right have you to speak that way to me?Tom: I would like to know if anyone hasn’t a right to call a man by his name.S.: I will not put up with that!Tom: Do you remember what you put in the barrel when you were working for Mr. Smith?S.: What do you know about it? What business is that of yours?Tom: Don’t you think that would look nice in the paper? Couldn’t we write up a nice littlenewspaper article—” What James hid in the barrel when he worked for Mr. Smith.” Have it put inbig type. How much will you give me to have it put in the paper? Wouldn’t it advertise you fine?What do you suppose Deacon Jones would say to that?S.: Who the devil told you all this?Tom: Perhaps the devil told me—who knows?S.: I believe you are the devil himself. Get out of here!Tom: Well, if I am the devil, I don’t think I have ever been in such bad company in my life. Ithink you could teach the devil three or four tricks that he doesn’t know, because he would neverhave thought of putting that in the barrel.S.: It seems that I am left to the mercy of this vile creature.Tom: Do you call me a vile creature? I am sorry for you. I will forgive you before you askme.S.: What have I to ask your forgiveness for? I don’t wish to have any more conversationwith you at all—none whatever.Tom: Say, what do you think about beans?S.: Say, young lady, couldn’t you call my valet?Mrs. E.: No, I couldn’t, because I don’t know where your valet is; but this Irishman that youhave been talking to will tell you if you will only listen to him. He is a good man, and wants to helpyou.S.: He has a very queer way of showing his goodness, I think.Mrs. E.: That is because you don’t understand him. If you will only listen to him, you willsee that he is right.(Margazona talks in Indian.)S.: What’s the matter with him? He is an insane man. God Almighty! What’s the matterwith him?Mrs. B.: That is an Indian talking to you.S.: Good God! I thought he was an Irishman.Mrs. B.: He was a few minutes ago.Mr. B.: He is changeable; he can be an Irishman or an Indian either. You will find he is agood friend to you.S.: I don’t know what this means at all. I don’t know what’s the matter here. <strong>The</strong>re are noneof my people.Tom: Look here, now, I will tell you something.S.: Good God! He’s turned again.Tom: See here, now.S.: What’s the matter with you?

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