Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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212S.: When am I going?Tom (s.): You have to get ready first.S.: How can I get ready?Tom (s.): We will show you how.S.: Oh, do—do.Tom (s.): That is the reason you have been brought here to-night—to learn about it—youhave to learn about it first, you know. You are going to a beautiful place, and you are going to bevery happy. You have got to get over this shock. You know, it was a great shock to your spirit toleave your body in the manner you did— so suddenly—and so you have been brought here to get allstraightened up, because you didn’t know that you had made the change. Now you won’t have anymore trouble—we have fixed you all up now.S.: The doctor said something that worries me. He said he would fix me all right, and thenwhen I got all right he said he didn’t do anything for me; but I think he felt sorry for me, and saidhe did nothing because he didn’t want to take any pay.Tom (s.): These people don’t sit here for pay, George, because, you know, you couldn’t paythem if you wanted to. You know, we have got through with money now. These good people havegot a bright, beautiful daughter that is in spirit life, and they are helping on one side while she ishelping on your side of life. They are sitting here to help their daughter, too.S.: On my side of life?Tom (s.): Your spirit has left your body, and you have a spiritual body now. It is like yourold body. Your spiritual body is clothed with earth material now, so that you can talk to thesepeople; but after a little that material will be removed from you, and then you won’t be able to talkto them at all. That will be a new experience for you. That is what you felt that was falling down.The earth material that you are clothed with was taken away from you, and every time they take itaway from you you will feel better.S.: Oh, that is good, isn’t it? I wish you would speak to them for me.Tom (s.): Oh, they can hear just what you say.S.: Will they come to me?Tom (s.): Yes, they will come to you. Now you look.S.: Yes, I see.Tom (s.): Do you see all the hands beckoning to you to come?S.: There is no way of getting up there.Tom (s.): Oh, yes, there is.S.: I see no road up there at all.Tom (s.): You don’t need to go by the road.S.: How will I go?Tom (s.): I will take you and show you the way. There will be lots that will help you. There isa nice little girl that comes here, too; perhaps she will help you.Maggie (s.): Yes, dear man, if you will come with me I will take you, but you will have to goway around and go down a little hill; will you come with me?S.: Why, yes, you dear little one, I will go with you. Do you know my friends?Maggie (s.): Yes, I know them, because we all know everybody that it is right for us to know.Now come right along. Here is my hand and here are some flowers; I will fix these right on yourbosom, and then you will feel better, because you will smell the scent of these beautiful flowers, andthat will give you strength. We will have to go down that little hill first, and then I will show yousomething real pretty, and then after a little while I will take you to the road that leads to yourfriends, and they will come and meet you. Now come. Good-night, everybody.

SUNDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1890.213I will present one to-night who passed away in his sleep, and doesn’t realise that he has madethe change.—E VA.S.: Well, if that don’t beat the devil!Mr. B.: What beats the devil?S.: Who are you?Mr. B.: My name is Bailey.S.: What are you doing here? Why don’t that girl bring the breakfast?Mr. B.: She hasn’t heard you order it yet.S.: Well, it is high time; I have rung that bell until I am tired.Mr. B.: She hasn’t heard the bell. There has something happened to you.S.: Well, something will happen to you or somebody else pretty soon!Tom: Well, I would like to know what you are storming around here for like that.S.: Get out of here!Tom: No, I won’t get out; and you can’t make me get out, either. I would like to know whereyou think you are, anyway.S.: Who are you?Tom: You will find out very soon; and I am not going to get out. You are nothing but a man,S.: You are nothing but a d fool. Moses! Moses! Come here! Put this d rascal out!Tom: It will take more than Moses—Moses and Aaron both together couldn’t put me out!S.: Well, well, this is strange! What the devil can those folks mean, to leave me all this time?Tom: Don’t you think when you are alone you are in pretty good company?S.: I can’t understand what business you have here.Tom: I have business here, and I am going to stay until I get ready to go.S.: Get out of this house!Tom: Not a bit of it. I came here to help you.S.: D funny way of helping anybody! Get out of this house, you d thief!Tom: I would not soil my tongue with such language as that. It don’t become a finegentleman like you.S.: What business have you here?Tom: I think you are a little off. We’ll have to take you to a lunatic asylum.S.: Such impudence! such impudence! You d rascal, get out of this!Tom: That’s right, free your mind; and then, perhaps, you will be easy. Do you think it isnice to say anything to anybody else that you wouldn’t like to have said to you?S.: Oh, you impudent puppy, you! you impudent puppy, you!Tom: If you could tell the truth, perhaps I would feel bad; but as I know that you are nottelling the truth, it don’t make me feel a bit bad.S.: The sooner you get out of here the better it will be for you, you d Irish pup!Tom: I am not the least bit alarmed or disturbed over your bright conversation. I know it isvery brilliant, coming from a man of your ability and your mind; but still, it doesn’t affectme one bit.S.: What business have you here in my house?Tom: Perhaps, if you knew how to be civil, have any control over your tongue and make itsay civil things, you will find out.S.: What do you want? What brought you here in the first place?Tom: I came here to talk to you.S.: I don’t wish to have any conversation with you, unless you have some special business.Tom: I have special business with you.S.: Well, say what it is at once—at once!Tom: Don’t you be in a hurry. There is plenty of time. One of the greatest things for you tolearn is to keep cool and keep a civil tongue in your head. The trouble with you is, the latter part of

212S.: When am I going?Tom (s.): You have to get ready first.S.: How can I get ready?Tom (s.): We will show you how.S.: Oh, do—do.Tom (s.): That is the reason you have been brought here to-night—to learn about it—youhave to learn about it first, you know. You are going to a beautiful place, and you are going to bevery happy. You have got to get over this shock. You know, it was a great shock to your spirit toleave your body in the manner you did— so suddenly—and so you have been brought here to get allstraightened up, because you didn’t know that you had made the change. Now you won’t have anymore trouble—we have fixed you all up now.S.: <strong>The</strong> doctor said something that worries me. He said he would fix me all right, and thenwhen I got all right he said he didn’t do anything for me; but I think he felt sorry for me, and saidhe did nothing because he didn’t want to take any pay.Tom (s.): <strong>The</strong>se people don’t sit here for pay, George, because, you know, you couldn’t paythem if you wanted to. You know, we have got through with money now. <strong>The</strong>se good people havegot a bright, beautiful daughter that is in spirit life, and they are helping on one side while she ishelping on your side of life. <strong>The</strong>y are sitting here to help their daughter, too.S.: On my side of life?Tom (s.): Your spirit has left your body, and you have a spiritual body now. It is like yourold body. Your spiritual body is clothed with earth material now, so that you can talk to thesepeople; but after a little that material will be removed from you, and then you won’t be able to talkto them at all. That will be a new experience for you. That is what you felt that was falling down.<strong>The</strong> earth material that you are clothed with was taken away from you, and every time they take itaway from you you will feel better.S.: Oh, that is good, isn’t it? I wish you would speak to them for me.Tom (s.): Oh, they can hear just what you say.S.: Will they come to me?Tom (s.): Yes, they will come to you. Now you look.S.: Yes, I see.Tom (s.): Do you see all the hands beckoning to you to come?S.: <strong>The</strong>re is no way of getting up there.Tom (s.): Oh, yes, there is.S.: I see no road up there at all.Tom (s.): You don’t need to go by the road.S.: How will I go?Tom (s.): I will take you and show you the way. <strong>The</strong>re will be lots that will help you. <strong>The</strong>re isa nice little girl that comes here, too; perhaps she will help you.Maggie (s.): Yes, dear man, if you will come with me I will take you, but you will have to goway around and go down a little hill; will you come with me?S.: Why, yes, you dear little one, I will go with you. Do you know my friends?Maggie (s.): Yes, I know them, because we all know everybody that it is right for us to know.Now come right along. Here is my hand and here are some flowers; I will fix these right on yourbosom, and then you will feel better, because you will smell the scent of these beautiful flowers, andthat will give you strength. We will have to go down that little hill first, and then I will show yousomething real pretty, and then after a little while I will take you to the road that leads to yourfriends, and they will come and meet you. Now come. Good-night, everybody.

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