Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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210Mr. B.: Yes, they very often don’t know that they have been killed. They seem justthemselves.S.: Well, if you would just do a little for that limb, I would be glad.Mr. B.: Seeing that you were hurt so badly, would you not rather that you would have died?S.: Well, I would rather live if I could.—I am glad I wasn’t killed.Mr. B.: You would be surprised if I told you that you were killed, wouldn’t you?S.: Why, to be sure I would. I am just as much alive as I ever was.—Why, I am so sore andlame.Mr. B.: But you were killed.S.: Was I killed?Mr. B.: Yes; you are a spirit now, in spirit life.—It is just as real to you as earth life, isn’t it?S.: No, nothing seems real to me. I don’t see or feel anything but the rushing and crashing ofthose cars.Mr. B.: You have friends in spirit life, who have brought you here to have you helped.—Youcan throw all that off here, so it will never trouble you again.— You know, when you come back toearth (we are mortals; we have not made the change yet), you take on earth conditions.S.: Do you do that?Mr. B.: Spirit friends do that.—I can’t see you; I haven’t been doing anything for you.—It isthe spirit friends that help you.S.: What makes you say that? You said you would help me, and this lady here said youwould help me, too; and you have helped me.Mr. B.: I may have done it unconsciously; but we help your friends to help you by sittinghere and getting the proper conditions.Tom (s.) : I’ll tell you what it is, George; Lizzie is here, and she has come for you.S.: Lizzie has come for me?Tom (s.): Why, yes; and you are going up to live with her, and you are going to be veryhappy.S.: Well, I will go.—I want to be happy.Tom (s.): Well, you will be.—After a little you won’t have any of that unpleasant sensationat all; because I will tell you, George, when that train ran over your leg, you know, well, it knockedyou on to the other track, and there was another train coming along, and that just finished you up.S.: Is that the truth?Tom (s.): Yes, that is the truth, George; but never mind, because you have got into a lovelyplace.—Lizzie is waiting for you.—You are going to get all fixed up here, and you are going to getready to go to her.S.: Well, I will go.Tom (s.): Why, of course you will go; and she is so glad that you are coming to her. LittleDottie is here, too.S.: Oh, Dottie! Dottie! Well, I don’t mind it, then—I am glad. Does Lizzie know that thetrain ran over me?Tom (s.): Yes, she knows it, because we always know when anything happens to those welove. She was right there. She knew when it happened: but you didn’t know, so she had youbrought here to learn about it and get you all fixed up.S.: Is Lizzie here, and can I go to heaven?Tom (s.): Why, of course you can go to heaven. I would not wonder but what you would seesomething. You look up above you to your right now.S.: It makes my head feel bad.Tom (s.): Because you have not got right yet. It is quite bad for anybody to go out so suddenlike. It is a great shock to the spirit; and you 1~iave been brought here to get the spirit right, andthen you will be in nice order to go up to where Lizzie is.S.: I will go.Tom (s.): George, Grandpa is here, too; and Richard is here.S.: Oh, is Richard here? Tell them I want to see them.

211Tom (s.) : You will see them in a little time.—They know you have got to be made readyfirst to come to them. You have got to understand that you have made the change.S.: Oh—oh—I am falling—I am falling—Tom (s.): Oh, that’s all right, George; don’t get frightened.S.: I thought I was falling down, never to stop.Tom (s.) : Oh, no, George; you mustn’t get frightened when that goes off .—It won’t hurtyou.S.: I don’t remember you.Tom (s.): No, I don’t know you.S.: You talk to me as if you knew me.Tom (s.) : Well, all I know is what your friends tell me.S.: Are they talking to you?Tom (s.) : Well, they told me before I came here that you were coming, and that I should seeyou; and they told me that your name was George, and that Lizzie was here, and little Dottie; andthen they told me about your grandfather, and about Richard, and I was to tell you that.S.: Well, I thank you.Tom (s.): Oh, no.S.: Yes, I am very thankful to you.Tom (s.): All of these good people here are sitting here to help poor souls like you, that havemet with such accidents and don’t know that they have got out of the body.S.: How kind you are.Tom (s.): You have made the change called death, but there is no death, it is only a change. Ihave made that change too. I am a spirit talking through this young man here.S.: You are talking through him! Why, how do you do that?Tom (s.): You watch now—can you see me plain? You watch and I will come out of him andshow you.S.: You will come out of him! Oh dear, what do you mean?Tom (s.): Now you watch—you lookS.: Oh my! oh my! That is very strange.Mr. Th: What do you see?S.: Oh, it is a man—the smoke is made into a man.S.: My! oh my! It is most wonderful!Mr. B.: What do you see now?S.: Why, he went back into him like vapour.Tom (s.): Now, didn’t I tell you? That is the way it is done. You see, I am in the spirit life.S.: Can you get into everybody like that?Tom (s.): Oh, no. Only those whose organism is so constituted. We call them instruments.You call them mediums.S.: Rapping mediums?Tom (s.): No. He is one through whom we can talk and use his organism that way.S.: Is that young man dead?Tom (s.): Oh, no, he isn’t dead—he is still in earth life. We have to show these things so thatyou will understand them, you see. Well, I declare! if there isn’t the funniest looking old womanhere, and she tells me to say that “Aunt Polly is here.”S.: Aunt Polly! Aunt Polly! Is she here?Tom (s.): Maybe she will show herself to you.S.: I can’t see her anywhere.Tom (s.): Just look up to your right a little.S.: Oh, yes, I see her, but she is so far away.Tom (s.): She will come nearer after a little. She has held you on her knee many a time.S.: Yes, that is true—that is very true.Tom (s.): Now look, George.S.: Do they live up in that world?Tom (s.): You are going up there to them after a little.

210Mr. B.: Yes, they very often don’t know that they have been killed. <strong>The</strong>y seem justthemselves.S.: Well, if you would just do a little for that limb, I would be glad.Mr. B.: Seeing that you were hurt so badly, would you not rather that you would have died?S.: Well, I would rather live if I could.—I am glad I wasn’t killed.Mr. B.: You would be surprised if I told you that you were killed, wouldn’t you?S.: Why, to be sure I would. I am just as much alive as I ever was.—Why, I am so sore andlame.Mr. B.: But you were killed.S.: Was I killed?Mr. B.: Yes; you are a spirit now, in spirit life.—It is just as real to you as earth life, isn’t it?S.: No, nothing seems real to me. I don’t see or feel anything but the rushing and crashing ofthose cars.Mr. B.: You have friends in spirit life, who have brought you here to have you helped.—Youcan throw all that off here, so it will never trouble you again.— You know, when you come back toearth (we are mortals; we have not made the change yet), you take on earth conditions.S.: Do you do that?Mr. B.: Spirit friends do that.—I can’t see you; I haven’t been doing anything for you.—It isthe spirit friends that help you.S.: What makes you say that? You said you would help me, and this lady here said youwould help me, too; and you have helped me.Mr. B.: I may have done it unconsciously; but we help your friends to help you by sittinghere and getting the proper conditions.Tom (s.) : I’ll tell you what it is, George; Lizzie is here, and she has come for you.S.: Lizzie has come for me?Tom (s.): Why, yes; and you are going up to live with her, and you are going to be veryhappy.S.: Well, I will go.—I want to be happy.Tom (s.): Well, you will be.—After a little you won’t have any of that unpleasant sensationat all; because I will tell you, George, when that train ran over your leg, you know, well, it knockedyou on to the other track, and there was another train coming along, and that just finished you up.S.: Is that the truth?Tom (s.): Yes, that is the truth, George; but never mind, because you have got into a lovelyplace.—Lizzie is waiting for you.—You are going to get all fixed up here, and you are going to getready to go to her.S.: Well, I will go.Tom (s.): Why, of course you will go; and she is so glad that you are coming to her. LittleDottie is here, too.S.: Oh, Dottie! Dottie! Well, I don’t mind it, then—I am glad. Does Lizzie know that thetrain ran over me?Tom (s.): Yes, she knows it, because we always know when anything happens to those welove. She was right there. She knew when it happened: but you didn’t know, so she had youbrought here to learn about it and get you all fixed up.S.: Is Lizzie here, and can I go to heaven?Tom (s.): Why, of course you can go to heaven. I would not wonder but what you would seesomething. You look up above you to your right now.S.: It makes my head feel bad.Tom (s.): Because you have not got right yet. It is quite bad for anybody to go out so suddenlike. It is a great shock to the spirit; and you 1~iave been brought here to get the spirit right, andthen you will be in nice order to go up to where Lizzie is.S.: I will go.Tom (s.): George, Grandpa is here, too; and Richard is here.S.: Oh, is Richard here? Tell them I want to see them.

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