Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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196sensing a line from one of the corners to the other; but the reader, operating in threedimensions, knows the better way—he joins the two points by bending the sheet of paper. Now, howcould he explain this to the being who only understands length and breadth? It is impossible! I haveasked numerous questions of spirits about physical phenomena; the answer is ever the same: “Wecannot explain to you how these things are done in terms you are able to understand. You cannotlearn how they are performed until you come over.”As a matter of fact, some things are explained fairly well. My guide, after she passed to spiritlife—so she tells me—was employed for many (earth) years in the “kindergarten,” a part of the“celestial sphere,” teaching children; she is now studying painting and music—when not employedwatching and impressing my family. This is a general statement. If I persisted in my inquiry, shewould not be able to explain what sort of painting or what sort of music. We may be sure it does notmean exactly what the same answer would imply on earth.I have been frequently informed that Time does not exist in the spirit world, and I expectthat Space is a very different conception to what we understand by that word. If past, present, andfuture are all one, second sight, prophecy, and prescience of all sorts do not appear as if they shouldbe so difficult to spirits.Several curious queries and reflections arise in the mind of an investigator as he delves intothis subject.(a) Spirits invariably express the greatest pleasure in coming to you, and thank you forgiving them the opportunity of communicating with the earth plane. Why is this?(b) Spirits manifesting for the first time always have a set speech, apparently got up beforeentering the earth’s atmosphere. This delivered, they are done; and if they are plied with questions,they are unable to answer intelligibly, and depart. After they have been to see you, say, twentytimes, they acquire a facility of speech which is truly wonderful; they can argue, combat youropinions, and give their own, often, in the end, saying: “Well! very likely you know best!”(c) If you ask a question as to something definite, such as a name or place, the intelligencesare often unable to reply clearly. Why?(d) If there is undue anxiety on the part of a spirit to impart knowledge and the sitter toreceive it, there is generally a failure. Spirits behave at first just like stammerers on the earth plane.You may get the information you want another time, when you are not expecting any test. If thespirit is a familiar one who has visited you many times, the same difficulty is not experienced.(e) Everything done, is done gently. No one is ever really injured when in company withgood psychics. Trumpets may be dropped, articles of furniture may be moved, you may be touched,slapped, even struck sharply, but never permanently hurt.(f) Spirits cannot tell anything about a sphere much higher than that in which they dwellthemselves. This is the more curious as there is little doubt, from what we are told, that those indifferent spheres and realms can (within limitations) reside together.(g) A spirit seldom gives its working name on earth until after many visits. Suppose a spirithad, on earth, the names William Ernest Forward, and he was called William or Willie by hisfriend when he was alive, he will give the name Ernest. For a spirit to give his surname on first visitis rare.(h) Touching or seizing a phantom or form is sometimes very injurious to the medium; atothers it does no harm whatever.(i) Cheating by the sitter upsets proceedings, and puts an end to genuine phenomena.(j) Spirits attach importance to “the third day” after physical death.(k) Infants who pass over appear to lose nothing by the loss of earth experience.(l) When sitting with good mediums you never hear a harsh word, a dogmatic opinion, anunkind criticism, or a false sentiment.(m) Spirits cannot rise in the spheres or become happy if the relatives they leave behind feelexaggerated sorrow and emotion on their departure.(n) It is becoming more and more evident that undeveloped spirits can be assisted toadvance in the next state by being brought back to the earth plane for visits.(o) The spirit of the Red Man is of great use in seances.

197(a) This is a very unexpected result of our intercourse with spirits. I have often asked foran explanation. They say: “Every good act assists the advance of a spirit in the spheres, andmanifestations which help to prove to mortals that life beyond the grave is a fact are good acts. Bycoming into contact with relatives we have left behind, talking to them, and so forth, we areafterwards better able to impress them silently in their own homes. We, therefore, thank them forgiving us these opportunities.”(b) It is very natural that a spirit manifesting for the first time should experience greatdifficulty in making itself known. The atmosphere of the earth plane is, to them, dense andbewildering; and, apparently, the only way they can manage is to get a speech of a few words readybefore they enter it. They improve at every visit, until, eventually, they can converse as easily as ifthey were mortal. Many cannot succeed at all; some are barely able to make themselves known;while, on the other hand, I have known a few who remain several minutes at the first interview andanswer a few questions.(c) Definite questions as to names, dates, and places appear to create a “positive”condition, which upsets vibrations, until the spirit is well trained by three or four visits. I havemany exceptions in my notes, such as Galileo, Stone, and Sir Isaac Newton; but, speaking generally,spirits cannot converse intelligently without considerable practice.(d) Whatever doubts we may have on many points, there are none on this. Passivity onthe part of a sitter is absolutely essential to success. I have noticed many failures due to thedisturbance of the minds of sitters, and I conjecture that calmness is just as necessary on the “otherside.”(e) The delicacy of phenomena is a constant wonder to me. Trumpets are dropped on atable or the floor often from as high as ten or twelve feet; they alight without doing any injury tothe sitters, or to articles on the table, or in the room ; it is rare to find even a novice frightened atany seance.(f) This is my experience. A spirit in, say, the third sphere can tell you nothing of spiritsin the fifth or sixth.(g) I believe the motive of this is, generally, to expel from the sitter’s mind theexplanation of mind reading, and to give him confidence in the genuineness of the communication.It may be, sometimes, that—like the stammerer—he cannot get out the name he ought topronounce, and gives the other on the spur of the moment.(h) Here, I think, the motive is everything. If a sitter seizes a form from reasons ofhostility to the manifestation, and hoping to discover fraud, he will do the psychic considerableinjury; if, however, he acts without any but friendly and sympathetic feelings towards the medium,and purely to study the degree of substantiality of the forms, the controls impress the medium’swife to make no opposition to his experiment. No harm was done to Mr. Jonson by any of myattempts to solve this mystery of science; and, owing to the kind confidence shown in me by hiswife, I made discoveries which, incidentally, prove the integrity of everything that happens whenher husband is in a trance. My friend Grayfeather (his control) has never reproached me, but haseven come over to England to manifest his goodwill.(i) Lying and cheating by a sitter invariably spoil phenomena. Giving false names;refusing to acknowledge spirit friends when they appear; laying traps; talking in a disparagingsense of what is going on; restlessness and mental suspicion, all tend to kill the efforts of thecontrols to prove the power of the invisible intelligences around us.(j) Two or three times I have been told that the spirit of man generally cognises his newenvironment on the third day after physical death. Once a lady came to me and told me that shehad been able to impress her sister in earth life with the conviction that she was alive on “the thirdday.” I made inquiries two months later, and found that this was true. We know that it is notalways so. As will be shown in the Appendix to this work, it may be weeks or months, possiblyyears, before the “dead” are awake. Very rarely, they manifest on the same day; still more rarely,the same hour—even minute. But, I take it, the story of the resurrection of Jesus is not without itsesoteric meaning, like many other narratives in both the Old and New Testaments.(k) During my investigations a sad accident happened to an infant in my family, causingits sudden death. Mrs. Wriedt arrived in England a few days after; and, in her presence, I enjoyed

197(a) This is a very unexpected result of our intercourse with spirits. I have often asked foran explanation. <strong>The</strong>y say: “Every good act assists the advance of a spirit in the spheres, andmanifestations which help to prove to mortals that life beyond the grave is a fact are good acts. Bycoming into contact with relatives we have left behind, talking to them, and so forth, we areafterwards better able to impress them silently in their own homes. We, therefore, thank them forgiving us these opportunities.”(b) It is very natural that a spirit manifesting for the first time should experience greatdifficulty in making itself known. <strong>The</strong> atmosphere of the earth plane is, to them, dense andbewildering; and, apparently, the only way they can manage is to get a speech of a few words readybefore they enter it. <strong>The</strong>y improve at every visit, until, eventually, they can converse as easily as ifthey were mortal. Many cannot succeed at all; some are barely able to make themselves known;while, on the other hand, I have known a few who remain several minutes at the first interview andanswer a few questions.(c) Definite questions as to names, dates, and places appear to create a “positive”condition, which upsets vibrations, until the spirit is well trained by three or four visits. I havemany exceptions in my notes, such as Galileo, Stone, and Sir Isaac Newton; but, speaking generally,spirits cannot converse intelligently without considerable practice.(d) Whatever doubts we may have on many points, there are none on this. Passivity onthe part of a sitter is absolutely essential to success. I have noticed many failures due to thedisturbance of the minds of sitters, and I conjecture that calmness is just as necessary on the “otherside.”(e) <strong>The</strong> delicacy of phenomena is a constant wonder to me. Trumpets are dropped on atable or the floor often from as high as ten or twelve feet; they alight without doing any injury tothe sitters, or to articles on the table, or in the room ; it is rare to find even a novice frightened atany seance.(f) This is my experience. A spirit in, say, the third sphere can tell you nothing of spiritsin the fifth or sixth.(g) I believe the motive of this is, generally, to expel from the sitter’s mind theexplanation of mind reading, and to give him confidence in the genuineness of the communication.It may be, sometimes, that—like the stammerer—he cannot get out the name he ought topronounce, and gives the other on the spur of the moment.(h) Here, I think, the motive is everything. If a sitter seizes a form from reasons ofhostility to the manifestation, and hoping to discover fraud, he will do the psychic considerableinjury; if, however, he acts without any but friendly and sympathetic feelings towards the medium,and purely to study the degree of substantiality of the forms, the controls impress the medium’swife to make no opposition to his experiment. No harm was done to Mr. Jonson by any of myattempts to solve this mystery of science; and, owing to the kind confidence shown in me by hiswife, I made discoveries which, incidentally, prove the integrity of everything that happens whenher husband is in a trance. My friend Grayfeather (his control) has never reproached me, but haseven come over to England to manifest his goodwill.(i) Lying and cheating by a sitter invariably spoil phenomena. Giving false names;refusing to acknowledge spirit friends when they appear; laying traps; talking in a disparagingsense of what is going on; restlessness and mental suspicion, all tend to kill the efforts of thecontrols to prove the power of the invisible intelligences around us.(j) Two or three times I have been told that the spirit of man generally cognises his newenvironment on the third day after physical death. Once a lady came to me and told me that shehad been able to impress her sister in earth life with the conviction that she was alive on “the thirdday.” I made inquiries two months later, and found that this was true. We know that it is notalways so. As will be shown in the Appendix to this work, it may be weeks or months, possiblyyears, before the “dead” are awake. Very rarely, they manifest on the same day; still more rarely,the same hour—even minute. But, I take it, the story of the resurrection of Jesus is not without itsesoteric meaning, like many other narratives in both the Old and New Testaments.(k) During my investigations a sad accident happened to an infant in my family, causingits sudden death. Mrs. Wriedt arrived in England a few days after; and, in her presence, I enjoyed

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