Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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CHAPTER II18FIRST INVESTIGATION IN AMERICAMaterialisation’s with De Witt Hough – Appearance of Iola – The Roman lace worker – Sittings forClairvoyance with Mrs. Conklin and Hough - The German suffering from kidney trouble diagnosed byDr. Baker – Visit to Dr. S. H. - Year end séance with Maggie Gaule – I am accompanied by the spirit ofthe son of Dr. S. – Psychometry and clairvoyance by Maggie Gaule – Dor Hahn – Convincing evidenceof the presence of Iola – The Herman’s – New Year party at the house of Judge Dailey - May Pepper –Clairvoyance of Mrs. Dailey – Spirit return of the seaman Carey - Bright Eyes and the photograph test– Another interview with Maggie Gaule – Visit Boston – Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Henderson and Mr. Porter– Iola manifests through Mrs. Henderson – Return to New York – Public séance of Mrs. Pepper –Private séance with Mrs. Pepper – Iola again – Return to England.I landed at New York on Sunday, December 25 th 1904 and attended a séance the sameevening at the house of Mr. De Witt Hough. He then lived at 203 W. 38 th Street with a partner,Mrs. Conklin, who is a good clairvoyante. I talked with Hough for half-an-hour before the séancecommenced. He was in a stupid, dazed state, and very taciturn. It was impossible that he, or hispartner, or any of his sitters, could have known anything about me.There were seven sitters, besides Mrs. Conklin, who attended near the cabinet to find out thenames of the various spirits. We sat in a semi-circle on chairs and sofa’s, comfortably at our ease.The sitter furthest away from the cabinet was about sixteen feet from it; the room was abouttwenty-two feet by fifteen feet, with a cabinet four feet square at one end. On a table outside of thelatter were placed two bells, some writing paper, two harmonicas, and a paper tube. Before thegas was extinguished, Mrs. Conklin said to me “Have you a relative called Elizabeth? I do notknow if she is alive or dead, but I see that name in connection with you.” (I have two relatives ofthat name, one alive and one dead; the latter is a near relative of mine and of Iola). After the gaswas put out, we sat for half-an-hour in the dark, during which time Dr. Baker, one of the controls,spoke in the direct voice. Phantoms were seen by one or two clairvoyants who were present,gliding about the room, one near me. I could see nothing, but I sensed a presence between me andmy neighbour, and heard some sighs. Raps were heard in and about the cabinet, and tunes werewell played on the harmonica, accompanied by bells. We sang, and at intervals called for tunes tobe played by the spirits in the cabinet, which were all renders as requested. The melody they gotout of the ten-cent harmonicas was wonderful.After half-an-hour of darkness, a little cripple control “Star-Eyes” who had been in evidencesome minutes, talking and laughing in the cabinet, asked for a light to be lit. Mrs. Conklin lit anoil-lamp in a corner of the room opposite to the cabinet. It was shaded with a blue screen, andcovered with a shutter which communicated by a string with the cabinet; this enabled the controlsto regulate the light at will. The light throughout the séance was enough to allow of a white-facedwatch being read, and it was possible to distinguish the spirit-forms of men from those of women.I could only make out the features of the male spirits occasionally; the women were veiled, andtheir robes gathered at the waist.(2) Fifteen or sixteen spirits materialised full length, and were recognised either as friends orhabitués of the cabinet. About half-way through, the cabinet curtains opened, and a small, slightform, below the medium height of females was seen. Mrs. Conklin called out the earth name ofIola. I rose in my seat, and the woman came out towards me for a distance of some ten feet, tookmy hands, and drew me back to the cabinet. She was in a state of intense vibration. I asked,“Have you any message?” “Yes! – Yes!” she said, “I will write”. She took up a pencil, knelt down,and wrote upon the paper in the table. After writing a few words, she rose and went behind thecurtain, apparently to gather strength; then came out again and finished the message. This shegave into my hands. She then came back with me to my seat, and said “Sit! – Sit!” – kneeled downby my side, and whispered “I am so glad you have come.” At this time I had the form completely

19in my power, she holding both of my hands in hers. Presently she rose slowly and withdrew intothe cabinet with a natural, easy gait. After saying “God bless you,” she disappeared.At the end of the séance I looked at the writing, and found it was a somewhat commonplaceexpression of pleasure at our meeting, signed with the proper Christian name, but not in thehandwriting of Iola. The height and figure were quite correct; the arms (which were bare) those ofa woman; the hands a little larger than was right, and rather brown; the feet very small, in keepingwith the figure.Hough is about five feet seven inches in height, broad-shouldered and somewhat stout. Itwould be impossible for him to simulate a form five feet on inches in height, and slight in build.Any attempt to diminish his height, and walk about on bended knees, would be detected at once.I sat with Hough for materialisation several times; once alone. Iola came three times. Itwas noticeable that if some common name was called out, such as “Mary,” and the wrong personapproached the cabinet to claim the phantom, it would disappear; none of those spirits would takethe hand of a stranger. The controls were alleged to be a Colonel Baker, who was killed in the Warof Secession, Dr. Baker and a little spirit called Star-Eyes. Colonel Baker did not often materialise,but I have seen him in uniform. Star-Eyes kept up a running conversation throughout everyséance, and generally materialised once or twice. If I went up to her, she would touch my handsoftly; she had the appearance of a small cripple. There were many materialisation’s anddematerializations outside the cabinet.Perhaps the most interesting feature in all the séances was the visit of a woman we used tocall the “Roman lace-worker.” She came sometimes from the cabinet, and at others from the flooroutside it. She would borrow a handkerchief from me or some other sitter, and, shaking it out,evolve yards of drapery, which she would throw in turn over each individual member of the circle.I have held it in my hands; it was of firm texture, and apparently as mundane as anything boughtfrom a shop. She would then retire, laying it along the floor towards the cabinet; it woulddematerialise from the latter outwards. When the sitter from whom the handkerchief had beenborrowed naturally asked for his property to be returned, she would come out into the circle andpull it out from my back, or shirt-front, or the top of my head, and throw it to its owner. I haveseen this spirit materialise a handkerchief from the carpet. She would bend down and scratchaway until a small white substance appeared; this would get larger and larger, until it assumed thedimensions of a handkerchief.Vibrations in the room were maintained by an ordinary musical box. Occasionally we sang.None of the forms that appeared were of a build resembling that of Hough except Dr. Baker andColonel Baker; but in the case of these two habitués the faces were visible, and could not bemistaken for that of the medium. I was told that Hough was occasionally the victim of that mostperplexing of phenomena, transfiguration –when a medium is brought out of the cabinet, and so tospeak, built upon and made to resemble some departed friend of a sitter; but I must say that Inever saw any form which reminded me of the medium.Since those sittings seven years ago I have heard that Hough has been detected in fraudduring a materialisation séance. The allegations related to me are so circumstantial that I cannotdisbelieve them. He adds another name to the long list of psychics who try to help out a waningpower by cheating. I have taken this into consideration when drawing up the above account, andhave omitted some details which might have possibly been due to trickery, and only related thosewhich I believe fully were genuine manifestations.(3) The morning after my first séance with Hough I had a sitting with Mrs. Conklin, theclairvoyante. Iola appeared to her soon after we had sat down. The description was good, and sheanswered correctly the following questions: “By what name did I call you?” “Where did you die?”(country only given) “What is the name of your sister?” “By what name did she call you?”“What is your relationship to me?” Then my father manifested to the clairvoyante, and gave hisChristian names. Some details were added by Iola which effectually settled her identity as far as Iwas concerned.(4) The next morning, December 27 th , I sat with Hough and Mrs. Conklin. A card wasbefore us, marked with the letters of the alphabet inconsecutively. Hough took my right hand inhis and used his own forefinger to stamp the letters of the words which formed the replies to my

19in my power, she holding both of my hands in hers. Presently she rose slowly and withdrew intothe cabinet with a natural, easy gait. After saying “God bless you,” she disappeared.At the end of the séance I looked at the writing, and found it was a somewhat commonplaceexpression of pleasure at our meeting, signed with the proper Christian name, but not in thehandwriting of Iola. <strong>The</strong> height and figure were quite correct; the arms (which were bare) those ofa woman; the hands a little larger than was right, and rather brown; the feet very small, in keepingwith the figure.Hough is about five feet seven inches in height, broad-shouldered and somewhat stout. Itwould be impossible for him to simulate a form five feet on inches in height, and slight in build.Any attempt to diminish his height, and walk about on bended knees, would be detected at once.I sat with Hough for materialisation several times; once alone. Iola came three times. Itwas noticeable that if some common name was called out, such as “Mary,” and the wrong personapproached the cabinet to claim the phantom, it would disappear; none of those spirits would takethe hand of a stranger. <strong>The</strong> controls were alleged to be a Colonel Baker, who was killed in the Warof Secession, Dr. Baker and a little spirit called Star-Eyes. Colonel Baker did not often materialise,but I have seen him in uniform. Star-Eyes kept up a running conversation throughout everyséance, and generally materialised once or twice. If I went up to her, she would touch my handsoftly; she had the appearance of a small cripple. <strong>The</strong>re were many materialisation’s anddematerializations outside the cabinet.Perhaps the most interesting feature in all the séances was the visit of a woman we used tocall the “Roman lace-worker.” She came sometimes from the cabinet, and at others from the flooroutside it. She would borrow a handkerchief from me or some other sitter, and, shaking it out,evolve yards of drapery, which she would throw in turn over each individual member of the circle.I have held it in my hands; it was of firm texture, and apparently as mundane as anything boughtfrom a shop. She would then retire, laying it along the floor towards the cabinet; it woulddematerialise from the latter outwards. When the sitter from whom the handkerchief had beenborrowed naturally asked for his property to be returned, she would come out into the circle andpull it out from my back, or shirt-front, or the top of my head, and throw it to its owner. I haveseen this spirit materialise a handkerchief from the carpet. She would bend down and scratchaway until a small white substance appeared; this would get larger and larger, until it assumed thedimensions of a handkerchief.Vibrations in the room were maintained by an ordinary musical box. Occasionally we sang.None of the forms that appeared were of a build resembling that of Hough except Dr. Baker andColonel Baker; but in the case of these two habitués the faces were visible, and could not bemistaken for that of the medium. I was told that Hough was occasionally the victim of that mostperplexing of phenomena, transfiguration –when a medium is brought out of the cabinet, and so tospeak, built upon and made to resemble some departed friend of a sitter; but I must say that Inever saw any form which reminded me of the medium.Since those sittings seven years ago I have heard that Hough has been detected in fraudduring a materialisation séance. <strong>The</strong> allegations related to me are so circumstantial that I cannotdisbelieve them. He adds another name to the long list of psychics who try to help out a waningpower by cheating. I have taken this into consideration when drawing up the above account, andhave omitted some details which might have possibly been due to trickery, and only related thosewhich I believe fully were genuine manifestations.(3) <strong>The</strong> morning after my first séance with Hough I had a sitting with Mrs. Conklin, theclairvoyante. Iola appeared to her soon after we had sat down. <strong>The</strong> description was good, and sheanswered correctly the following questions: “By what name did I call you?” “Where did you die?”(country only given) “What is the name of your sister?” “By what name did she call you?”“What is your relationship to me?” <strong>The</strong>n my father manifested to the clairvoyante, and gave hisChristian names. Some details were added by Iola which effectually settled her identity as far as Iwas concerned.(4) <strong>The</strong> next morning, December 27 th , I sat with Hough and Mrs. Conklin. A card wasbefore us, marked with the letters of the alphabet inconsecutively. Hough took my right hand inhis and used his own forefinger to stamp the letters of the words which formed the replies to my

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