Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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180sixty miles by rail from Toledo, and about forty-five miles in the direct line. <strong>The</strong> habitues orfamiliar spirits of Jonson’ s cabinet manifest occasionally at the seances of Mrs. Wriedt and Kaiser.One of the best instances of this taking place which I have given in my public notes was the speechof Jonson’s control, Grayfeather, on February 11, 1911, during one of my private seances with Mrs.Wriedt. Speaking in practically the same voice as is heard when he is making use of the organism ofJonson, and at a time when Jonson is laid up, he reminds me of the origin of his medium’s illness“ever since he hang that paper on wall,” an incident of which Jonson had spoken to me at leasttwice.Mrs. Wriedt’s seances are self-convincing. <strong>The</strong>re is no necessity to tie her up, or gag her, ortorture her in the various silly ways adopted by pseudo-scientists. She can only speak onelanguage— Yankee. She is physically incapable of enunciating pure English or the jargon of theRed Man. No sane person could suspect her for one moment to be personating Iola, Grayfeather, orany of my English spirit visitors.Correlations are numerous throughout my notes. Hudson carries messages to Rochesterfrom Chicago and Detroit, and makes himself known to me coherently at the three cities throughthree different psychics, who are unknown to one another. Iola refers, in Mrs. Georgia’s script atRochester, to a particular incident which had happened some days before in the seance-room ofMiss Ada Besinnet, though these two private psychics know nothing of one another. At Detroit shefrequently mentions events in which she had participated during sittings with Mrs. Georgia, theJonsons, and the Bangs Sisters. She helps to precipitate a picture in pale lavender dress at Chicago.I inquire of two controls at Detroit, and find this is the proper colour for the sixth sphere, seventhrealm it is this position which she has always asserted she holds in the spirit world. She is able totell me at any time what I have been doing, and shows an intimate acquaintance with my life, myfriends, and my wanderings, which is nothing less than astounding. She relates to me at Detroit theexplanation of a series of incidents which occurred fifty years ago, of which I was only partlycognisant, and brings three other spirits who corroborate her story.I am at a seance with the Jonsons at Toledo on a Saturday afternoon when Cleopatramanifests to me, and says, “I am going West with you.” On Sunday evening Cleopatra appears toMay Bangs, with whom I am sitting at Chicago. <strong>The</strong>re was no time for a letter to arrive, even if theJonsons felt disposed to write one, which I am sure was not the case.Grayfeather, the control of Johnson, manifests at Mr. W. T. Stead’s country house inEngland, where Mrs. Wriedt is a guest, identifies himself, and assists in her circles. Remember, thisIndian is not Mrs. Wriedt’s control, and has only lately visited her seance-room at Detroit for thefirst time. While in England his talk is not confined to subjects with which he is familiar inAmerica; he gathers information from Julia and other spirits, and makes a very decent show ofacquaintance with English affairs. He also manifests through Kaiser in Detroit.At one of my private seances with Mrs. Wriedt in Mr. Stead’s country house Grayfeathercame to me, and, speaking distinctly, said: “Chief, I come only when you are here; the big top-knots[eminent men] in your country no like Indians. Gladstone, he see me, and say, ‘Get out’; and thatAdmiral, your friend, he come and say, ‘Grayfeather, be off!’”Q.: “Who do you mean, Grayfeather ?”A.: “I mean Admiral from Portsmouth. He here now. I bring him to you.”<strong>The</strong>n a distinguished officer identified himself to me who had died suddenly three monthsbefore at Portsmouth. We talked of many things. I asked him if he had a dislike to Grayfeather. Hisreply was: “His manner is very abrupt.”<strong>The</strong> spirit control “ Uncle” refers at one of Husk’s seances to seeing me the previous day at asitting where Williams was the medium.John King (Sir Henry Morgan), Husk’s principal control, takes charge of the physical phenomenaat the seances of Mrs. Wriedt in Mr. Stead’s house and greets sitters, whom he has known atHusk’s circle, by name.Abdullah, one of Craddock’s controls, manifests at two of Jonson’s seances in Toledo, Ohio.I will conclude this subject of Correlations by the narration of another incident thatoccurred at one of my private seances with Mrs. Wriedt in England.

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