Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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174(49) Message carried by Hudson; Mrs. Georgia’s script. Is it reasonable to doubt thatthis was no mere act of telepathy? What about the description of the floor and room of the hotel?Even the chair is accurately described.(50) Is a better proof than (49) that Hudson was a messenger, and that so-called telepathywas not at work in either case. Remark the following: “He must speak of Hudson, that’s me, inyour address; many people have accepted my hypothesis of the sub-conscious. I want him to saythat he has heard from me My girl will sit for him here (Rochester) and in N.Y. for James andHyslop in concert. I shall bring F. W. H. Myers and Dr. Hodgson if I canA few days later I was at Rochester, and Dr. Austin, the pastor of the Plymouth SpiritualistChurch, kindly organised a little assembly at the Seneca Hotel to meet me. I addressed the party onseveral matters, principally the return of the spirit of Thomson Jay Hudson, showing the ladies andgentlemen present in the ballroom of the hotel the original automatic mirror-script. This littlemeeting was quite impromptu, though the date of my address in the church (February 26) had beenfixed some time. Hudson was mentioned in both addresses.The meeting at New York here predicted came off in a totally unexpected fashion; it was notProfessor James but Dr. I. K. Funk who made the third of my visitors.Observe that two hours after Mrs. Georgia wrote this script, Dr. Jenkins (Kaiser’s control)at Detroit tells me that Hudson is away trying to impress “a light” in another city to whom “I hadsent a message”; and the next morning (5th) Hudson comes to me himself in Detroit and reportsthat “he had carried the message, but did not think ‘the light’ had taken it all in. He knew that hehad impressed her, but thought she only got part of it.”(54) The items given in the script to establish the identity of Mr. Myers could not haveoriginated in the mind of either the psychic or myself, for we did not know them. Whence did theycome?(55) “He has the offshoot of the oak in his pocket, a gold acorn.” I had not noticed the shapeof the pendant on the chain, nor thought of it at any time, so this cannot be attributed to my upperconsciousness being read by the psychic. The latter was totally ignorant what I carried about withme in my pockets. Can there be a doubt that this statement originated with an invisibleintelligence?(58) “ Grayfeather “ apparently sees me at another seance, and in the public library atToledo. Whatever may be the true explanation of this remarkable incident, it must be due in someway to invisible intelligence. The most reasonable explanation is that my guide told Grayfeather. IfGrayfeather, while using the organism of Jonson, could read my sub-conscious mind, the incident isof a spiritistic character; certainly the events of the previous day were not occupying my upperconsciousness. Why was Grayfeather inaccurate when giving the name of one of my companions,who, by the way, was five feet off, listening?(93) If mind-reading has anything to do with these manifestations, why could not Mrs.Rossegue divine, whose picture was inside the locket? The name and relationship were in my full,upper consciousness, and I was expecting to have them given me any second; yet, instead, thepsychic hears a voice: “It was mine [the locket], but it [the picture] is not I.” The identity of the facein the locket was not revealed at all.ANALYSIS OF PHYSICAL PHENOMENA.Incident (2) must be examined with (15). In the latter Iola admits that she materialised inNew York, and gives a story about a cane, damaged a little in passing through the mind of themedium, but sufficiently correct to prove that she was with me on the night I landed, when (2) tookplace. The height and figure which I saw at the materialisation seance were correct; it would befoolish to suppose that the graceful form and movements could be simulated by any man; theintense vibration of a form is always good evidence of its reality as a materialisation. It is verycommon where the whole body is made up and not only a part, and frequently occurred inCraddock’s manifestations. The confidence with which the spirit placed herself in my power many

175feet away from any possible coadjutor is a fact to be taken into consideration, for the mediumshad never set eyes upon me before that night, and knew nothing at all about me. I had only landedfrom England that morning.(16) The appearance and identification of Captain D., an old messmate of my relative, A. Upto this time my relative had scoffed at spiritism, and declared it all charlatanry. I have never heardhim scoff on the subject since this evening, February 6, 1905, when the controls worked speciallyfor him, and brought up before his face two or three recently deceased friends.(20) Two spirit-forms out together, showing simultaneously to neighbours in the circle.The deliberate dematerialisation of my neighbour’s child close to the mother’s body was aremarkable sight; when I saw the small face it appeared to be complete in all particulars. How arewe to account for Joey’s knowledge of something a lady had said a hundred miles off some daysbefore? It was an insignificant remark, which had not taken any deep root in my memory.(23) This was one of the good materialisations of Iola. Note, that it was less than life size.The name of my friend in Fiji was “Seed,” which I think my readers will admit is a very uncommonname. I had not thought of him for years. The speaking of the familiar spirits in the cabinet whilewe were bringing the medium out of trance was a convincing phenomenon.(24) Another excellent simulacrum of Iola.(29) The test seance with Husk speaks for itself, and does not require any analysis. Greatforce was exhibited on this occasion; the armchair lifted over my head and put upon the tableweighed over thirty pounds; Husk himself must weigh eleven or twelve stone. The voices behindHusk were very clear, and it was quite certain that he had nothing to do with the singing or with hisown levitation. Note the position of his own chair when the lights were turned on.(31) Though I have not usually any mediumistic faculty, there are one or two occasionswhen I have seen clairvoyantly at a seance. In this case I distinctly saw a light emanate from themedium. I have no doubt that it was my guide, who made a practice of standing or floating behindme at a seance. She was frequently described by clairvoyantes.(33) In most cases the simulacra of women at Husk’s seances are bandaged round thebottom of the face, the nose and upper part only being visible; this is what made it impossible forme to say that the materialisation of Iola was ever very satisfactory. On this occasion, however,another relative was presented without any bandage whatsoever. The likeness was admirable, andthe test a very important one to me, as the lady in question had, while in life, been much opposed tomy views, and, at this time, had not passed over three months. The controls took about half an hourpreparing this test. I expressed great pleasure at its appearance. “Uncle” told me it could not havebeen done if I had not great power; by this I assume he meant “giving-out” power, for I certainlyam innocent of any other power whatever.(57) Over-anxiety on the part of my guide to show herself spoilt this seance; but it wasnone the less very interesting. The materialisations of Cleopatra and Josephine were very fine, andthe sudden dematerialisation of Edna was one of the most extraordinary sights I have everwitnessed; she doubled up as if she were constructed with a hinge in the centre of her body.(59) Attention is specially drawn in this case to the dematerializations, evidently exhibitedfor my benefit.(66) This was one of the most eventful seances I have ever had. A private message wasgiven to me by Iola on this occasion through the agency of a song, sung by a spirit inaccompaniment to the graphophone. The episode was alluded to in Mrs. Georgia’s script, afortnight later at Rochester, in such a way as to make the correlation of the two events absolutelyunmistakable.(68) These demonstrations of spirit, action are inexplicable on any theory of fraud. Aperson who could allow himself to be hoodwinked to the extent that would be necessary for amedium to carry through this incident must certainly be placed in the category of individuals whoare unable to manage their own affairs, and who ought not to be at large. If I am such a person, ithas not yet been discovered by my family, friends, or brother officers. The seal of the letter showsno sign of having been tampered with ; the reply letter is sensible, and beyond the mental level ofthe psychic; my card and another paper are found inside the envelope as well as the letters, and a

174(49) Message carried by Hudson; Mrs. Georgia’s script. Is it reasonable to doubt thatthis was no mere act of telepathy? What about the description of the floor and room of the hotel?Even the chair is accurately described.(50) Is a better proof than (49) that Hudson was a messenger, and that so-called telepathywas not at work in either case. Remark the following: “He must speak of Hudson, that’s me, inyour address; many people have accepted my hypothesis of the sub-conscious. I want him to saythat he has heard from me My girl will sit for him here (Rochester) and in N.Y. for James andHyslop in concert. I shall bring F. W. H. Myers and Dr. Hodgson if I canA few days later I was at Rochester, and Dr. Austin, the pastor of the Plymouth SpiritualistChurch, kindly organised a little assembly at the Seneca Hotel to meet me. I addressed the party onseveral matters, principally the return of the spirit of Thomson Jay Hudson, showing the ladies andgentlemen present in the ballroom of the hotel the original automatic mirror-script. This littlemeeting was quite impromptu, though the date of my address in the church (February 26) had beenfixed some time. Hudson was mentioned in both addresses.<strong>The</strong> meeting at New York here predicted came off in a totally unexpected fashion; it was notProfessor James but Dr. I. K. Funk who made the third of my visitors.Observe that two hours after Mrs. Georgia wrote this script, Dr. Jenkins (Kaiser’s control)at Detroit tells me that Hudson is away trying to impress “a light” in another city to whom “I hadsent a message”; and the next morning (5th) Hudson comes to me himself in Detroit and reportsthat “he had carried the message, but did not think ‘the light’ had taken it all in. He knew that hehad impressed her, but thought she only got part of it.”(54) <strong>The</strong> items given in the script to establish the identity of Mr. Myers could not haveoriginated in the mind of either the psychic or myself, for we did not know them. Whence did theycome?(55) “He has the offshoot of the oak in his pocket, a gold acorn.” I had not noticed the shapeof the pendant on the chain, nor thought of it at any time, so this cannot be attributed to my upperconsciousness being read by the psychic. <strong>The</strong> latter was totally ignorant what I carried about withme in my pockets. Can there be a doubt that this statement originated with an invisibleintelligence?(58) “ Grayfeather “ apparently sees me at another seance, and in the public library atToledo. Whatever may be the true explanation of this remarkable incident, it must be due in someway to invisible intelligence. <strong>The</strong> most reasonable explanation is that my guide told Grayfeather. IfGrayfeather, while using the organism of Jonson, could read my sub-conscious mind, the incident isof a spiritistic character; certainly the events of the previous day were not occupying my upperconsciousness. Why was Grayfeather inaccurate when giving the name of one of my companions,who, by the way, was five feet off, listening?(93) If mind-reading has anything to do with these manifestations, why could not Mrs.Rossegue divine, whose picture was inside the locket? <strong>The</strong> name and relationship were in my full,upper consciousness, and I was expecting to have them given me any second; yet, instead, thepsychic hears a voice: “It was mine [the locket], but it [the picture] is not I.” <strong>The</strong> identity of the facein the locket was not revealed at all.ANALYSIS OF PHYSICAL PHENOMENA.Incident (2) must be examined with (15). In the latter Iola admits that she materialised inNew York, and gives a story about a cane, damaged a little in passing through the mind of themedium, but sufficiently correct to prove that she was with me on the night I landed, when (2) tookplace. <strong>The</strong> height and figure which I saw at the materialisation seance were correct; it would befoolish to suppose that the graceful form and movements could be simulated by any man; theintense vibration of a form is always good evidence of its reality as a materialisation. It is verycommon where the whole body is made up and not only a part, and frequently occurred inCraddock’s manifestations. <strong>The</strong> confidence with which the spirit placed herself in my power many

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