Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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144the spirit state. Your visit here to-day will make me happier than I have ever been. I shall comeagain. Your book will be a great success in all ways.Affectionately,SEPTIMUS P. MOORE.Note.—The medium was aware (and, consequently, his familiar spirits were aware) that Iwas collecting material for a book. At right-angles to the above, and in a very differenthandwriting, was the following letterMy ChargeOh do not be lonely, for time cannot severThe charm that unites us in memory’s chain,E’en though death the sweet voice seems tosilence for everIn spirit its accents will waken again.I am pleased that you do not relegate me to the oblivion of the tomb, I have life, theimmortal spark, the spirit cannot perish. I am living and happy and contented. I wish you could behere with me. Do not ever mourn me as dead.(Signed) [The earth name of Iola.]Iola.Did not we have a delightful talk this forenoon?(Considering the close communication that I had enjoyed with my guide throughout theprevious two months, this letter is nothing short of idiotic. It affords no evidence of identitywhatever; but it is a clear proof of the presence of invisible beings, or being, in the room who hadheard our conversation, seen the name, and written the script.)(4)I feel grateful to the powers that be for the beautiful privilege of meeting you andcommunicating in even this brief way. I cannot soon [sic] write a great deal but even a few wordswill express my existence. Endeavour to in some way establish means of communication when youget back. I should prize such a privilege there. I am at rest and I do not suffer the pains andvexations and troubles so common to mortal life. I am so glad that you came on here.Devotedly,CATHERINE MOORE.(It was in the upper left-hand corner of this slate that the drawing of a head appeared, witha stalk of forget-me-nots underneath. On the left side of the head there is a shadow of the same face,which is very remarkable.)(5)Dear BrotherNow, is not this great that I can write on this slate with this bit of a pencil? I am not in theslate, I am on the outside of it. I write this through the law of the fourth dimension in space. Sitwith the slates in your own room. I might write then for you. I am at rest and contented here. I amoften near you. BrotherALLDIN MOORE.Underneath, in red pencil, and a different handwriting:—I salute you.UNCLE MAJOR.

I have no doubt that Mr. Keeler genuinely believed that evidence would be forthcoming ofthe identity of the spirits summoned; but it did not happen that I obtained it as others have done.This sitting was a most striking exhibition of spirit power; and that, in my opinion, is all that can bereasonably expected of this particular phase. The atmospheric conditions were perfect.My readers must bear steadily in mind (1) that there was full light, (2) that the slates wereheld above the table, with no cloth or covering of any sort over them. I have read the reports of pastslate-writings through Eglinton, Davey, and others. No explanation I have read will meet the case ofthis manifestation of spirit power through P. 0. Keeler. I heartily congratulate this gifted psychic onpossessing a faculty which enables those who work through him to demonstrate in a convincingmanner the presence and activity of the invisible intelligences which surround us.I left for England the following morning.145

I have no doubt that Mr. Keeler genuinely believed that evidence would be forthcoming ofthe identity of the spirits summoned; but it did not happen that I obtained it as others have done.This sitting was a most striking exhibition of spirit power; and that, in my opinion, is all that can bereasonably expected of this particular phase. <strong>The</strong> atmospheric conditions were perfect.My readers must bear steadily in mind (1) that there was full light, (2) that the slates wereheld above the table, with no cloth or covering of any sort over them. I have read the reports of pastslate-writings through Eglinton, Davey, and others. No explanation I have read will meet the case ofthis manifestation of spirit power through P. 0. Keeler. I heartily congratulate this gifted psychic onpossessing a faculty which enables those who work through him to demonstrate in a convincingmanner the presence and activity of the invisible intelligences which surround us.I left for England the following morning.145

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