Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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143One slate had a letter from my sister Catherine; in the upper left-hand corner there wasa carefully-finished picture of a man’s head and shoulders, and underneath it the drawing of aforget-me-not. I do not recognise the man’s face.One letter had two signatures—viz., the earth name and spirit name of my guide. In apostscript was an allusion to our meeting in the morning.<strong>The</strong> names given in the signatures were all correct, except one. This I had written as MissBowman; the signature was Mary Bowman. <strong>The</strong> Christian name of the lady was not Mary. Thisnote was on the same slate as that which contained a letter from my brother-in-law, who lived inthe same house with her for some years.All the letters were very commonplace. I attach them below. <strong>The</strong>re are no proofs of identityin any of them. I am certain that my guide did not write the letter over her signature. <strong>The</strong> work wasunquestionably that of invisible and intelligent beings who heard the conversation, read the namesand short sentences inside the pellets, and wrote the replies.We held the slates about nine inches above the table; Keeler’s hands never moved whenholding them. Throughout the whole hour the psychic only rose from his chair once—to pull theblind down a foot, to shade our eyes from the glare of the western sun.In all, the slate-writing contained 474 words written, and two pictures drawn, in a period notexceeding ten minutes, including the four delays necessary for taking up a new slate.I have seen evidence of identity obtained by others in slate-writing through the mediumshipof Mr. P. 0. Keeler; but the only signs I got were the letters of Henry Usborne and Miss Bowman onthe same slate. That is not enough to establish the point, for the lady’s Christian name is incorrect,and the association of the names of the two individuals may have been accidental.THE CONTENTS OF THE SLATES.(1)Good afternoon, dear Admiral. I am so verypleased that papa has come to know you so well.I hope you will be of mutual aid and companionship.I am heartily glad to greet you. I am quite familiarwith this coming.Truly,BAILEY SLAYDEN.(2)Good afternoon. Is it not delightful to meet in this way ? So many persons think me dead, and Ipresume they are forgetting me. I shall meet them when they come over and surprise them. I amglad I can do so well with this little piece of pencil. I feel about as I felt during my life in thephysical body. Let me come again sometime when I may write better. You have a great usefulnessof life before you in this field of work.HENRY USBORNE.I will always help you.MARY BOWMAN.(3)This is about the most remarkable experience one can have. I feel as much myself asformerly I felt. I am not changed to another person by this wonderful translation from the earth to

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