Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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130During the conversation the table was frequently shaken, as if to simulate convulsions oflaughter ; these demonstrations were always very apt, invariably happening when some comicalremark had been made. several spirit lights were seen.The graphophone was often stopped when a record was put in which the spirits did not like.On one occasion, when Mrs. Moore went out of the room to fetch a record that we asked for, theinstrument was started and stopped several times by the spirits.A tambourine was wrung out of my hand, as it had been two years before.Towards the end of the seance the psychic spoke in trance, and described an old relative of minewho passed out in 1904. This “speaking in trance” and “automatic writing” are new developmentsof Miss Ada.After two and a-quarter hours the seance came to a close, the young psychic coming out oftrance in three minutes without distress, apparently normal, and able to join in generalconversation.I propose to continue the account of my observations of Miss Ada Besinnet without regardto consecutive dates in the narrative of my education, and then to give accounts of my sittings withthe Jonsons and the tests of the Bangs Sisters. The most mysterious and convincing of all myexperiences, those which brought me into closest touch with the next state, are related in the nextchapter, entitled “The Voices.” There is no phenomenon so rare and so effective as that of the“direct voice,” whereby an investigator is brought, so to speak, into the very antechamber ofcelestial life. The phenomena exhibited in the presence of Mrs. Wriedt, both in quantity andquality, exceed in value any other experiences I have in my notes. Not one half are recorded, forprivate reasons; but such as I have been able to make public will form an appropriate Jinis to thenarrative of facts I have witnessed in my search for the truths of immortality.(94) Saturday, December 3i~, 1910. With Miss Besinnet. Sitters—Mrs. Murray Moore, Mr.and Mrs. Z., their nieces, and myself. On this occasion the circle round the table was complete. Theatmospheric conditions were very good. I controlled the psychic’s right hand.Mrs. Moore, as before, attended to the graphophone. She was often interfered with by thespirits, who stopped the instrument whenever they did not like the tune or song being played.When the lights were first put out the table was moved a foot, and opened where a leafshould go if required. Then the spirit singing and whistling, in accompaniment to the graphophone,went on for about an hour. The singing of Oma Yoant was specially fine; it appeared to come fromabout a foot above the centre of the table. The same magnificent whistling took place.Mrs. Z.’s ring was taken from her hand to that of one of her nieces, and then brought to me,where, as on the previous evening, it was put on my little finger. It remained there ten or fifteenminutes, and was then returned by “ Leonore” to Mrs. Z. Little hands stroked my hand and myknee several times, and once a hand touched my shoulder.Presently I felt a little hand playing with my locket. Controlling Miss Ada ’s right hand withmy left, I reached down my right hand under the table and felt a small hand, less than half the sizeof my own, apparently trying to remove the locket. I asked:“Shall I assist you to unclasp it ?” Answer, one knock on the table (indicating “No “). Afterthe locket had been fingered about fifteen minutes, the motion ceased; I put my right hand downagain, and found it gone; it was handed round to each member of the circle, and then returned tome open. A number of spirit lights appeared round it the moment before I was allowed to hold it. Iasked:—“Who has been doing this? Is it Leonore ?”A.: One knock on the table.Q.: “Is it Iola?”A.: Three knocks (indicating “Yes”); then a whisper through the trumpet: “I tried to showyou my face in the locket.” Before this I saw, dimly, the form of a woman bending over me with herhands on my shoulders, or trying to do so.

131Miss Ada’s control, “Black Cloud,” bashed my left hand with his; many times a gentlefeminine hand pressed my hand down on the right hand of the medium. “Silvermoon” gave a loudwar-whoop from the ceiling.When the seance was nearly at an end, the table, which weighs over a hundredweight, waslifted clean off the floor two or three inches for a second.February 2, 1911. With Miss Ada Besinnet and Mrs. Moore alone, 7.30 to 9 p.m.On this evening there was a great display of spirit lights; Iola tried to show her face by these.I dare-say there were, at different times, one hundred; about the size of a quarter dollar; not oneemanated from the medium. One song was sung three times by Oma Yoant, and also by Iola. Wehad other songs and whistling, with and without the graphophone. Three new spirit singers madethemselves known. “Leonore” spoke several times through the trumpet.The psychic was brought out of trance, very suddenly, by “Black Cloud,” her Indian control,and taken into the drawing-room, where she was made to lie down on the sofa, “Black Cloud”muttering all the while through her lips. As she passed round the table, among the chairs in thepitch-dark seance-room, she never stumbled, nor came into collision with any furniture.(95) Friday, February 3, 1911. With Miss Ada Besinnet, S to 10.30 p.m. The party consistedof Mr. and Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Wriedt, and three friends, besides Mrs. M. Moore and myself. Thefact of Mrs. Wriedt being present added very much to the power. When the seats were beingarranged, I suggested that a Mr. Xander should sit next to the medium, which he did, and talked toa spirit nearly the whole evening. His experiences during that seance quite dispersed any doubts hemay have had before; he is a man of strong character, and it was a fine instance of the comfortingand elevating power of spiritism.I sat next to Mrs. Wriedt. On my right was a man who obtained some convincing andconsoling test. The Newtons’ two children in spirit life passed flowers and other articles backwardsand forwards between their father and mother. Iola made herself known to me and to Mrs. Wriedt.But the best evidence of spirit power to the party as a whole came to Mr. Xander, through Mrs.Wriedt. He said to a spirit: “ Please take this ring to Mrs. Wriedt, and ask her if she can tell mewhere it came from.” Before receiving it in her hand, Mrs. Wriedt said: “I see a watch; the worksare all out of it, and it appears to fuse while I look at it, as if it were in the melting-pot. I see the faceof an old man [describing him], who once owned the watch.” She received the ring in her hand, andpassed it to me. After I returned it, the spirit carried it back to Mr. Xander, who said: “This is oneof the most remarkable things which has ever happened to me. The watch seen by Mrs. Wriedtbelonged to my father, whom she described correctly. After it came into my possession, I had theworks removed, and the cover beaten up and made into this ring.”There were, on this evening, many songs on the graphophone, accompanied by spiritsinging;Oma Yoant, as usual, showing the greatest power.Finally, I heard the voice of Black Cloud: “Me go”; Miss Ada came out of trance easily,and without any ill effects being apparent from the exercise of her gift.February 10,1911. Alone with Miss Ada and Mrs. Moore, 7.30 to 9.5.I informed the controls in open voice that we did not want much spirit-singing, but wouldlike the manifestations this evening to take the form of talking and mental phenomena. We beganwith songs through the graphophone, one Indian song — a favourite with me—being accompaniedby Oma Yoant in her loud voice, and, in gentler tones, by Iola afterwards. When my favouritepassages came round, Iola sang straight into my face. After this first singing was over, she talked tome through the trumpet, telling me how hard she was trying to do what I wanted (referring toJonson’s seances). Pietro, the whistler, joined in only when Cavalleria Rusticana was played by thegraphophone.There were some thirty good spirit-lights.Three letters written automatically by the psychic were given into my hands(1) My name is spelled Yoant.(2) I have come to you so many many times but you do not seem to see me or hear meand it is so difficult. I love to come to the home and the loved ones.

131Miss Ada’s control, “Black Cloud,” bashed my left hand with his; many times a gentlefeminine hand pressed my hand down on the right hand of the medium. “Silvermoon” gave a loudwar-whoop from the ceiling.When the seance was nearly at an end, the table, which weighs over a hundredweight, waslifted clean off the floor two or three inches for a second.February 2, 1911. With Miss Ada Besinnet and Mrs. Moore alone, 7.30 to 9 p.m.On this evening there was a great display of spirit lights; Iola tried to show her face by these.I dare-say there were, at different times, one hundred; about the size of a quarter dollar; not oneemanated from the medium. One song was sung three times by Oma Yoant, and also by Iola. Wehad other songs and whistling, with and without the graphophone. Three new spirit singers madethemselves known. “Leonore” spoke several times through the trumpet.<strong>The</strong> psychic was brought out of trance, very suddenly, by “Black Cloud,” her Indian control,and taken into the drawing-room, where she was made to lie down on the sofa, “Black Cloud”muttering all the while through her lips. As she passed round the table, among the chairs in thepitch-dark seance-room, she never stumbled, nor came into collision with any furniture.(95) Friday, February 3, 1911. With Miss Ada Besinnet, S to 10.30 p.m. <strong>The</strong> party consistedof Mr. and Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Wriedt, and three friends, besides Mrs. M. Moore and myself. <strong>The</strong>fact of Mrs. Wriedt being present added very much to the power. When the seats were beingarranged, I suggested that a Mr. Xander should sit next to the medium, which he did, and talked toa spirit nearly the whole evening. His experiences during that seance quite dispersed any doubts hemay have had before; he is a man of strong character, and it was a fine instance of the comfortingand elevating power of spiritism.I sat next to Mrs. Wriedt. On my right was a man who obtained some convincing andconsoling test. <strong>The</strong> Newtons’ two children in spirit life passed flowers and other articles backwardsand forwards between their father and mother. Iola made herself known to me and to Mrs. Wriedt.But the best evidence of spirit power to the party as a whole came to Mr. Xander, through Mrs.Wriedt. He said to a spirit: “ Please take this ring to Mrs. Wriedt, and ask her if she can tell mewhere it came from.” Before receiving it in her hand, Mrs. Wriedt said: “I see a watch; the worksare all out of it, and it appears to fuse while I look at it, as if it were in the melting-pot. I see the faceof an old man [describing him], who once owned the watch.” She received the ring in her hand, andpassed it to me. After I returned it, the spirit carried it back to Mr. Xander, who said: “This is oneof the most remarkable things which has ever happened to me. <strong>The</strong> watch seen by Mrs. Wriedtbelonged to my father, whom she described correctly. After it came into my possession, I had theworks removed, and the cover beaten up and made into this ring.”<strong>The</strong>re were, on this evening, many songs on the graphophone, accompanied by spiritsinging;Oma Yoant, as usual, showing the greatest power.Finally, I heard the voice of Black Cloud: “Me go”; Miss Ada came out of trance easily,and without any ill effects being apparent from the exercise of her gift.February 10,1911. Alone with Miss Ada and Mrs. Moore, 7.30 to 9.5.I informed the controls in open voice that we did not want much spirit-singing, but wouldlike the manifestations this evening to take the form of talking and mental phenomena. We beganwith songs through the graphophone, one Indian song — a favourite with me—being accompaniedby Oma Yoant in her loud voice, and, in gentler tones, by Iola afterwards. When my favouritepassages came round, Iola sang straight into my face. After this first singing was over, she talked tome through the trumpet, telling me how hard she was trying to do what I wanted (referring toJonson’s seances). Pietro, the whistler, joined in only when Cavalleria Rusticana was played by thegraphophone.<strong>The</strong>re were some thirty good spirit-lights.Three letters written automatically by the psychic were given into my hands(1) My name is spelled Yoant.(2) I have come to you so many many times but you do not seem to see me or hear meand it is so difficult. I love to come to the home and the loved ones.

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