Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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126Q.: “I want to find out by normal means who Hester Hudson is, and who WilliamHudson.”A.: “That is what I mean. It is some time since I was known here, and I have failed toimpress anyone.”Q.: “Well! I have it from you that Hester was your sister and William your brother ?”A.: “Yes.”Hodgson came fairly strong.Q.: “Can you give me a test of your identity?”A.: “Yes; when we met at Boston, at Mrs. Piper’s, I said in her presence that when Icame over this side, if allowed to communicate, I would try and improve the conditions for her.”Q.: “I did not sit with you and Mrs. Piper.”A.: “No, no. I said that in Mrs. Piper’s presence.”(As a matter of fact, I never sat with Mrs. Piper; but I think this statement, made onFebruary 5, 1909, has something in it, for this reason. In page 2 of Proceedings of the Society forPsychical Research, June, 1909, I find that Professor William James writes: “Hodgson had oftenduring his lifetime laughingly said that, if he ever passed over and Mrs. Piper was still officiatinghere below, he would control her better than she had ever yet been controlled in her trances,because he was so thoroughly familiar with the difficulties and conditions on this side.”)Dr. Jenkins made himself known last.Q. : ‘‘ Please explain about realms and spheres.A.: “I will try. We can explain a little to you about the first seven spheres. You could notpossibly understand me if I tried to explain anything about vibrations beyond that. <strong>The</strong> spheres arenot separated by strictly defined lines of demarcation. Realms are conditions, and you recognise therealm a person is in by the colour he or she wears. Each sphere after the third has certain realms.”Q.: “<strong>The</strong>n, if I am told that a person is in the sixth sphere and seventh realm, and thather dress is the colour of pale lavender?”A.: “That is quite correct. <strong>The</strong> first sphere is one of darkness—not material darknesssuch as you understand it, but ignorance and absence of desire to rise. When a spirit once forms adesire to rise, it begins its progress towards a higher sphere.”Q.: “Do these earthbound spirits in the first sphere impress those on earth for bad?”A.: “<strong>The</strong>y do.”Q.: “But I presume that they cannot do much physical harm?”A.: “No.”Q.: “Is this on account of their ignorance of the higher vibrations?”A.: “Yes.”Jenkins went on to say: “<strong>The</strong> thoughts of mortals are very powerful. Supposing you want a certainspirit to come to a seance, or to be with you, all you have to do is to think of them—concentrate onthem—a few minutes before.”Q.: “<strong>The</strong> amount of success depends, I suppose, upon the rapport between you. If twopeople have been much attached to one another, they could establish rapport quicker thanstrangers?”A.: “ Yes.”(Dr. Jenkins, Kaiser told me, was a Doctor of Divinity and Methodist minister... He passedover about 1894. He was well known to Kaiser’s father. He was turned out of the ministry onaccount of his spiritualistic views.)This séance ends my experiences, on that visit, with Mr. Kaiser. I have not been able torecord everything that passed here. Many minor messages I forgot before I could make notes; itwas possible only to put together the salient points in each sitting. It will be observed that there aresome contradictions and differences of opinion between Sharp and Jenkins. Private messages fromIola and some others have been omitted.On January 10, 1909. I went with Mr. Hodges to the house of Mdme. Julienne de Leamont,922 Cass Avenue, Detroit. <strong>The</strong> mediumship of this lady is of a peculiar kind. She has six emptyglobes on a stand, one, in the centre, much larger than the other five. When conditions are

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