Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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124most apparently convincing fact of the interview—the manifestation of Thomson Jay Hudson. Ihad not mentioned his name to either Mrs. Wriedt or Mr. Kaiser, though I knew he was attendingme, because of his promise made at Rochester and his success in carrying a message from Chicagoto Mrs. Georgia. Normally, it was impossible for the psychics to know of this contract. He was notonce in evidence at the house of Mrs. Wriedt, who lived in the same city with him for years; yet hemanifests in the house of a young man who did not come to the city until three years after his death.As will be seen presently, he made his personality quite well known, and eventually proved atRochester that we had talked together at Detroit.During this seance Jenkins said: “The more you study this subject [spiritism] in the earthlife, the more ready are you to progress when you pass over—to advance in spiritual life.”February 3, 1909. 10 to 11 a.m. Atmospheric conditions very good.(90) Music for a few minutes, and then we waited a short time. It was quite fifteen minutesbefore I heard the trumpet moved, and then my guide spoke. She was followed by my father. Thesecommunications were not evidential. Dr. Hudson followed; he promised to try and carry mymessage the following day to Mrs. Georgia at Rochester. He said her play would be a great success,and will be much appreciated by the public. (Events proved that this was only partially true. In thefollowing month a well-known manager in New York bought her play—her first; but, so far, I havenot heard of it being put on the stage.) I inquired how it came about that Iola, who had been inspirit life over thirty-four years, was not able to identify herself so well as he, who had only passedover about six years.A.: “Because I studied this subject on earth, and when I left it I took great pains to findout more about it.”Q.: “Is it correct that you have, in spirit life, a sister called Hester and a brother calledWilliam ?”A.: “ Yes.”Q.: “Can you name anybody except Mr. Hodges who can confirm that at Detroit ?”A.: “I cannot recall just at present.”Then came Dr. Jenkins, who spoke for some time. Among other things I asked himQ.: “How is it that my guide cannot answer anything important about her identity ?”(meaning at Kaiser’s seances). “When an important word comes, her voice, hitherto clear, goes offinto an indistinct sound.”A.: “You are very anxious to hear and she to give the word. This causes you both tobecome ‘positive,’ and the vibration is upset. Your relative is, as it were, looking through a cloud,and can only see indistinctly.”February 4, 1910. 12 noon to 1 p.m. Atmospheric conditions very good. In company withMr. Hodges.(91) Voices, alleged to come from the following spirits, spoke with us: Mr. Hodges’sfather, Iola, “Clytina, Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. Richard Hodgson, and Dr. Jenkins. In the case of Mr.Hodges’s father there was nothing evidential; Iola did not add much to what she had said before,nor did “Clytina.” The latter said, “Alvidas is here.” As a test, this was not of great value, as themedium was well aware of Mr. Hodges’s four years’ sittings with Mr. Cole, during which Alvidaswas the chief communicator, and surrounding entities (Diakka—idle and frivolous spirits) wouldprobably make use of this knowledge. The important features in the sitting were the visits of spiritspurporting to be Sir Isaac Newton and Dr. Richard Hodgson. The former assumed an old, feeblevoice. He said to me: “Sir Isaac Newton; I am pleased to be able to come. Since I passed over I havebeen studying the laws of gravitation, light, and colours; and I desire to impart this knowledge tothe world I have left. It could be done if the proper circle could be arranged and conditions weregood, in the same way as was done when the spirit who has just been here [Clytina] communicatedher messages to your friend. The forces are becoming used up, and I cannot stop long now. Goodbye.”Q.: “One moment, Sir Isaac. Can you tell me, in a few words, what is gravitation ?”A.: “Gravitation is a force generated by the rotation of the globes through ether.”

125Q.: “May I take it that it would be covered by the term ‘ electromotive force,’ andthat the ether is, so to speak, the armature ?”A.: “That would cover the matter very nearly. Good-bye.”(I cannot, of course, assert that my visitor was Sir Isaac Newton; in fact, it appears, on the face of it,extremely improbable; but I can that the psychic was incapable of inventing this novel theory ofgravitation. I had heard of it from one man in England, who is now working upon this hypothesis.As far as I know, no American has initiated any theory of the kind, and only one man in thiscountry. This man is sanguine of success, but, as yet, has not published a single line regarding thematter; with the exception of his immediate family, I question if there are ten people who are awareof the nature of his studies. Personally, I do not see how he can be correct, for scientists haveinformed us over and over again that the ether of space is frictionless. If it were not so, it wouldappear certain that the globes would soon cease to rotate.)It was, no doubt, to the presence of Mr. Hodges that the visit of the spirit purporting to beSir Isaac Newton was due. He has been engaged for years attempting to wrest the secrets of naturefrom the Greeks of past ages, through the mediumship of Mr. Cole.After Sir Isaac left, a voice came through the trumpet, “Doctor Richard Hodgson.” I said: “Iam delighted to see you; I have often wished to do so.” A.: “Yes, I have tried to impress you onthree occasions.Q.: “Please try and tell me something that I do not know, but which Hyslop or someother friend knows.A.: “Not long before my death I had a conversation with Hyslop, when I told him Ithought I should be the next of our Society to leave this sphere.” (There were a few other questionsand answers, but they were not of public interest. Dr. Hyslop tells me that he does not rememberthe above statement of Dr. Hodgson in the form in which it is put; but of course they had manyconversations when the future life and change to another state of consciousness were the theme ofdiscussion.)Dr. Jenkins, the medium’s control, said that Dr. Hudson was away trying to impress a“light” (medium) in another place, to whom I had sent a message. A few hours before I hadconcentrated on a message to Mrs. Georgia which I hoped that Hudson would carry. He also said:“He [Hudson] is preparing some good tests for the time when you sit again at Rochester.”Mrs. Georgia and I had agreed upon a date and time for the above message. It was sent from Mrs.Wriedt’s house at the time arranged (allowing for difference of longitude). Mrs. Georgia wasentirely ignorant of the nature of the message, and of the city I should be in at the preconcerteddate. The message was not carried as I had written it, but there is a knowledge shown in Mrs.Georgia’s script of my doings, and general evidence that Hudson was with me. (See Chapter V.)On this evening (February 4, 1909), at 5.15, Mrs. Wriedt came to my hotel, at my invitation,to see the picture of Iola in the “pale lavender dress.” She told me that she had asked her control,Dr. Sharp, why he was not present at the morning’s seance. He replied that he had been occupied inhelping Mr. Moore’s friends to go to him at twelve o’clock. She wanted to know what this answermeant. I told her that at the time mentioned I was with Kaiser. I found that the two psychics do notknow one another; they live over two miles apart, and may have met in the same room, but are noton those terms which would lead to interchange of experiences with clients. I need hardly say that Idid not supply either of them with the dates and times of my visiting the other.February 5, 1909. 9.50 to 10.45 a.m. Atmospheric conditions not very good; a thaw; clearoverhead.My visitors on this day were my brother-in-law, Iola, Dr. Hudson, Dr. Hodgson, and Dr.Jenkins.(92) Iola told me she had seen me the previous night “reading the message.” (It is a factthat I had taken up the message which I had tried to send in the morning, and read it carefully overin my room at the hotel; this was by way of emphasising the impression on Mrs. Georgia.)Hudson was strong. He said he had carried the message, but thought the “light” had not taken it allin. He knew he had impressed her, but thought she only got part of it; then he went on to say: “Ihave been trying to render the conditions good for you.”

125Q.: “May I take it that it would be covered by the term ‘ electromotive force,’ andthat the ether is, so to speak, the armature ?”A.: “That would cover the matter very nearly. Good-bye.”(I cannot, of course, assert that my visitor was Sir Isaac Newton; in fact, it appears, on the face of it,extremely improbable; but I can that the psychic was incapable of inventing this novel theory ofgravitation. I had heard of it from one man in England, who is now working upon this hypothesis.As far as I know, no American has initiated any theory of the kind, and only one man in thiscountry. This man is sanguine of success, but, as yet, has not published a single line regarding thematter; with the exception of his immediate family, I question if there are ten people who are awareof the nature of his studies. Personally, I do not see how he can be correct, for scientists haveinformed us over and over again that the ether of space is frictionless. If it were not so, it wouldappear certain that the globes would soon cease to rotate.)It was, no doubt, to the presence of Mr. Hodges that the visit of the spirit purporting to beSir Isaac Newton was due. He has been engaged for years attempting to wrest the secrets of naturefrom the Greeks of past ages, through the mediumship of Mr. Cole.After Sir Isaac left, a voice came through the trumpet, “Doctor Richard Hodgson.” I said: “Iam delighted to see you; I have often wished to do so.” A.: “Yes, I have tried to impress you onthree occasions.Q.: “Please try and tell me something that I do not know, but which Hyslop or someother friend knows.A.: “Not long before my death I had a conversation with Hyslop, when I told him Ithought I should be the next of our Society to leave this sphere.” (<strong>The</strong>re were a few other questionsand answers, but they were not of public interest. Dr. Hyslop tells me that he does not rememberthe above statement of Dr. Hodgson in the form in which it is put; but of course they had manyconversations when the future life and change to another state of consciousness were the theme ofdiscussion.)Dr. Jenkins, the medium’s control, said that Dr. Hudson was away trying to impress a“light” (medium) in another place, to whom I had sent a message. A few hours before I hadconcentrated on a message to Mrs. Georgia which I hoped that Hudson would carry. He also said:“He [Hudson] is preparing some good tests for the time when you sit again at Rochester.”Mrs. Georgia and I had agreed upon a date and time for the above message. It was sent from Mrs.Wriedt’s house at the time arranged (allowing for difference of longitude). Mrs. Georgia wasentirely ignorant of the nature of the message, and of the city I should be in at the preconcerteddate. <strong>The</strong> message was not carried as I had written it, but there is a knowledge shown in Mrs.Georgia’s script of my doings, and general evidence that Hudson was with me. (See Chapter V.)On this evening (February 4, 1909), at 5.15, Mrs. Wriedt came to my hotel, at my invitation,to see the picture of Iola in the “pale lavender dress.” She told me that she had asked her control,Dr. Sharp, why he was not present at the morning’s seance. He replied that he had been occupied inhelping Mr. Moore’s friends to go to him at twelve o’clock. She wanted to know what this answermeant. I told her that at the time mentioned I was with Kaiser. I found that the two psychics do notknow one another; they live over two miles apart, and may have met in the same room, but are noton those terms which would lead to interchange of experiences with clients. I need hardly say that Idid not supply either of them with the dates and times of my visiting the other.February 5, 1909. 9.50 to 10.45 a.m. Atmospheric conditions not very good; a thaw; clearoverhead.My visitors on this day were my brother-in-law, Iola, Dr. Hudson, Dr. Hodgson, and Dr.Jenkins.(92) Iola told me she had seen me the previous night “reading the message.” (It is a factthat I had taken up the message which I had tried to send in the morning, and read it carefully overin my room at the hotel; this was by way of emphasising the impression on Mrs. Georgia.)Hudson was strong. He said he had carried the message, but thought the “light” had not taken it allin. He knew he had impressed her, but thought she only got part of it; then he went on to say: “Ihave been trying to render the conditions good for you.”

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