Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union
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120up my acquaintances to bring them to a seance. The two men did not know one another in earthlife; moreover, the psychic was entirely ignorant of my relatives, and the last thing she would guessat would be that my second Christian name—which she had seen in January—would be thesurname of a near relative.) I then went onQ. “You did not think much of this subject when in earth life ?”A.: “No! and I could not understand how you could take it up.”Q.: “What are you doing?”` A.: “I am helping poor ignorant people to understand conditions when they come to thisside.”As he went away I said,” Good-bye, Scott Willcox.” He returned, “My name is Willcox.” “Isaid so.” “Oh! I thought you said ‘Scott McDonell.’” “No.” “Oh, I made a mistake. Good-bye.”Dr. Sharp, who generally winds up a séance, so to speak, now gave a little address in a loud voice,not always, I think, through the trumpet. Among other statements was this: “My dear brotherMoore, we have everything here — the most beautiful flowers and music; and I would speciallymention—we have the animal kingdom.” In answer to my questions, he declared that marriage wasa “spiritual act,” and that the spirit was generated at its consummation. It had no previousexistence. The stars (planets?) influence the destiny of the spirit.February 4, 1909. 9.5 to 10.80 a.m. Atmospheric conditions very good.(87) First there were some etherealisations, the stuff which formed them apparently issuingfrom me, above my head. Several times the psychic said, “I see so and so over your head “; thispreceded the appearance of an etherealisation in front of me. My father and mother came singlyand together, but not distinctly. A sergeant in the army tried to manifest three times. He said I wasa friend of his Colonel, but was unable to give the name; the Colonel had passed over, but he (thespeaker) passed out first.A minister in black coat and tie etherealised and gave his name as Stead. I presume it wasMr. W. T. Stead’s father, who made himself known at” Rochester.Then phantoms came and went for about half-an-hour, perhaps a little more; then speakingthrough the trumpet began. I requested Mrs. W. to speak sometimes while the spirits were talking(in order to prove that the voice in the trumpet was not hers). This she did, not only on this occasionbut others, and I was satisfied. The name of “Catherine” was given by the medium as a person whowas present, but she did not manifest; this is the name of a sister of mine who died in earlychildhood. “Josephine” again made herself known; then a man called A. B., who told me he hadarrived first in the third sphere, but his friends helped him to reach the sixth. He did not appear tobe in any “realm.” About the question as to whether people in different spheres could live togetherhe was rather confused. I referred what he said afterwards to Iola, who laughed in the trumpet andsaid, “What does he know of the higher vibrations ?”Then came Iola and my brother-in-law together. The former spoke through the trumpet atthe same time as the latter was saying into my right ear, “William, how are you, old chap ?” Myanswer was:“I cannot talk to two people at once.” “All right,” he said, “I only wanted to show this as atest”; and for a time I was able to devote my attention wholly to the trumpet. Iola again told meaccurately of what I had been occupied about on the previous evening. Among other details she saidshe had seen me writing my notes, and was pleased to see how well I had understood what she hadsaid “here” (meaning at Mrs. Wriedt’s). She and Mrs. Wriedt had a conversation, and four timesshe called the psychic by name in very distinct enunciation.My brother-in-law also conversed with the psychic about the colours of dresses in therealms. “What colour does Miss Iola wear in her position ?” “Pale lavender,” was his reply. “Whatis your colour, Mr. Henry?” Answer: “Light red.”(The last picture painted in the presence of the Bangs at my first visit to Chicago was one ofIola dressed in a frock of pale lavender. I had this picture at my hotel in Detroit, but, of course, thepsychic had never seen it, and nobody except the Bangs and myself had any interest in it at all. Iconsidered this reply by the spirit remarkable and convincing.)I questioned Iola about the pictures precipitated in the presence of the Bangs Sisters.Q.: “Were you present while your portrait was precipitated ?”

121A.: “I was there all the time, and the artists were doing the picture from me. There arethree artists, one for drawing, one for colours, and one for magnetism.”Q.: “Did you mark the profile portrait which has gone home?”A.: “Yes. I inscribed it to G.”(This picture had no inscription that I could see when I left it at Chicago with the Bangs Sisters.When I arrived home I found the above statement to be correct.)Iola also said: “What made the picture a success was your being present. Had you laid your goldwatch upon the table, I could have extracted the essence and put a gold pin in my hair or dress. Ifyou had taken roses with you to the seance room, I could have put in roses. Spirits love theflowers.”February 6, 1909. Atmospheric conditions good.(88) Before any speaking in the trumpet began, the psychic saw the names of ‘‘Andrew,’’‘George,’Catherine,” and “ Millais “ (or “ Millay”).The first name given through the trumpet was “Catherine.” As I have before explained, I supposedthis was a sister of mine who died in early childhood. She made this fact quite clear on the presentoccasion, and said that she had grown up in spirit life.The second spirit to speak was a man called Calver, who identified himself well. In earth lifehe was a captain in the Navy. He gave correctly the town where he was living when he died, andsaid very distinctly: “We were both in the surveying service of the Military.” If “Navy” besubstituted for “Military,” his statement is accurate, and I looked upon this as a good test.Before Calver spoke the psychic said, “I see a man with a reddish head.” While I was talkingto the spirit he said: “Yes, Redhill was where I lived, not Redhead.” (He lived, after his retirement,at Redhill, near Reigate, in Surrey. What association there was in the medium’s mind betweenRedhill and a reddish head I do not know; but I suggest that she caught a word clairaudientlywhich led to the mistake.)The next spirit who spoke to me was a man who had died at Southsea two years before,called Andrew Balfour, a retired captain in the Navy. He had been my first lieutenant twenty yearsbefore, when I commanded a ship in China, and we saw a great deal of one another for the fouryears preceding his death, when I practically managed his financial affairs, as he was physicallyunable to move about. He reminded me of a trifling incident that occurred in Chicago in January,which showed that he was acquainted with my doings in that city, and announced jocularly: “Imust apologise for coming without an invitation. Ha! ha! ha!” This remark indicated that he wasaware of what had taken place when Scott Willcox introduced himself on February 3.Iola and my brother-in-law now came together, and both spoke through the trumpet. Thiswas probably done for a test, but it was confusing; I asked the latter to quit, which he did, and Ihad a chat with Iola alone about matters of no interest to the reader. Such as it was, it assisted tocomplete the identity of the spirit.In the course of this seance a lady announced herself who had passed over twenty years. Shesaid she was happy, and I thought it no harm to allude to a subject of some delicacy which hadmuch troubled her in her last hours, and which hastened, if it did not actually cause, her death. Isaid, “Do you ever think now of James Montgomery ?“ The answer was, “Not now, but I do wish Ihad never met him”; then came a long, deep-drawn sigh in the trumpet, which made me feel verysorry I had touched the sore place in her memory.Dr. Sharp now announced himself. He referred to my scepticism about my deceasedacquaintance A. R., and said: “He has worked hard and made remarkable progress since he cameover. He is in the sixth sphere, but in no realm at all. He told you the sixth, and he was right. Thereis a very wide difference between sixth sphere no realm and sixth sphere seventh realm [this inallusion to my expressed doubt that he could have reached a position equal to that of Iola]. We donot talk about ‘realms’ until getting to the sixth sphere. There are thirteen realms in the sixthsphere. Spheres are, as it were, conditions of place; realms are conditions of spiritualadvancement.”

121A.: “I was there all the time, and the artists were doing the picture from me. <strong>The</strong>re arethree artists, one for drawing, one for colours, and one for magnetism.”Q.: “Did you mark the profile portrait which has gone home?”A.: “Yes. I inscribed it to G.”(This picture had no inscription that I could see when I left it at Chicago with the Bangs Sisters.When I arrived home I found the above statement to be correct.)Iola also said: “What made the picture a success was your being present. Had you laid your goldwatch upon the table, I could have extracted the essence and put a gold pin in my hair or dress. Ifyou had taken roses with you to the seance room, I could have put in roses. Spirits love theflowers.”February 6, 1909. Atmospheric conditions good.(88) Before any speaking in the trumpet began, the psychic saw the names of ‘‘Andrew,’’‘George,’Catherine,” and “ Millais “ (or “ Millay”).<strong>The</strong> first name given through the trumpet was “Catherine.” As I have before explained, I supposedthis was a sister of mine who died in early childhood. She made this fact quite clear on the presentoccasion, and said that she had grown up in spirit life.<strong>The</strong> second spirit to speak was a man called Calver, who identified himself well. In earth lifehe was a captain in the Navy. He gave correctly the town where he was living when he died, andsaid very distinctly: “We were both in the surveying service of the Military.” If “Navy” besubstituted for “Military,” his statement is accurate, and I looked upon this as a good test.Before Calver spoke the psychic said, “I see a man with a reddish head.” While I was talkingto the spirit he said: “Yes, Redhill was where I lived, not Redhead.” (He lived, after his retirement,at Redhill, near Reigate, in Surrey. What association there was in the medium’s mind betweenRedhill and a reddish head I do not know; but I suggest that she caught a word clairaudientlywhich led to the mistake.)<strong>The</strong> next spirit who spoke to me was a man who had died at Southsea two years before,called Andrew Balfour, a retired captain in the Navy. He had been my first lieutenant twenty yearsbefore, when I commanded a ship in China, and we saw a great deal of one another for the fouryears preceding his death, when I practically managed his financial affairs, as he was physicallyunable to move about. He reminded me of a trifling incident that occurred in Chicago in January,which showed that he was acquainted with my doings in that city, and announced jocularly: “Imust apologise for coming without an invitation. Ha! ha! ha!” This remark indicated that he wasaware of what had taken place when Scott Willcox introduced himself on February 3.Iola and my brother-in-law now came together, and both spoke through the trumpet. Thiswas probably done for a test, but it was confusing; I asked the latter to quit, which he did, and Ihad a chat with Iola alone about matters of no interest to the reader. Such as it was, it assisted tocomplete the identity of the spirit.In the course of this seance a lady announced herself who had passed over twenty years. Shesaid she was happy, and I thought it no harm to allude to a subject of some delicacy which hadmuch troubled her in her last hours, and which hastened, if it did not actually cause, her death. Isaid, “Do you ever think now of James Montgomery ?“ <strong>The</strong> answer was, “Not now, but I do wish Ihad never met him”; then came a long, deep-drawn sigh in the trumpet, which made me feel verysorry I had touched the sore place in her memory.Dr. Sharp now announced himself. He referred to my scepticism about my deceasedacquaintance A. R., and said: “He has worked hard and made remarkable progress since he cameover. He is in the sixth sphere, but in no realm at all. He told you the sixth, and he was right. <strong>The</strong>reis a very wide difference between sixth sphere no realm and sixth sphere seventh realm [this inallusion to my expressed doubt that he could have reached a position equal to that of Iola]. We donot talk about ‘realms’ until getting to the sixth sphere. <strong>The</strong>re are thirteen realms in the sixthsphere. Spheres are, as it were, conditions of place; realms are conditions of spiritualadvancement.”

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