Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union

Glimpses Of The Next State.Pdf - Spiritualists' National Union


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103trying and shall continue to try for the desirable conditions, for I feel coming to you,and……alone I would find that condition of thought that heretofore has been missing, and therebygive free and full evidence of identity you so much desire. <strong>The</strong> law of evolution is carrying usonward and upward in spiritual truth just as fast as mortal mind is capable of accepting andunderstanding in its true light ; and if at times we fail to give you all that your mind requires do notdoubt, but know, that time will reward you. It surely will, and right here I want to say to you thatour beautiful “Cleopatra,” who was such a wonderful intelligence here on earth, and in her manyyears of life and study in the higher advanced spheres in spirit life, is more capable in guiding youin these scientific problems than those who have been in spirit life in times of the past century, andto help you to solve and furnish the missing link for the world of science. This has never beengiven, because science in the material world has not yet reached an understanding of the elementsand laws even of their own atmosphere. <strong>The</strong>y acknowledge the existence of Electricity, its resultsand effect under certain conditions reached through long study and experimenting, but they cannotproduce it independent in substance. It is the propelling power of all life, all action, and the timewill com when your people of science will understand it better, and so there are other elements inthe very atmosphere about you that spirits must understand and utilise to bring about these results.It is because of your ignorance of these elements and lack of knowledge of the average spirits,myself included, coming in contact with these laws that form the barrier of expression.As before stated, in my own domain, all that you seek to know of me this morning is as clearas the noonday sun, but my great anxiety to have powers to give it, as also your anxiety to receive,for the time bars me in expression.<strong>The</strong>re are many subjects of your letter I would like to take in full explanation fully, but Ifear I cannot in this one meeting, so I shall only refer to them briefly, for all come under the samelaw.That I am with you in every move you make, travelling from your own location to that ofyour home in England, you need not doubt. I do not take record of the intervening space of actionbut rush on straight, glide through space, as it were, in the twinkling of an eye. I do not know allthat transpires in your daily life as to material things, but make recognition of them on the whole,and particularly of your success and happiness for this is ever uppermost in mind.……I will go to……and prepare her mind, so that she will overcome that timidity ofspiritual matters, for I am desirous coming to her as I have to you, and believe, yes know, with herwillingness and your combined efforts some wonderful demonstration may be received in the homeproving this great truth.I have been impressing the psychic how to answer some of your inquires, for I cannot referto all in writing. I now feel the forces waning, and must soon close.<strong>The</strong> little impressions forming on one of the photographs is my effort, and I hope toconclude my efforts with some manifestation conclusive and interesting to you…….Adieu. (Signedby the earth name of Iola.)<strong>The</strong> hand writing is the same as that in the previous letter, and has no resemblance to that ofIola when she was in earth life. All the handwriting of replies to letters through the mediumshipof the Bangs Sisters has the same characteristics, as if written or precipitated by one amanuensis.It seems probable that the spirit dictates to a “writing guide,” whose idiosyncrasies creep in.<strong>The</strong>re are Americanisms in the above letter which certainly did not emanate from my guide. Iconsider that the general tone of the letter is much in advance of the mind of the psychic in theroom. <strong>The</strong> pages were numbered by the writer, and the sequence of the writing was as follows :Page 5 was found at the back of Page 4, page 6 at the back of page 3, page 7 at the back of page 2.(69) On the following morning, January 20, 1909 ; atmospheric conditions good. Went tothe Bangs Sisters for a profile portrait of Iola, as arranged on 18 th . Everything was ready at 10.50,and we sat till 11.30. I had in my dollar-pocket a carte-de-visite of Iola, taken in the year 1874.<strong>The</strong> mediums had never seen this or any other photograph in my possession. Fifteen minutes afterwe sat in the window the face and bust appeared ; the profile was looking to the right, precisely thesame aspect as it has now, framed, hanging in my room. Remember, I was looking through the

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